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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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I just posted and it's vanished, morning both, I too was wondering why Neti was burying her washing. We all had a restless night last night which ended with sharing a peanut butter sandwich at 2am. We stayed in today, good idea as its icy, later we are going out in search of flowerpots and a burger.
I have new jeggings from marks to try on too.
Had call from sister, BL getting on Ok, the nurses and social workers were very impressed with the cordless door bell (with two separate ringers)that I bought for him and they are now recommending them to other patients! Yay for the older brain!
"..under the patio..." well you all know what I mean!!
Morning all...zzzzzz..bad night for me too, I'd have joined you all if I'd known. Is it something in the air/change of weather coming/tomorrow's new moon? I think someone buried my brain under the patio and replaced it with kapok...the only thoughts going around my head are rubbish and don't ask me what day it.

shaney how many 'must haves' did you buy? :o)
oh, look at that, I'm officially in a drought

groundwater lower than summer of 76 (not that I was here then). Hopefully the Balearics will send relief supplies. I wouldn't want the soil under the patio crumbling away.
Hello biddy body buriers
Hmmm....There are few bodies I'd like to bury,present company excepted of course .
I bury all my old handbags under the patio no Robina I resisted temptation and kept my money in my pocket ....although I did see rather a nice little summer bag in town recently,I may have to go back :)
Hope you are all OK .Cold old wind out there but I did manage to get washing reasonably dry .Dry enough for the tumbler .
Pleased to see your BiL is doing Ok Neti and that they have help.
Nothing else doing here ..toodlepip for now .
No worries with the patio crumbling away jno, it's the rest of the house I'm worried about!!1
Evenin patio needs jet washing but if we're going into drought mode I might have to take one slab at a time into the shower with me.

woofy's quiet, she must have been busy supervising the man who does...I can only seem to find a man who says he does and then doesn't.
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I cannot believe that Hampshire is in drought, the forest where I go is like a bog as is my garden.
Good day today. My denim jeggings are fantastic, have ordered enough for them to be my summer uniform as the velvet ones have been my winter uniform. Its these.

I got some very pretty duck egg blue table lamps in the Range, then we had hamburgers and came home.
I am about to eat too many jellybeans again.
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Man who does is back tomorrow which ties me to the house, Robi, so have been out spending today, also had a garage full of cardboard to crush.

I got two of these in duck egg blue but only 2.99 each

and one like this

except the image is winter trees instead of a city.

...think Ill sleep tonight, going to jump on Shughy's head if hear hears garden noises...If I am not wakeful I can let him out in my sleep but if I am restless too then I cant settle again. Dogs are flaked out tonight after spending the day helping me in the garden and guarding the car so hopefully no problems.
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I held off on the jelly beans, only had a few, it's cold here......
Oight oight
Just cruising past to say Oight Oight .
Nice trews Woofy .No good for thick knees like me though :)
Sleep well folks .
ah, evening is drawing in, I shall be off to bed shortly, oight oight all
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Darling Shughy did monsters in the garden just about hourly last night. He and Rab are sleeping the sleep of bold guardians of house and home and I am knackered.heigh ho! Man what does arrives soon, must dress and move the car
Good morning, leccy is off for 7 hrs, am on phone. Also carnival at 5 pm, so wil meet friends for a drink and dance in the streets. Wont be on here again until leccy is restored. Hope all is ok with you all. Laters!
Morning all. Just about ready to go to Tai Chi and Lunch. Had a great night with my brother who came round to see me as he's up in Derby to go to the dentiist. He has to have a tooth seen to this morning. Not sure what but he says it's giving him some stick.
We had another session of him learning to rock and roll to my CD of early Elvis songs. He's really got it now, my bro I mean not Elvis. We also watched 2 episodes of Mrs. Bs Bs. It makes us both laugh so much. I know some of yoiu don't like it but it has me in stitches. It's funny really as my elder sister who never utters a word of bad language loves it too. ( The worst she says is 'Ooooh sod it' if something is annoying her lol! But she cracks up at Mrs. Bs Bs.

It's not so cold this morning so maybe it will keep the same for the rest of the day.

I hope your 'man that does' does well Woofy. My decorator is coming tomorrow so it's 'get everything in the kitchen time' for me later on. My bro helped me take my settee apart last night. It's L shaped and you have to lift one side off to hinges of the other. It took him about 1 minute.

I'm off now Biddyfriends. Hope you have a good day and that you feel better Robi. Laters 'gaters
Correction - 2 hinges off the other - did yout get it!
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Shughy just drank man what does' cup of heavily sweetened builders' tea. MWD just laughed. He likes my dogs. MWD has also loaned me the Girl with Dragon Tattoo trilogy. Enjoy the Carnival Neti.
Morning all...yes Jude, the temperature's nudged up a bit but I'd like to see some sunshine with it.

Love the lamps woofy, especially the city scene....I think I'd look like Olive Oyl in jeggings but there are some nice colours, I really should brighten myself up a @ shughy, Charlie enjoyed a drop of tea but his little snout was too short to get inside a mug. I used to have to put the kettle on for Mac, he'd stand staring at it if he fancied a cuppa (and at the grill if it was toast time).

Enjoy yourself neti & do a dance for my aunt who died a couple of weeks ago, it's her funeral this afternoon & a carnival would be right up her street...ha, so to speak... I'm glad we're not going though, I don't think I could handle a funeral at the moment even though it would be lovely to see my family.
I shall be orff to the V&A for a talk on royal residences shortly, followed by some sort of do related to luxury cruising. I may return to mingle among the common people later today

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