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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
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What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
well, everything in the garden is lovely...

Everything but the poor robinia on the right at the back there. I have nursed it since it was a wee mutant orphan with twigs growing off in every direction, and got it up to 12ft high. But every year another branch seems to die. This year it was one of the main two at the top, the one that was actually spreading out and making the tree look pretty. (And you can see another dead one going off to the right.) So now there's just one clump of leaves at the top and another halfway down.

I don't really think this is going to last much longer. Perhaps I shouuld start referring to it as a pseudo-acacia, to spare Robi's feelings. It's about 10 years old now and getting smaller rather than bigger. They're so nice when they grow properly but I think this one was cursed by a bad fairy when it was young.
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Beautiful garden jno, but looking for a Robinia is like where's wally to me!!
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I'd kill the cats jno, they are feral who like to come into the villa, and as I always have double front doors and back door open, they slip in merrily. I do put gates up but then went I nip to laundry room, they nip in OR, mousey uses that corner to pee in when she is at home alone, she's never needed a dirt box but there's one there now!!! just in case, at night she always shouts to be let out!
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Remember my young friend who has 3 failed ops for an abcess on her brain? Well she had her 4th op today, took 4 hrs and they say it is a success ffinally. She is talking slowly but they think it's temporary.
the pseudo acacia is the tall yellow plant at the right, only it really should be taller, a proper tree.

Glad to hear the abscess has been removed! What a horrible business, 4 ops on the same thing
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Jude says she is OK and really appreciates having us as friends and will be back soon.
Lovely garden though jno. There's a Robinia sickness going round the UK, no one seems to be able to work out what is causing it

Neti I hope this is the final thing for your young friend, I will carry on praying.

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Thanks woofy for your prayers, you are sweet.

I think Robinia should ring a bell every time she comes on here now and she should shout "Diseased!"
uh oh.....I sense a thwacking coming Neti.
Lovely picture Jno ,very colourful .Nice and secluded too .
It's been a lovely day here and I have done nothing this afternoon but lounge about on the tete, reading with a bit of snipping here and there .

I hope your friend makes a successful recovery Neti and I'm glad Jude is Ok. Sleep tight all .
I'd be hiding in the morning Neti if I were you :)

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Good morning all, just popping in before Robi sees me!
good morning, we skipped going out this morning as Rab is still a little stiff in his shoulder. Are the dogs restless and hyper because hey missed their exercise? No, they are asleep!
Morning all
Bit cloudy atm .Come out sun wherever you are .
Hope you're all ok .
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What a nice surprise, mousey used the dirt box. I put it where the smelly corner if the carpet used to be. She's getting old now so will leave a clean box there whenever we leave her alone or at night.
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Shaney what and where was the pub you worked in Jno Sutton, was discussing it with Mr N and couldn't remember.
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Jno?? Where did that come from??
The Woodstock on the Epsom Road .
It's on the corner of the junction there Neti . Stonecot Hill and Sutton Common Road .
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That's it Shaney I was describing Sutton common road but couldn't remember the name, ta.
where's Robi?

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