I have been told by the austin powers on here that be that I must post this on chatterbank as well to qualifry for entry If I won the ?60 marks and sparks voucher I would tell the nice new ed on here...
Is it worth me buying one - it is quite expensive and I don't to buy something that doesn't do what it says on the box! It claims to drop you 2 sizes - sales pitch or truth....?
Could anyone explain why men are always missing when a meal is ready? You can spend ages cooking, man of house under your feet, then as soon as dinner is on the plate they are nowhere to be seen.
Hi All, I have 2 brothers, one of which hasn't spoken to our family for years (his wife wanted him all to herself and turned him against us) and the other lives about 10 minutes away. I've never...
Hello, at the minute i have long, dark brown hair. Before i put the dark brown dye on i had blonde highlights, which have since faded. The dark brown hair dye is coming out now, and i really want to...
Post of the week. If I won the ?60 marks and sparks voucher I would tell the nice new ed on here to donate it to children in need. Now I need all of your backing on this one and I need everybody else...
What's happened to Lucy Thomas, has she been banned? I miss her excellent well informed posts, they were always something to look forward to and enjoy. Abdulmajid and Whiffey are also noticeable by...
my hair is very dry does anyone know of a good home remedy to make it soft and sleeky please, have tried so many shop ones but none are any good, thanks
This sounds ridiculous, but I'm dying to know where I can find the shade of lipstick Duffy wears in the video for 'Rain on your Parade'. I'm pretty sure it's also the lipstick she applies in the...
i use to get spots on my forehead. it went away and at first i thought that it was my advanced techniques shampoo and conditioner. now a couple of months later i have started getting the begginings...
Im going through a crappy divorce but my problem is that after a sterling effort for 18months I seem to have lost the ability to be neutral to my daughter about her father. I even called him a sh1tbag...
Can anyone give me some helpful advice. I want to lose around two stone so that I can have a nice gluttonous christmas without feeling too terrible in the new year. The thing is I don't want to give...
Wonder if anybody could recommend anything for my face because it's really starting to get to me : ( Basically, you know the really tight feeling you get when you wash your face in soap? Well for the...
i want to buy my granmother some home heating systems..i was thinking of halogen heaters which are only 3 pence per minute to run. can anyone give me some advice on the best and cheapest home heating...
Does any body use fake tan? ive tried a lot of cheap ones and ive just bought Xen Tan which seemed ok at first but it seems to be going orange now which is what i found with the cheap ones. Ive been...
each day i use many products on myself they are as follows... Morning... Johnson baby soap {to wash body} Femi wash Witch Hazel and Tea Tree facial wash {boots} or Tea tree wipes{boots} Tea Tree toner...