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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
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What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
I used to be able to tote that barge and lift that bale ,no problem .Always worked hard all my life .In my youth in the summer seasons here I used to work 70 hours a week doing two jobs .I know I'm not twenty years old any more ,even 30 or 40 but I'm 66 and feel 96 at times !
Evenin all...I lost my broadband again, tut, but after switching the hub off and doing something useful it came back. The new hub arrived this afternoon but I'll consult Tarquin before I mess about with it.

I know about the frustration shaney, it annoys me too. I loved slapping a bit of emulsion round but I can't do it now. I was moaning the other day to my sister about changing the bed, even that seems to take ages...I used to have three to do and never even thought about it. I think I'll buy a sleeping bag and throw it down in the corner :) I hope the pills help you.

I'm sleepy too & my stomach's griping. This weather's not helping, mostly cloudy & we've had some downpours today, its been very muggy.
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Yes I used to work two jobs, one first at the telescope makers at Temple Fortune, then hop on the tube to usher and sell ices at the Odean in Edgeware, 15hrs a day, no wonder I was thin, and then get belted at home for my trouble!! I stopped proper work when my mum died as there was no one to look after 3yr old hija and I was 45yrs, she went to nursery but it was horrendously expensive, I used to clean private villas in the mornings, and continued to clean in the mornings at various places until shwas about 12. School came ouot at 2pm so a full day job wasn't possible. I even took in ironing to make a few bob and it all helped. I don't mind ironing just cba to round to it.

I have to say I feel better at my age now (very nearly 70) than I did when I was 66yr.
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Gosh that's reminded me I used to steam the mattresses very two weeks, certainly haven't done that in years, it's all I can do to lug Henry about once a week.

I also left my keys in the door again yesterday, it's an old woman thing!!! Shows we haven't much to burgle (doesn't look right but it is!) as that's twice and no one has bothered!!!! I find I leave the gas on when the dinner is cooked, but luckily I am in the habit of wiping the top of the cooker and closing the lid so I then notice it. If MR N sees he's blows a gasket!
Just watched Happy Valley ....omg.
Won't spoil it for you Neti in case you haven't seen it yet .
Oh not bed changing .I lug the duvets and pillows about like an crock ,takes me ages
I turn a blind eye to lots of things these days .
It's very muggy here tonight ,no rain as yet though .
What are we all like eh ....Goodnight lovelies .Sleep well.
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Good morning. Oh will watch Happy Valley tonight!

Yes since we changed to a king sized duvet I have an awful job changing the cover, I used to manage fine in the old days but now, I'm inside out upside down and get in a dreadful state. I have to remember to dust the ceiling and corners cos of the cobwebs! No one told me when I painted this uneven wall purple that it would show the dust on the lumps!
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Hope you are all feeling well or as well as can be expected at our advanced ages!!
Morning all
Bit dreary out there this morning ,warm though.
Hope you're all Ok .
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Should be my new dress if you can see it!
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Just seen Happy Valley, yes indeed omg! but it hasn't finished yet has it?
hello all, Neti that is a posh frock. sis is here we have been running around and i am exhausted. oight oight all
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Good morning each and every biddy. My tis quiet on here innit?

Overcast and warm.
Morning all
It's overcast here too and looks as if it's going to slosh it down again any minute now.It poured all night long and was blowing a gale .Drove me potty .
Hope you're all ok though .
That's a posh frock Neti ,very nice .
Question Author
It was so windy here yesterday, people's car ports were blowing away!

St Shaney of the Sheets! Was just changing the bedding and ws dreading it as I am all arms and lgs and get in a terrible muddle so I silently asked Shaney to ease the path and lo and behold did it in one, all the right way and eveything!! Am washing on 60º which I do not usually do, usually use 40º but felt like it!
A'noon all...or should I say few. Glorious yesterday...grey today. We've had one lot of rain, more on the way.
I just don't seem to be able to get my act together, I start something, or at least think about starting, lol, but I just don't get much done. My bio's must be out of rhythm or something.

Lovely dress neti, I like black 'n white/ivory. I found a dress I'd like for a wedding but realised it was petite only so the waist would be under my tiny bazoom and the hemline under my bum. I don't think it's going to happen for the Tarquins this year anyway, they've too much going on. S'pose I could buy the dress, by the time they get round to it I might have shrunk. :)
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I'm thinking black heeled shoes, red clutch bag and red fascinator or flower or red n black, opinions please?
Hello again
It turned out lovely here after all and we went to vote and then went into town.Had to go somewhere or I'll go stir crazy ! Had a bogof meal in Burger King .
I bought some sandals and went in Boots and came home .
I know the feeling Robinia .I lost my Boots card .I've just searched all round for it and eventually found it under my nose in my handbag .Gawd 'elp us.
Glad to be able to help with sheets Neti ..saintly I am not
I think I'd go for an ivory colour to match the panel .Red's a bit Carmen Miranda :)
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The panel is white, so white accessories then?

I would love to go to Burger King, it's been more than a year since I've been, or to McDonald's either, not that I liek them but once in a while, and in Mac's I onoy ever have a Happy Meal as I do not like hamburgers, or their chicken or fish so a MacRib if available, chips yes, love chips and a fluffy icecream dessert.

Mr N finished off the meatballs, I have a Dr Oetker salami pizza (good old standby) and hija just eats anything and everything, drives me mad!!
Ah I, thought it was an ivory colour Neti .Yes, then I suppose red would look nice .Not that I'm any good at dishing out fashion advice !
We had double cheeseburger & chips but we only have it now and again for a treat if there's a bogof coupon in the paper .It's too expensive otherwise .
Btw ,I 've won a DVD from a crossword.12 Years a Slave .
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Oh lucky you shaney, well done. It's not a film I'm too bothered about but will catch up with it one day.

So it's alright now to be Carmen Miranda, you have me worried now, will have to sleep on it before I buy the clutch bag tomorrow.

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