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What do you eat/drink it with? I have been brought up to use a soup spoon, and it seems so right. My OH and others I know use a desert spoon. Not right, is it?...
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Did anyone watch the one show tonight with alex and brookback baker, thought therer was something odd with alex jones' top, did anyone else notice??...
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Sorry if this has been posted before but have just learned that tonight is Burn's Night. Is this just for the benefit of Scotland or do we do it in England as well? What are we supposed to do for this...
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I had a party to go to... And later i had to post items for ebay ......all 18 of them.... 4:30pm (busy hour at post office) And there was only two cashiers on!!! With a big queue! Jeez i could...
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I have applied for PP for a fence, adjoining a highway. It is two meteres high and has received four objections. If it is refused, can I plant a hedge instead, even though planning has been refused...
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Do u think you should want to rip their clothes off there and then LOL Or does that develop in ur opinion x...
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Is it just me who doesn't dress in nice underwear for my husband? I just don't see the point. I am quite unhappy about my body, not so much my figure but I'm quite private about my husband seeing my...
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Max is back home where he belongs and playing the sympathy card at every chance he gets. For the next fortnight he's on a strict regime of antibiotics and painkillers very short walks on the lead and...
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I had a car crash in october 2009. single track road on a rainy morning, collided with oncoming vehicle. Police came and did there stuff(breathalysed/arranged recovery). Police man said as far as he...
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My cat has just eaten the best part of a whole Rhubarb Activia yogurt - is this likely to do her any harm?
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Is there anything to stop two people or more choosing aand using the same avatar on AB? I suspect quite a lot of people trawl through Google images so the chances of it happening aren't that remote.
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Can anyone suggest a good site for me to start to learn to play the piano please. I have looked at a couple, first one the sound was awful and the second one was just TOO basic. It had you playing...
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How do you put CDs on a htc radar phone, using your pc?
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The Archers . . . . . any fans in the AB audience?
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The January 2012 edition of Which Magazine has a survey on Security programs both paid for and free in which Microsoft Security Essentials (free) comes out as the second best program with an 84 per...
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I posted about a week ago regarding my OH's contract with the above company. It runs out on the 21st Feb and he emailed them on the 17th to confirm he didnt want to renew and had a new phone etc. He...
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19 down norse god with new point 5 t????
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On a 38 number roulette wheel, what are the odds on throwing the same number 3 times?
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Regarding the Costa Concordia "More than 100 passengers have already joined a class action and are reportedly seeking to claim more than £100,000 each" This would, I presume, be on top...

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