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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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Could you be a bit borderline thyroid Woofy ? My hair thinned before they diagnosed my underactive thyroid .It was always thick but thinned considerably .It's better now but will never be really thick again .
You could try a thickening shampoo I suppose but I find they make my hair feel sticky .What about a body wave ? A very very loose perm in other words which will give it bounce and make it look thicker .
Sorry you had a bad night Robinia .I didn't sleep very well last night either for some reason .It was a scribbling ,read a bit ,visit the loo a bit kinda night :)
Morning all from a very warm Ibiza, grrrr. Poor Robi, cannot offer you any advice sorry, I sleep like a log (except when hija is on a binge!) same to woofy re: hair, I have a thick mop!

Went for my normal hop, skip and dance along the seafront and it was full of spansh oaps grrrr, not room to dance along,, I want the cold and the rain!!

Enjoy yourself tonight shaney, if I can find out where it is happening I'll be there, could do wif another cabbage, as we used to say in Lonnun!

Hija has been offered a proper job in a posh yachting office on he SE marina, starting Monday with a year contract, so she had better not beggar this one up!

Hope the rest of yous are fine and dandy and hope LOTTIE STOPS BUYING THINGS, its making me furiously jealous!!!
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thanks Shaney, the only time I ever had a perm, my hair fell out!! thyroid is a thought, although I have never had thick hair, none of us have. I guess I have to be a bit patient and do the wait and see thing but we all of us are looking for miracles aren't we?
Going to silicone the shower today as I found yesterday night when I went to use it that the silicone had failed all along one bottom edge...grrrrr!
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thanks jno..will give it a read.
If you don't feel like having a test for thyroid Woofy try kelp tablets from the health shop ,brewers yeast is good too

You would be very welcome Neti .It's only a pub with a cavery ,35 of us ,meal ,drinks and jollifications.You can entertain us with the zumba .I'm dreading being dragged up for the bloomin' karaoke :)
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seems like I might have telogen effluvium

not really surprising
I think the fallen hair's clogging up the AB pipes, it's sooo slow on here for me.

Sound's like a good opportunity for your daughter neti, I hope she enjoys it. S'pose the Farewell Trollop will soon be too downmarket and you'll be orf with those who sail then dahling?

Could be any amount of things woofy, stress, you've had a lot to deal with, there's the effects of central heating...not to mention ode age mi'duck. :o)
A few years ago my hair thinned after my mum died but a lot of it was due to having it dragged through a cap to have hi-lights. The hairdresser I have now has seen an improvement, she uses foils and I have far fewer hi's and more lows so there's less damage. I've been dreading a change though since coming off the hrt. Recently it's been doing a good impression of a gonk.
re the tinnitus...I always have the radio on quietly at the side of me when I go to bed...the danger is hearing an interesting discussion and laying awake listening to that :o)
ah, anything with a Latin name is good to have, woofy. Reminds me of the time I went to the doc with a pain in the ribs and he decided I had intracostal neuralgia, which is Latin for a pain in the ribs. People with a classical education always do well in life.
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yup jno, it made me feel HEAPS better
Afternoon all here i is at last.
Woofy i use Pantene Volume and Body shampoo. I've always used that as my hair has always been fine and I find that it really helps. You could have a go with that.
I think my sneezes were something to do with what I spray around the house and not a proper cold as I haven't got it now.

I've just about caught up with things now. I've been to Fuschia's for my usual cuppa and a chat then I went shopping and now I'm going to relax for the rest of the weekend. I'm so happy with the painting and I've had a really good sort out of everything, books CDs DVDs. Not exactly in alphabetical order but tidy.

On Thursday I went to Nottingham to something called Live Lunch. I got the place wrong when i first told you, it was at the Theatre Royal bar outside the circle entrances. 2 young girls very experienced with musical Degrees and things. One played the Piano and one the oboe. They played about 6 or 7 pieces of various types of music and it lasted for about 40 minutes. It was just like a lunch break and we had coffee and some people of course had beer while it was on. Of course when they were playing we sat quitely and listened. It was very good and relaxing. Yhey have one of these monthly. Next month it is a young woman classical guitar player and we have arranged to go and listed to her.
After we have heard the music on Thursday we went to John Lewis and had a lovely lunch in their Restaurant.
No football at Derby today so I'm just going to read for a while and catch up on my emails.
I hope you all are having a good day and your sniffs and snuffles disappear soon Lottie.
My NF who was coming last night was at the hospital with her Mum until 1 a.m. as she had to go back into hospital with pneumonia.
So I'm hoping to be in touch with her later when she comes home from the hospital visiting.
Right I'm off now for a cuppa - laters 'gaters.
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I am not sure that shampoo will help, I actually have bald patches :-(
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I just got cleaned up (shower in bath) today I have sorted stuff out, given the dogs a good walk, sealed the shower,(hence using the shower in the bath) tidied up the pond and cleaned out the filter (fish are delighted, came up to feed immediately) set up the outside temperature monitoring on the tortoise enclosure, caught up on sleep, given my sore flakey face a treat with some new skin oil and slathered lavender body cream all over my lizardy legs. If I go bald I will buy hats, loads of funky hats.
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oight oight all
you bet - nobody'll be looking at your hair
Good morning biddies, here is my local beach this morning, it is beautiful isn't it?


Hope you are all well, how's the head shaney, still wearing your lederhosen!!
Sorry jno, but that hat looks slightly obscene!!
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mmm not sure I am up for shoving my head up a frog's bum...
New face oil miraculous, you use cleanser then the oil then a night cream, first time in ages I haven't woken up feeling sore and lumpy. I tried some eye cream as well as my eyelids were starting to look and feel like crepe all I need to do is remember to use the stuff!
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going shopping....laters.....
Haddow again. This is the worse cold or whatever it is I have had in years. The weather is beautiful out there but I simply have no energy and feel like death warmed up - have a suspicion now that I might have sinusitis as well.

Enough of me and my woes.

Hope you had a good evening Shaney with your relatives.

Love to you all - I am going back to bed to listen to the radio.


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