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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
1363 Answers
What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
It's chucking it down here ..bldy weather !
And football on teevee ,how cheerful
better get used to the football. I had better look for a cave to live in until it's all over.
Oh I'm used to it alright Jno .I've had years of experience with my football mad crew. We already have a wall chart and Mr S asked me where the German flag is ,which we have to hang from the mantelpiece ..I ask you ! I know where it is but I'm not telling ..heheee.
It's not stopped raining all bloody day here. Still it did get me working on my back bedroom again before I went to school. I managed to strip all the rest of wall paper off now as it has only been partly done for weeks. Just have to wait for bro to come to stay in August so he can decorate for me. Bless him, I told him any time this year would do so it may take a few visits! :-)
I really feel for you all with your pains and medications. I don't get many. My wrist plays up quite a lot especially in the morning when it is really stiff and when I start to move it really hurts for a while then it's not too bad once it gets cracking. Then my left knee plays up a bit coming up stairs but that's about it. I quite expect it to get worse but touch wood not yet.
I'm now getting in the mood for tennis and the World Cup.(not playing, of course) Just watched Murray win his quarter final in the French open.
I did start to watch Happy Valley last night but I was in bed and fell asleep. Sorry I missed it all really because everyone I've spoken to says it was brilliant. Even Fuschia wouldn't miss it. I'm rambling a bit now aren't I so I think I'll go and make a drink then get into bed. Not doing much tomorrow except meeting My neighbour who moved away over 20 years ago. She now lives in Staffordshire but we get together 3 or 4 times a year. Looking forward. Lazy day.
Oight oight Biddyfriends. Laters gaters!
I know, Jude, I nearly fell asleep during the disquisition on Henry VII's palace layouts. When it was really quite interesting, in a BBC4 kind of way.
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Good morning all, yes like jude I feel extremely lucky that I am quite able and mobile, I ache a bit sometimes but it's really nothing, except my feet do bother me, they feel numb under the toes, and the toe I broke is as stiff as a board and I cannot bend it, I can still pick up things from the floor though with my toes.
Mr N sorted my cabinet door which was hanging by a hinge, he has taken it off completely! I do hope he repairs it and puts it back on.

Overcast again today and it was so hot last night.
Morning all...chilly but brightening up after a wet start. My life's a thread :)

Oh you didn't? Naughty shaney....

Morning all
Miserable one here .Dull and chilly .
Hope you're all ok though .
Lol Robinia ...that's a great idea ..hahaaa.
what a wonderful thing the Patient Access website is, I was able to choose to see Dr Smart instead of Dr Clot and she's been through my meds and concluded that half my ailments are caused by pills (prescribed by Dr Clot) for other ailments. So I have some new pills to try and can abandon some of the old ones, at least on a trial basis. Brave new world, here I come.
Oh well done can you tell me where to find the Sunshine Access website please? It didn't brighten up after all.
I think if you look up Carcassonne on Accuweather... it works for me, and I am off tomorrow to a sweet leetle zheet (I hope).
oh is that where you're off to? Between 28 and 30C next week, eek!
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One gets used to it Robi, clouds gone and sun out now.
A huge spider has just just scuttled out from somehere and run across my desk think it's looking for Neti.
Ooh are you off to warmer climes Jno ..I don't blame you .Have a nice time .'ll be the one I've just deleted from my computer shaney, I'm trawling through old stuff and getting it gone. I've just wiped 200 pics, hundreds more to go, and emails and's very tedious.
just going for a friend's birthday party; her chums own the zheet somewhere out in the countryside. We'll have a couple of nights there then a couple in the town then put our woollies back on and come home to the aftermath of the weekend storms.
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Yuk shaney in the daytime and on a desk?? I just cannot stand it, I dread them at twilight and on the floor but running hither and thither, oh gawd!!

Well what a waste of time it was getting eyelashes dyed, cost 12€ and I think they must have fallen out and she didn't tell me, don't look any different, I thought They would be sumptuous and plentiful but you can't see the damned things. When I put on mascara they look lush, so why oh why did I bother? Weather very changeable here today, hot one minute, cloudy the next, and from what I hear UK is still in the grip of winter, not that I mind but what clothes to take?? All my winter woolies have been cast and are in a suitcase/rubbish bags in various places!!
neti, I bet they'll set off alarms when you go through airport security. You may have to prove they are not explosive.
oh dear oh lor, anguished call from jno jnr, who is about to lose his job. His boss liked him but has concluded he's not up to the job, which is a terrible blow to his self-esteem (always a bit fragile, though he is bright and hard-working). And the wedding only a couple of months away. I cannot rush to his aid as we are off at sparrowfart and won't be back till Tues. We have fed him moderately useful advice about what to do next but can't do more at the moment. He is 30+ and still I feel distraught on his account.

The one good thing is he has already paid off his mortgage, so that is one potential disaster that won't happen.
Oh what a shame for him Jno .I hope he soon finds something .
Children are a worry no matter how old they are .

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