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How predictable was that! I've had ??????? down on my list from the start! I'm not sure I've enjoyed this as much as the others, don't know what others think.
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635 Employees Unbelievable but true. Thought you might find this interesting ...... I bet this will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Can you imagine working for a company that only has 635...
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The difference between the sexes. This is a story which is perfectly logical to all males: A wife asks her husband, "Could you please go shopping for me and buy one carton of milk, and if they...
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To commemorate the release of the topless photos of Kate Middleton, Royal Doulton will be releasing a Collector's Edition of two small jugs. ----------------------- 7 wheelchair athletes have been...
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Is there a quick way to clear the email box?
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When we picked up our fully paid-up rental car at Denver airport, the details were done on an electronic hand set. In the past, with paper contracts, we were asked if we wanted the extra insurances...
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What's the feeling about the Waitrose anti-Christmas-advert Christmas advert? I'm all in favour of no more extravaganzas, but isn't the charity giving what Waitrose do all year round? I've not been in...
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They've just said Conrad Black's on tonight. Should be a good episode, especially from Hislop who's been onto him for years!
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Why do the desktop icons freeze? I can access the internet from the bar at the bottom but none of the icons work. Any ideas? If I close down and restart it's fine, until it happens again!
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I was wondering what happened to that since the end of Series 1!
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Do we think it was necessary to go through the French courts, apply for extradition and bring him back in handcuffs when he said all along he was willing to return to the UK? Why couldn't they simply...
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Does anyone recognise the town where this is filmed? I thought it looked like the Chester area at one point.
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Here in Norfolk, I've had almost no apples from a tree which last year gave masses of apples, other trees have also looked sparse. How have people in other parts of the country fared?
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We're just starting to watch the new episodes on catch-up. Who's Ingrid, I don't recall her from the older series. What's happened to his other girlfriend who lived in the North of Italy? Thanks!
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Why was the Canadian team disqualified, I've been flicking between diving and athletics. (Glad I proof read my "flicking"!)
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Golddddddddddddddddddddd for Charlotte Dujardin!!!!!!!!!!
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I'm having problems printing a grid in Excel, even though the print preview shows it fits well into the page, I'm only getting half the grid printed. The page I get shows that there's plenty of room...
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My surgery now only offers telephone triage, the doctor phones you, once you've spent ages phoning or visiting the reception desk, and will ask what's wrong. S/he'll then ask all the same questions...
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Wonder if anyone can help me make sense of the rules for HB. Our daughter has an 18 month old daughter, she moved into another authority, intending to eventually find a job once she was settled....
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Yes, I know it's not real but some of the situations do mirror real life. In this story, a girl was being bullied on her way to school, in school, on the street and online, without telling anyone....

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