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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
1363 Answers
What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
Waves back to you Woofy and sis ..Oight Oight .
Oh just be waiting for him with a can of Flit shaney. He'll be easy to spot, I daresay he's the Brad Pitt lookalike.....not.

I enjoyed There to here, some of Philip Glenister's quips made me laugh out loud.

I've never really been a mars bar fan, I used to love Picnic bars in the days when my teeth were all present and correct.
Lol..Robinia , more like Brad S**t !He's talks enough of it ..haha.
I like Philip ..he's so droll . He was brilliant in Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes and I love him in the Gordons Gin ad.
I must go to bed's all systems go tomorrow .Picky is here until Thursday as he's working over this way . Bathroom chaos ,but I might get the grass cut :)
Goodnight lovelies.
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Good morning. Talk about fireworks, just because Madrid (they would have anyway!) some kids next door set of bangers about midnight, I thought they were gunshots at first, so loud and so close, Mousey of course didn't turn a hair.
Laptop is playing up, I type and then it s l o w l y types the words! and my mobile is playing up on both UK and Spanish sim cards!

I do not much like Mars bars either Robi, I was eating the spanish version which is smaller and less sweet and it was only because I am not diabetic that I ate it!
Morning all
It's not bad out there atm .Bright and breezy .
Were they letting off fireworks for the football Neti ? I didn't get to see The Americans last night because it went into extra time .I hope it's on catch up .
Good Sunday everybiddy. Lovely day here up to now but how long for I don't know. Back on Tuesday so see you then. Have a good day and I love chocolate of any kind! But dark orange or ginger is my absolute favourite mmmmmmm.
See yer later gaters!
Morning all...I think it's stopped raining but it's very chilly (11C) and it'll be too wet to do anything outside.

I don't get some people and their fireworks, there were some going off for about 10 mins the other afternoon in the bright, warm sunshine. The world's gawn mad.

lol neti, your laptop's a bit like hurries on ahead and some days, if I'm really lucky, I catch up with it. Right now I'm running behind yesterday, I've got to tidy up the trail of destruction I left around and couldn't be bothered to do anything about.
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Good afternoon folks. Was peeing down here so I dressed for winter and we went to a beach bar for lunch! We had a complete mixture, a plate of clams in oil and garlic, a plate of baby squid, salad, 2 crunchy goats cheeses, a big plate of chips and a BBQ hamburger, washed down with a pint of lemon shandy each. It was delightful. I do not usually like hamburgers but fancied one so we shared it and I enjoyed it, then I had a Walls iced mocca cappuchino, oh to die for, am now back in bed watching Rear Window.
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The big disco Space opens at 16hrs today so we have kept clear of the Ibiza side of the island, people fly in just to pay 80€ to get into it, hija of course is on the guest list, so won't see her til tomorrow since last night. Loads of police are drafted in just to keep the partygoers going in the right direction, it is bedlam, we got caught up in it one year!!
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Good morning, had a good night's sleep, even if I had to let the cat in and out of the window at some time in the night.

Feels quite fresh here but the sun is shining.

Hope you are all OK, laptop behaving well today!
Morning all...quaite naice here at the moment but apparently t'aint gonna last, tut. No disco noise here but someone not far away has got a bloomin cockerel that starts crowing at daybreak and doesn't stop...I bet their next door neighbours love 'em. I'd be round there with the Duck tape... :)

Neti, how can you eat such a mish mash of food and survive?

I keep veering to the left, I almost went head first into a bucket of water yesterday and this morning I walked into the bathroom and almost straight back out again :)
Which way is out?
< < < <
Thanks Neti for the best answer. Off to Brighton today in the pouring rain but feel heaps better.
Home tomorrow.. Laters gaters!
A large part of the historical Fakenham town Centre was burnt down yesterday and what didn't crash down will have to be demolished. Am feeling very sad.

Hope you are all OK.

Morning all
Not too bad here ,bright atm though it's supposed to rain later.
Hope you're all ok.
Yes I saw that on the news yesterday Lottie .I think they were quite old historic buildings too.Good job nobody was hurt though .
Not much going on here .Picky is in residence for a few days and yesterday he cut the grass did a bit of shearing of bushes and raked and weeded all the gravel for his poor old mother had to supply plenty of tea and I think that deserves a slap up roast dinner tonight .
That's awful Lottie...Our Assembly rooms had a nasty fire in March and has had to close for 18 months. It's not an historical building but a shame for all those who were due to appear or had booked to visit.

Lovely shaney...the good thing is your garden will be fabulous by the end of his stay...the bad news is you'll be sick of seeing the cooker. :)
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Sun is finally out but there a nip in the breeze.

Hija still out!!!

Robi I can eat most things, have a strong stomach, in the old days here we couldn't afford to waste anyhting, most of our food was cheap out of date and was absolutely fine, so I can certainly eat a few clams with a hamburger!
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If you've never eaten green pork ribs, then you haven't lived, and you lot probably wouldn't!!
Stupid weather...rain stopped play in the garden so it's back to the knitting.

I used to be able to eat anything .... :(
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just been sunbathing for about an hour, then it got a) too hbot and b) too cloudy!
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hbot?? hotbot maybe?

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