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netibiza | 20:58 Tue 10th May 2005 | Adverts
1363 Answers
What has happened to that dear little boy who was making breakfast and thumping on his parents bedroom door - its now missing from the advert and I thought he was so sweet!!!


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ooh, you're Friday the 1300th, Robinia
19:28 Fri 13th Jun 2014
Sorry about your Jnr Jno. Must be really soul destroying to be told something like that but I'm sure you'll help him to get through it. It is good his mortgage is paid though. It's a great feeling when that is finished.
I've had a lovely day today. Lunch in the City with my Scots friend then we walked round by the river and sat in the river gardens in the warmth. It wasn't bright sunshine but very pleasant. We even looked in the Council House which has been renovated for 'trillions' but I have to say I think it looks good.
Going to watch Law & Order uk now. It's a repeat but I didn't see them all.
Oight oight all.
so sorry jno...they are always your kids, regardless of age aren't they?
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Jno, so sorry, it is absolutely heartbreaking when something happens to one's child like that. You have to bolster up their ego, but he must feel awful. Have to day that having an hija like mine, these things happen all the time, one gets to expect them, but jno jnr sounds very nice and responsible. But that's what parents are for, we support and pay (through the nose usually!) Not sure if we know what he does for work, but without doubt he will get another job and soon, and good luck to him.

If typing is illegible it's cos a) I cannot type anymore and
B) have had a few vinos, hierbas, and a few other (legal) things!
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Good morning, overcast and thundery today, just hung out my boil washed whites, do hope we don't get muddy rain! My head is a tad fuzzy, ooh and we have a cocktail opening to go to tonight, will have to sleep it off today.

Hope everyone is ok, keep yer spiders to yerselves thank you very much!
good morning all.
Good morning Biddyfriends. Hope you have a lovely day. The sun is shining and I'm off out to a garden centre for a browse! I may just spend a few bob if something takes my eye.
I will be remembering the brave men who landed in France 70 years ago today to protect us all! Yesterday I was with a lady who's Dad was there and she has just received letters which he had written at the time and it was an emotional conversation for her as he never ever talked about the war to her saying it was men's work and it is only since she read these letters that she understands what he was trying to protect her from!

That said I am going to enjoy my day with them in mind as that is wwwwwwhat theeeeey fought for
Sorry about the end of that last post my ipad went barmy on me.
I hope you understand what I've been trying to say!
Morning all...
oh dear what rotten news for such a glorious morning. I think I must have spent so much time with you all that I've become in tune with your emotions, I couldn't get to sleep last night I felt so agitated and depressed. That's a blow jno, I know how you feel for him but it's good he has a fiancee and a home that's paid for. I could write a book about how I've been down to the bottom with worry several times about my two but I've always known that things would turn out well...even when it went right up to the 'eleventh hour'. He'll be fine, life has something better lined up for him. No good us saying don't worry but try and enjoy your trip.

Better make the most of this weather, it looks like a one day only offer.
Morning all
It's a lovely one so far .Hope you're all ok . Doesn't look as if it's going to last though ,the forecast for tomorrow looks dire .
Better polish my wellies .
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Sweltering here, hate it, too hot to sunbathe. Have been washing and ironing and cleaning all the rooms and beds and bath mats etc, phew fed up, and I have a fuzzy head.

8.30 c0cktails at a new posh veranda restaurant, You can rely on me tobring the tone down!!

Trying to rest but keep thinking of things to do. Havw a half-packed suitcase.
Hi Neti hope you're enjoying yourself. When will you be coming over here then?

Oight oight everybiddy. Hope tomorrow's weather isn't as bad as they're saying it's going to be.
What a lovely day it's been here .Hope you've all enjoyed the sunshine .
Pacamacs on tomorrow though !
I'm away to my bed as it's early doors for the market tomorrow .
I watched Dolly Parton earlier on the One Show .She's so nice and it reminded me how much I like a bit C&W now and then .I'll say Goodnight all and leave you with one of my favourites .Sleep toight .
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Morning all.

Jude I am flying to UK tonight for 3 weeks.

What a waste of an hour was that cocktail do last night, it was full of over pretentious rich people who all own huge yachts and homes etc, the views were amazing but glass balconies and I jsut couldn't go near the edge as it was 6 floors high. All very wonderful I am sure, but Mr N and had a quick drink, a quick catchup with old friends, then we left and joined other friends for tapas and beers. On the way out we met the owner of the hotel who had invited us, so we pretended we had just arrived and were following him back up, then once he had gone we scarpered. I would hate a rich life like that.
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Mind you I would still like to won the Euromillions!!!
Morning all...thunderbolt and lightening! We've just had a storm and I'm guessing there's more to come. I went outside just before it started to feed the birds/drag my newly planted tubs under cover and got bloomin bitten on the wrist...I won't be able to fasten my Cartier watch when it swells up.
Yesterday was lovely, it was a toss up (lol) between the tennis and the garden. The garden won, just as well really, tut.

I'd like a few millions too, I could lower the tone of better class establishments.

Shaney I love Dolly & that song.
Morning all
No thunder and lightning as yet,but it won't be long by the look of it .
We were back from the market at 9.30 ,my bro doesn't hang around ,he's like road runner behind the wheel !
Hope you're all ok in spite of the weather .
A few mill would do me nicely too .I could buy lots of cheap handbags :)
Neti ..have a safe journey .

Good morning. We had the weather here at 6.30 and had difficult times until about an hour ago. Luckily with the forecast a few days ago, i have been dosing them on a regular basis for a few days so we got away without full on panic.
I too could spend a nice win without wasting a penny on a yacht or posh living...I would really really love a cocktail right now but even my topsy turvey lifestyle won't allow for alcohol at this time of day.
Weather is abysmal but at least I've had some sunny smiles from baby Moondust, I was doing an impression of The Scream and he was howling with laughter. Giving him an empty biscuit tin and a stick wasn't one of my better ideas... :)

Keep calm neti, have a safe journey, we're tracking you with excitement...
We had a few flash,bang,wallops and a downpour but it's got out lovely now .
Sometimes the bad stuff weatherwise passes us by as we are so far out on the edge .
Lol..Robinia ,they love anything like that don't they .Those were the days,upturned saucepans and a wooden spoon and earplugs :)
DH and I were banned from giving our godson and his brother anything that made a noise....their parents know us too well.

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