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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
1363 Answers
What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
Morning all...are we shrinking the woollens today? :)
So sad about Peaches, poor Bob.

It's a bit blowy but sunny here and finally it's stopped raining, yesterday was so depressing. I was in bed by 9 but I watched Undeniable...well, most of it, I did drift off a couple of times.

I think I need to find a man to slap some paint round...does yours need his overalls washing yet woofy? ;o)
Morning all
Breezy here too,but sunny and not so warm . Better than that dreary day yesterday though .
Hope you're all Ok.
Lol....It would shrink if I put it through the mangle Robinia :)
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.Morning all, it's a lovely day today, hija's room all cleared and cleaned, but I just know she'll bring trouble when she comes.....
oh, the forecasts say it will be quite nice all day here, but I'm not fooled, I am going to stay indoors under my umbrella.
Its nice here. Nice man is outside cutting legs off. Dogs are shut inside complaining because I won't let them go out and play with a large circular saw.
I'm not happy . The library decided to update their website and have been off line for three weeks .Up and running now and I log in only to find my wish list and saved searches have all been deleted .Bah to them .
Went to library to ask about it ,and the staff look very harrassed !
Wish lists will now be deleted from the system after two days but I can download it my smartphone if I want to keep it .
I don't have a smartphone .What's the point of having a wish list just for it to be deleted .
I said to them ..all this new technologly and I'm back to using a notebook and pen.
If it ain't broke don't fix it !
Just thought I'd let off a bit of steam :)

Shaney that is plain stupid. How can libraries expect people to support them if they pee the customers off? Nice man has gone. table and chairs are now 3 inches shorter and fit me nicely. Its also amazing how much brighter the room is with the furniture lower.
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woofy urgent! Please caN YOU TELL ME HERE ANDNOW HOW to make salad cream, need some! Ta
was it this one?
k, the recipe for homemade salad cream comes originally from Mrs Beaton, but when I’ve made it myself I have changed it a little, Mrs Beaton used far too much vinegar in my humble opinion, but the recipe is flexible so add more if you wish.

To start you will need to hard boil some eggs, I normally do 6 or 8 depending on the size of the egg. Fresh salad cream will only last for about 3 days in the fridge, so it’s pointless making a huge batch. Boil the eggs for about 10 minutes then place in ice cold water to cool. Once cooled remove the shells and slice in half, place the yolks in a bowl and wrap the whites in cling film and place in the fridge.

To the egg yolks add a teaspoon of Dijon mustard, a pinch of salt and pepper, and a splash of vinegar. You can also add a sqeeze of lemon juice too if you want. Blend all these together to form a thick paste. Now start to add some cream, do it slowly and keep mixing. You don’t want the sauce too thick or too runny.

When you think it’s nearly at the right consistency, stop and do a taste test. Now is the time to add more mustard or pepper if your taste buds demand it. Finish off by adding a little more vinegar until you acheive the right consistency.

Of course if you don’t want to add more vinegar add a little more cream, as I said earlier this is a flexible recipe so make it how you like it.
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Thanks woofy, am making emergency egg mayonnaise sandwiches for when hija arrives as he Ryanair flight is delayed from 20.50 to 11.10!(arr 00.+) so Macdonalds will be shut.

off to make it now xx
well that's very annoying, shaney. I tried to support my library, whose systems were fine, but the council have ripped it down anyway. It was only 20 years old.

We are making our grand visit to Highgrove tomorrow. Would you believe cameras are banned, including smartphones They are probably terrified we will take photos of the Duchy Original biscuit trees and sell the secret to China. This anti-camera paranoia drives me crazy.

I suppose cutting the legs off all one's furniture is cheaper than raising the ceilings?
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sorted, thank woofy!
Ooh that's annoying too Jno .No doubt they're worried you may spot Camilla having a fag behind the a nice time though,hope the weather keeps fine .
I'm still wandering around the library and various other literary websites trying to get my books back into a list !
Hope hija arrives safely Neti .
You might be a stringer for a red top or a celeb mag jno....
neti you are welcome
One did consider adding a minstrels' gallery and glass cupola to the dining hall but that wouldn't have made one's legs longer.
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Waiting at airport 00.20 its just landed.
I had a nice Jean-Paul Gaultier chocolate eclair today... very tasty. Brought home by OH from the opening of an exhibition of his clothes, which I am assured is very nice. If you like that sort of thing.
we're not going inside, woofgang, it's just a garden tour. Guided, so we will not be sneaking orff to look at the wrong plants.
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Moorning all, are you off to Highgrove today jno? if so have a good time.

Another lovely day here, just off out for a coffee, see you all later.

Hope all ails and ills have improved.
no nicking cuttings jno.
sinusitis is much better.
Morning all
Lovely day here .Hope it's fine for the rest of you.
Same old here .I keep staring at the vacuum cleaner and it stares back at me .Washing done and flapping away .No matching pegs though ...sorry about that Neti :)

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