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how can i stop my puppy baking at nite she is 7 weeks old and we have a cage for her when its bedtime and she is asleep when we go to bed but about 3am she baking and whining my hubby comes down to...
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I have friends visiting for a week, and would like to have a plan of eating each day. I dont want to be cooking all day, and am trying to think of a couple of impressive, but fairly simple to cook...
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would you let your little boy do dancing? i have been looking at things for my son ( 3 ) to do ie football, swimming and he wants to do dancing like my friends little girl. i used to dance as a child...
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im 15 but REALLY want a baby, iv bin with my bf for about 1yr and 8 months now i can understand why he dosnt want one bcoz he is 17 i dont no what to do, i dont really want to speak to my mum about it...
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Hi, does anyone know where i can buy a inexpensive baby food mincer to take away on holiday with me please, so far the only one i can find is on ebay. Thanks.
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I heard that smoking cigarettes while drinking alcohol gets you drunk faster. If this is true, why.
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IN THE NOSEBAG . IN THE TROUGH . HAVIN A NOSH UP . Any other silly ways of saying youre having some scran ??
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what are the side effects of a contreceptive implant?
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Can anyone help? Like other blokes I really dont know what to buy! lol Shes a tricky bu**er to buy for! but i need to get her something special, but i dont have a clue, can anyone help? thanks
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Just heard a 16 year old has died from stab wounds. Happened at 2am this morning on Moston lane Manchester. Sixteen years old!!! I'm sickened.
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I'll go first
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I found myself helping a fantastically pretty young lady last night who had slashed her wrists. I took her in, my partner dressed her wounds and the ambulance was summoned. I accompanied her to...
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I need some advice please? I live with my partner of 3 years, we live with my 2 teenage sons and his 2 teenage daughters come to ours every other weekend. The oldest of his daughters absolutely hates...
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im only in my early 30s but at the temple and round the hair line i am white im to embarressed to go to the hairdressers i want to dye it at home before i get it cut what is a good dye and the best...
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Hi. My mum is in a care home and has dementia which is getting slowly worse. As the appointee of her pension I have just received a bill for about ?350 for meals-on wheels ect from when she was living...
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over 40 years on from their convictions, what do people think of them?
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anyone suggest a very very cheap wedding venue for me and my bloke in the uk just me and him my daughter and 2 witnesses?
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Anyone out there with simple fish recipes for babies/toddlers! Not being a big fish fan myself i dont want it to effect my daughters fish intake and at the moment i dont think she's getting enough....
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my ex has been told he does not need to pay for our 11 year old daughter. would i be able to find out the reason why as they are not clear in their letter he also has had no contact for over 3 years
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anotheoldgit 7/One-whites-claim-victims-racism.html Do you consider yourself a victim of racism?

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