Above and I went for a walk on Saturday - as we were coming up the drive it was like the film excerpt "ok for the Ok Corral" or something like that. All the kids dived into hedges onto tops of cars and on top of trailers - this is all because of all his barks.
It broke my heart cos in 10 years he has never bitten any one person - - unbehold to me didn't he get under his lead ie collar and started to run around with a kiddie's ball and the kiddy was screaming. My heart broke again. I am sick of everything cos he is a good dog and everybody hates him - JJCon
Not all dogs do that, you are typical of so many people today who believe all the bad press. Personally, I think a lot of kids should be under control too, don't want unruly kids kicking footballs at my window!!
And dogs who have had bad experiences from adults (and kids) are bound to be nervous too. My poor dog was neglected for six years before I rescued him !
I would never consider a rescue dog as 'the best', you are unlikely to get a full history and consequently are not to know what trauma the mutt has experienced prior to you taking it into your home.
In urban environments dogs should be under control, I find it alarming that children are diving into hedges, cars and onto cars to avoid a dog! If I was a neighbour and it was my hedge/trailer/car I'd be mighty peed off!
If any dog yapped near my child and I was concerned about it's aggressiveness then I would give the owner a mouthful. Your dog should be under control in a public place. It is your responsibility to control your dog at all times and thus ensure that it is not distressed.
I am concerned that Mr Harv doesn't get adequate exercise, has had adequate training and is so poorly disciplined that you find it hard work to close all the doors in the house before opening the front door to your guests.