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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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Morning all, it's glorious at the moment. I feel like a slug who's just woken up, I'm paying for yesterday's snipping session dans le jardin....and being woken up at 4.30 by my mobile phone! aggghh! I give up!! was making that funny squelch noise that tells you the battery's about to go flat.

I was a bit worried for a minute Jude, I thought your lunch was live :o). Lovely place the Theatre Royal.

Maybe you should have a word with your doc about your hair woofy, he might send you to a trickywatsit...just to be sure you haven't got mange or anything <ducks>...haha, sorry... I, for one, know it's not funny, we moan about our hair but losing it is awful. My guess is it's a temporary thing.
it is looking nice out there, but it may just be an illusion.

Lottie, I hope you shake off your cold/ladyflu. I prescribe lying by the pool sipping a margarita.
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thwacks Robi.
Went out to shop for pots again as the shop (Range) were supposed to be getting some in. They didn't have them so I bought two dwarf flowering cherries instead. The power was out, the poor girls were doing all the adding up and making change using their own brains. Actually they were all very cheerful and helpful. Its nice and sunny here but on the chilly side...time for some late lucy methinks.....
Hello chums
Bit fuzzy but functioning .Lovely time ,lovely meal and nice to catch up with my family .Managed to dodge the karaoke .Got in at the midnight hour .Came home in a taxi with my nephew and partner .He's got to go all the way back there this morning to get his car .It was at Caister Robinia .We do this all again in April when the other neice will be 50.
Hope you are all OK .Lovely bright sunny day here .

Woofy ...from what you're saying I would be inclined to go and have your thyroid function tested.Just to rule it in or out .Lizard skin , hair loss tiredness etc are signs .
Take care all ..see you later .
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Shaney you are right. I will go and chat with the doc. I don't know why I am so reluctant to go.....I have just got the barbecue out of hibernation and there is tandoori chicken soaking in the fridge. The sun is making the windows look filthy so thats normal...
Back to see my nice solicitor tomorrow, I am still tying up ends of american stuff, I won't be filthy rich but with luck it will pay for the patio and flowerpots. I have started back on vitamins and cod-liver oil and glucosamine as well today.
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just a thought, maybe I should be taking Bob Martins too? ;-)
Evening all, just recovering from paella and wine lunch, what a wasted day, but it was a lovely meal!
Hi All, Hope you're all ok. I'm really pleased you had a good night Shaney. i love 'getogethers' with my family it's great isn't it. It really cheers me up to see them all and hear there news.
I've had a good day too. I've been out walking this morning. There's a footpath which goes right down to the city centre but I only did a circular walk using it part of the way and I did about 4 miles in all came home and had my dinner then sat down and am now watching the League Cup Final and still have a pile of pots to wash!! I want Liverpool to win but it's 1 - 1 at the moment. Oops sorry to go on I got a bit carried away then.

Woofy I think I would take Robi's advice and go and have a word with your GP about your hair problem. I hope you get sorted.
And Lottie here's hoping your cold is clearing up.

It's nearly full time in the footie so I can go and make a cuppa. Laters 'gaters!
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barbecue okay but not wonderful. I did microwave sponge for dessert. You get a packet of angel food cake mix and one of any other flavour and mix them together and shove it in a jar or whatever. When you want pud, you put three tablespoonfuls in a mug with two tablespoonfuls of water and nuke it on high (900) for one minute and you get a little sponge cake. Its got way less fat in it than the original microwave chocolate cake and is very light and delicious.
That sounds good Woofy is there much sugar in it? I do miss deserts when I go out to eat. I usually have a banana and creme fraiche when I get home.
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I will check the boxes and let you know. Tired tonight. Oight ought all
Oight Oight Everyone Sleep tight!
Oight, ought, cough, sniff. I think it's getting better.

Early barbie Woofy?!! Mind you we sat in the conservatory today eating lunch with the door open.

I am not a desert person at all. Sometimes a yoghurt - but to be honest I love savoury and not so keen on sweet and like to retain the savoury flavours after a meal. When we eat out we have first course and main course and very rarely a pud!!

Glad your family night out went well Shaney.

Woofy, young problems might very well be just stress. I developed lizard skin and multiple rashes because of stress at one time. However, I agree you should get checked over. I have patches of eczema on my back at the moment which I am keeping an eye on!!

Off to the accountants tomorrow.
desert? I think I meant dessert. Or was I right? I always get them mixed up!!
Morning all. well thanks, this sleeplessness must be catching, I had one hour's sleep last night, mind churning over and over, even got up and read for a bit, and finally dropped off about 6 -7! Don't much like this, so sympathies to all sleepless biddies. Was watching the oscars, so glad The Artist won, it is such a feelgood film, and the actor dujardin is soooo gorgeous!!!

Hope you are all bright eyed and bushy tailed!
bleary eyed and pillow hair, will that do?

neti, have you seen the OSS 117 films with Jean Dujardin? (And same director too.) He plays a spoof James Bond called Hubert Bonisseur de La Bath - a bit like Maxwell Smart except he's not just clueless he is also very politically incorrect. I don't think they've been released in cinemas here but they're on DVD and very funny
Morning all... I slept reasonably well...woke a couple of times but managed to get back to sleep. Do I feel refreshed, bright eyed, bushy tailed?

oh well, if spring's sprung I've got a new bottle of Flash to crack open...I'm beside myself with glee.
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Jude I did the sums on the cake mix and its around 20g per portion, so about the same as your banana, You probably get more bites and a fuller tum out of the banana but if you wanted cake then it might be an option. The cake mix lasts about a year unmade.
Dogs have had a nice run around this morning. I have showered in my non leaking shower and am off to see my nice man. It's grey and chilly here.
I am glad you slept better you think you pinched Neti's??
Good Morning Biddyfriends. Thanks Woofy for the info I'm going to have a look for the mix when I go to Sainsburys.
I went to bed about 11 and fell asleep while Cracker was on (missed most of it) and woke up at about 4.45 so for me that was a good sleep. I dosed then until 6.30 and got up. I'm now of to shop then School. I'm ruinninhg out of stickers for the children so I'll be looking for them but not at Sainsburys. They're really expensive. I think I'll be trying Wilkos on the way home.
Have a good day all. See yer later 'gater(s).
Morning Biddies. Just to buck the trend I slept quite well last night. Cold is on its way out, but my ribs and back feel as if a steam roller has been over me (from the coughing!!)

Nice day again and the sun is beginning to come out.

See you later.


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