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Hi I am a mature woman,never been in trouble with the police until last August.Everyone has arguments some time so I don't think I am different,I had a argument with 2 Somalian women last August it...
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I made a debit card payment instore on the 6th January and at one point I did seem like the payment was coming out of my acccount, but now it is not even showing as pending - should is just count my...
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I finished my maternity leave a while ago ... both paid and unpaid one. I'm not planning on coming back to work now as I'm expecting another baby and I'll also want to stay at home for some more time....
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Whenever we dream and no matter how crazy some episodes are, why does our brain never question it?
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me and my fiancee have been trying for a baby for 4 months and yet have not fallen pregnant has any1 got any tips on food excercise positions etc to help us to bring a little person into the world!?!
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if you tied a slice of buttered toast onto a cats back (butter side up) and chucked them out of your bedroom window which side up would they land??
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watching the programme on channel 4 about thai brides. it made me think how lucky folk are in the uk. with social security etc. these women are truly desperate. whats the worst most desperate thing...
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Before the Internet or the Apple Mac. Before Super Nintendo.I'm talking about Hide and Seek in the park. The corner shop. Hopscotch. Butterscotch. skipping. Handstands.Football with an old can.Beano,...
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Is it correct to say: In appreciation of all you do. or In appreciation for all you do. ??
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what was your favourite flavour / colour ? i liked the red ones but really really liked the purple ones the best : - ) how bout you ?
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My kids dont realise how good there life is, i would love for them to watch some kind of film or shock documentry about kids or people who are worse off than them, just to make them realise. Christmas...
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I have very lucid dreams every night and often experience recurring dreams but last night I had a completely unusual dream. Before I get set upon for being a perve, this is completely genuine. Me and...
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If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
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What happens if it is discovered that someone gained a national insurance number under a false married name- having used a forged marriage certificate at her interview?
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i have a small pea sized bony lump on my wrist on the thumb side of my right hand and i was wondering what it could be? i was thinking it could be a Ganglion? my gran has had them for a few...
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This guy I like (just a little, not that much really) he's quite vain and thinks he's God's gift to women. He's always telling me about his numerous gf's and how women just can't resist him, blah blah...
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Can you name one time that you can safely say was the most painful thing you have ever experienced in your life?? I mean physical pain. I have been through 3 open heart surgeries, Ive had pneumonia...
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My dad thinks my mum is having an affair. He has seen a text message she sent to someone who is a relative of our family that suggests more than just friends. He noticed that there is a lot of mileage...
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you only get your life in order when something catastrophic blights your cosy existence. Please all of you appreciate what you had or what you have ............I would have been married to Dave for 28...
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Ian b
My van has started making a screeching niose when the clutch is let out, is this the cam/fan-belt, and does it need to be replaced, is it a serious problem? Ian

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