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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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Ooooh Neti on film .How exciting ....don't keep it to yourself .I'm looking forward to seeing essential Neti doing the zumba for Ibiza.

I just watched The Tube on catch up .Brilliant .Morden station and the Northern Line .That brought back memories .They still seem to have trouble with the pigeons !
I've never had any luck with Gladdies ..I put some in when we first moved here and they were all blind .Duff bulbs probably .I dug them up but must have missed some. A few still pop up but never flower . I think they need to be in clumps really rather than dotted about which is where I probably went wrong .
that sounds great, what's Essential Ibiza, a TV programme or a website?

Love the babies, Robinia
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get byzantinus Shaney, stick em in a hot dry well drained spot and they do their own thing just about forever. Its the Dame Edna type I cant do.
Morning biddies. No idea what Essential Ibiza is, I've googled it and it's all about the big clubs ie pacha, so have absolutely no flaming idea.

Nicw weather here again, must get up and prepared myself for the filming, oh, the life we famous lead.!! Don't count on it being too much, I can't even zumba properly!
Sod's law, my hip and right leg are painful, but will stil 'ave a go. More lurching than zumba!
Morning all
Bright and sunny here and quite mild .
Just googled those gladiolas Woofy .They look nice .They seem to grow in a clump as per a picture I found .I would imagine they would be nice in pots .

Good luck Neti with the Zumba .Fame at last !
Morning all...very mild here too but no sun yet. I was up early, showered, coiffed and even zoomed the ladyshave over me legs, haha, that's real optimism. I'm just trying to drag myself out of this slough of despond. Lost item du jour - M&S black joggers...grrr...I found them...eventually.

The byzantinus are lovely woofy, I might give those a try too. It's a long time since I grew glads, I was given a few bulbs, poked them in the ground, forgot about them & up they came, stunning cream edged with coral, but they didn't grow again.

Ooh, a film star! (she's gonna be a right diva after this don'cha know). When I googled Essential Ibiza films I got this...


Good luck neti!
yep, looking forward to something like this


I have also been reading this about sleep

Apparently we are only meant to sleep four hours, wake up, study the Bible or go to the loo or visit the neighbours for sex, then sleep four more. I have been getting the first part right.
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Robi the posh gladis do only flower one year. The corms are tender. They make a new baby corm, the one that flowered dies and the new one usually needs to grow on a year before it will flower. Because they aren't hardy, they often die in the ground if its too cold or wet. Where we lived in Wells, the byzantinus grow like weeds in the old gardens and in the stone garden walls. It has a local name but i cant remember what it is.
Hi, hope you are all OK.

First lovely sunny warm day and I am suffering with a cold, sore throat and a temperature and am shivvery!!
Hi all, love those links, think Robi's is about right!!

Of course everytime thye bloody camera was on me, I forgot my steps was going the wrong way round or just plain slacking! When I know it's coming out and will let you know if it's any good. I've asked to be airbrushed, lifted and slimmed down! Just spent an hour by the pool in pants and pareo, and now feel slightly sick!
"Essentialibiza is your VIP pass to the party island all all the in discos" and they are showing a piccy of ME!! that'll slow the bookings right down! Ache all over and have pink facial cheeks! Shattered.
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Perhaps they want to attract cougars Neti??
Oooh a famous Biddy .Now we know what you get up when you tell us you're sweeping the patio're out disco dancing :)
It's been a glorious day here for late Feb ..quite warm .I did a bit of zumbaing in the garden with me snippers .Got a load of washing dry. Smells lovely when it's been line dried .Dinner time ..see you later .
"There's doing Ibzia in style..."

Hm, might think more of them if they could spell Ibiza. I had a look through their carnival photos but I couldn't see anyone I knew.
what link is that jno, I can't find anything very interesting on it. No one you know in the carnival, well my next door neighbour was the winner so that is almost like someone you know!
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Knackered. Oight oight.
this one, neti

Carnival pics are towards the bottom of the left hand column

Oight oight, woofy, remember to wake at midnight and read the Bible. Sophie Kinsella might do if you can't find a Bible.
jno the second pic down of the dancers in the blue, the male is my neighbour and I looked after him when he was three, won s.e. carnival and 1,000€

The tiger man in the next piccy is my friends child (!) why are they all so gay!!!
....and soon the neti will be doing her thang!!

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