sorry if this is a long daughter lived with b/f and small baby for 8 months-he walked out early april.Then debts that he had run up piled transpired he had paid for VERY VERY...
Ok, i'm 13 weeks pregnant. I had a scan last week (12 wks). I asked the sonographer if she thought she could tell the sex of the baby, she said she thought it was a boy but that it could have been the...
my friend has a new boyfriend and me and my boyfriend went out with them on a double date. my friend is really keen to make it a regular thing but my boyfriend does not like her new boyfriend at all!!...
can you feed a 17 month old too much fruit? My son loves his fruit and eats tons of it, but my partner says i give him too much and that it cant be good for him.
I have just learned that my 17 month old little girl is "spirited ". Does anyone have any advice on how to handle this because i'm at the end of my tether, she is wearing me down.
My 5 month old son has started to become more grouchy than before and fussy when being fed (by breast). He is still sleeping through the night, but sometimes wakes up early (5.00am) and other times at...
Has anyoe heard of Swiss Lotto. I have been informed that I have won a large sum of money which I don't believe but will investigate carefully without disclosures and report to authority if necessary.
I've just hit the roof! My partner has just bought a pair of shoes for our 15 month old daugter. 26 quid!!! She only walks 6 or 7 steps at a time and thats mainly around the house. Is that over the...
Wasn't sure where to put this - I'm going to Alton Towers next week and wondering if anyone knows where i can get money off vouchers for park entrance?
Thank you
at the moment our street is getting bought up by landlords they are putting decent people in which is okay there is a lot of companies advertizing sell your house then rent it back, the situation were...
can anyone help me with where i could get a hold of some cash in scotland my bank has frozon my acc due to fradulent transactions over 500 miles away from me have had a history of bad credit due to...
we went to cardiff at the weekend to watch the speedway. on fri a round of drinks was ?7.20. on saturday the same round was over ?10. when we queried this they said they had put up their prices in...
In IT, which is more important, qualifications or work experience? I'm considering changing careers and taking an Open University degree in IT & Computing. Will I have to stay in my boring...
My daughter and her husband have a property which is worth around ?130,000 and they have a mortgage for ?60,000 on it. Their first two years are nearly up on a deal they got with the lender - they are...