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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
1363 Answers
What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
jno, if you google "donating prescription glasses" there are quite a few places that take them. I am taking a breather in between moving furniture.
I took a load of old specs into Specsavers some time ago .They send them to vision aid .
Yes I was surprised too Jno .Having met him on a regular basis he always came across as a nice enough chap .He used to be a regular customer at the bakery where I worked in sarf London.About once a month he would come in having had his breakfast at the greasy spoon next door and buy a load of bread and rolls for his freezer .He was always very charming and would have a laugh and joke with us .Never smutty either .
But of course who knows what he got up to elsewhere .
Oooh I say Neti ..a best answer, thank you I have to wear my tiara ?
have just recieved a call from OH who it turns out is at the bottom of the garden with the black cat. I have locked the back door to make sure neither of them can get it. They can spend the night in the shed and I may leave a couple of saucers of milk out for them.
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err. I was going to ask who gave you the best answer, twasn't me, sorry, but I'll leave it for now.
Oh crikey Neti, have we got a skellington in the biddie closet :)
How can someone other than you give best answers on your own thread ?
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No idea but I suspect it's this windows 8.1, if I leave my finger for just a second too long on something off it jolly well goes. Lately I've been reporting my own posts for abuse, it's a fat finger fing!

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See just done it again! Never mind you enjoy your best answers. Tis my fault.
Lol Neti .Nearly as bad as my wiggly commas and z's for y's.
Goodnight all .
I suppose I should be saying oight oight though I don't know if my body is really ready to relax, given that it hasn't actually done anythng all day. However, I have let OH in from the garden, without feline esort.
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jno I just cannot imagine your OH being stuck in the garden with a cat!

Just watched Vera and I enjoyed it. Just downloading Prey now as I love John Simms.

Oight oight all.
I'm still sitting here .Wide awake .I'm having a dodgy sleep pattern lately.
I sometimes yearn for the days of routine .Going to work and having a regular time to get up and go to bed .I do try to keep on an even keel and even set the alarm ,which I swore never ever to set again once I packed up working unless it was for anything important ...hey ho
Neti this is weird with this best answers business .Are you still there and awake ?
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Good morning, am awake now.yes I did change the last best answer. Nothing weird I think its this stupid finger thing, but I honestly don't remember doing the first one.
good morning all...Shughy has decided that the redecorated bedroom is too scary to sleep in at night so we all ended up downstairs again. To be fair the rain was lashing down and I have got windows open because of the smell of the new carpet so it was noisy. We will have to work on it bit at a time. I foresee myself reading on the bed and taking afternoon naps for a week or so. Poor soul was really scared not fooling.
Morning all...what a grey day but the garden looks good with it's 50 shades of green.

Even though I was exhausted my body wouldn't relax last night either and then I just slept in fits and starts. I think I'd eaten too much which didn't help, fish, chips 'n mushy peas, 2 slices b&b, (apparently that's soo common, lol) followed by tea & biscuits and a few pieces of butter fudge. Surprised I didn't have night mares about ghosts in the biddy house. :)

'without the feline' think jno?
poor Shughy, I remember when I had a new carpet in the living room, Charlie slowly tottered about on it as if it was a bed of nails.
ooo fish and chips with bread and butter, one of my favourites. You can make fish and chip butties.
Morning all
Dull again .I feel like something Jno's cat has brought in and refused to eat this morning .Another rotten night .Throbbing knees ,itchy legs ...gawd.
I love fish and chips .My favourite .Lots of vinegar on the mushies .Yum .
Funny how dawgs get set in their ways. Shaney got most upset when we bought a new rug once and refused to lay on it for a while .
I love the smell of new carpet but I suppose to a dog it not of wet muddy dog :)

my sons were terrible for putting food between two slices of bread, they said they liked food they could pick up. How very caveman. I should have fed them on sandwiches.
bleeuughhh, I must have slept about four hours including tottering back at 8am to try again. No cats in my dreams but I kept missing buses and someone stole my bag, so you can see I am psychically troubled.

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