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Both my dogs have really bad stinks like a dustbin...any suggestions to freshen it up, thanks!
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I'll start the ball rolling 1) new shopping bags that stick together and will not open even if you ask it kindly 2) fruit with pips 3) stairs when there could be a lift 4) taps and showers with no...
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Oh my gosh - is this really what Nicole Kidman has named her daughter?!??! What is wrong with these people?!?!
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Hi - Im 39 weeks pregnant (any day now hopefully!) Weve picked out the name Keira for if its a girl but I cant seem to think of a middle name that will go nicely with Keira - any ideas???
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whats the worst chat up line has anyone had or used? mine was he showed me his watch and asked what time it is then he said its chico time lol xxxxxxxx
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my ex partner has been charged with this offence on me he headbutted me and did further minor injuries to me when i said it was over. when i tried to leave his house he held me at knife point saying i...
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Weather is supposed to be rather splendid tomorrow (25/26c) so who's pulling a sicky?!?!
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Ok we all know SPAM Fritter and SPAM and Chips but does anyone else know some GOOD SPAM recipes please. PS No Monty Python jokes PLEASE !
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how much is your wekly shop now things have risen?
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hi , my daughter is 15 and is mixed race (white and black carribean) she has naturally curly hair when washed but after a while turns into a big ball of fluff she's at the age now where she would like...
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my brother was arrested last night after finding his girlfriend in his car with another man he has hit the man and been arrested under abh he has n o other convictions i have now been told they are...
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i am being steralized in september and would like to no if anyone has had it done?... how sore do you feel after??? and recovery period ??? also how much time should i have off work???
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can anyone tell me what is the best over the counter drug for a migrain help it hurts bad
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i have a painfully shy child who is 11 and although has a few friends at school does not seem to want to mix outside school.. she doesnt seem to be interested in any activities outside school and is...
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My son is 10 today! and me and his father split up when he was very young due to his violence and throwing me about even when I was pregnant, I had our son and hechanged even more...for the worse, his...
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Ours are occupied by OAP sikh men who sit on the benches all day......not polite enuf to offer seat to others, who may want to rest awhile. Because of their constant park occupation, the birds are...
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what is the most rubbish job in the world???????/
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my little boy is in his bed for the first night and he just won't settle is there any tips for settling him at all?
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my partner and I seperated 7yrs ago,and my son lived whith him until recently.He has now decided to come and live with me permenatly but my ex. refuses to hand over the allowance book, what should I...
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Why is it that almost all old people over the UK are up at 5am, making tea and going to the local shop to buy a newspaper?

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