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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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Oight oight all
Oight, oight. Mr LL is asleep and I am hoping he will feel a bit better tomorrow. He is a stoic chap and never complains about anything when he feels ill (he leaves that to me!!). He looks dreadful today.
Good Morning all. Get well soon Mr LL. Everybody else with aches, pains and worries, I hope today is better for you all.

I was up at 7 and just finishing my breakfast and reading the local rag and doing the puzzle page. My Morning habit!! Now I'm off to get ready to go and see my sister. I'm like a kid - all excited!!

Laters 'gaters!
why does Jude always leave me feeling like this
Morning stickybiddies...we need sticky soled shoes here today to keep us from blowing away...I'd love a nice calm spring day, things are moving in the garden and I'm itching to do a bit of snipping. Have you noticed the birds are singing in a morning?

Hope poor mr LL feels better soon Lottie, that must be so painful.

haha, I know jno, she's like a whirlwind passing through....have a lovely time catching up with your sister Jude!

Now then, what's all this food malarkey, 'sushi and orzo salad'?....<goes to google the word 'salad' >......
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Morning all, sending special get well vibes to Mr LL. its bright and breezy here. We went out at sparrow fart then back to bed and woke again at 10.00 so have just had lunch, a beef sandwich in home made onion bred....had easy yo yoghurt and home made blueberry and maple compot for breakfast, i feel the Kirsty vibes.....
In case you think I am going mad, let me point out that the bread was made by tossing bread mix in the breadmaker, the yoghurt was made by tossing yoghurt mix in the yoghurt maker and the compot was made by cooking blueberries and maple syrup together and shoving it in the fridge.
I'm impressed that your staff all get out of bed so early, Woofy.

I am reading with trepidation stories about Israel planning to attack Iran in spring - we are supposed to be cruising around there in April and if nuclear war disrupts our holiday I shall be cross.
It looks like 'the boys' have been doing a spot of breadmaking of their own woofy

Don't worry jno, two of your cherub army members are going to keep you safe

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lol, they'd prefer it "au squirrel"
I posted earlier and it vanished. The "staff" did all the "work" yesterday. I am having a pyjama day.
I wonder whether debenhams know something I don't...I was just looking at cardies (20% off knitwear this weekend) and their 'May we also suggest' was nothing but wedding gowns... :o)
Question Author
ooo Robi, it is leap year!! I am finally dressed and am doing jobs :-(
Morning/afternoon/evening, please tick as appropriate!

Mr LL get well, yes just like Mr N!

Been very busy this morning, hija called me at 7 to get to the guardia to pay for her taxi (this was pre-arranged and her money, so that she didn't spend it!) felt like a farmers wife, old clothes over pj,s and a anorak and uggs felt I should be milking something or other! so I was up at 7 my time and put the washing on, then bed again for a couple of hours, the up to hang out the first load and pop in the 2nd, then off to big shop with Mr N, then brekkie with Mr N where we discussed renewing our wedding vows, when I said I wanted a huge meringue dress he suggested that I marry a gyspy, so that was the end of that! Then I went out bill collecting for him (he was golfing and I am made of sterner stuff in these cases!) then I met our friendly (over friendly) restauranteer, who said I was looking good and would I like to go to USA with him, well, I had to think......

Then had to meet friends for the obligatory coffee, where does the day go??

Hope all Ok and happy. Carnival in Ibiza town this afternoon, we have ours on the proper day of Tuesday!
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rain and hooligan weather here. Am being domestic, have sorted kitchen, put dinner in the slow cooker (chicken breast on a bed of vegetables) dogs are snoozing. I am having coffee and watching bubblegum american tv. I might cook some brownies later.
haha...I can't stop laughing at the image of neti 'milking something' whilst wearing a meringue and mumbling her wedding vows :o)

It turned out nice here but still blustery and I had a wander round the shops...bloomin old women in shops, tut, they shouldn't be allowed out. A pair of 'em tottering about, I couldn't get to what I wanted so I walked around a stand and booger me if one them hadn't moved...the grumpy one, there's always one, had a mini rant about getting a move on and shuffled about grumbling & mumbling & got in my way again...they followed me to the counter and farted for England and when I finally turned to make my escape one of them stepped in front of me! It occurred to me that will be me and my sister...probably by next year.

yes woofy it is leap year...look out world...
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Robi,that is me NOW!!! Chicken stoo was yummy, I am becoming a slow cooker nerd.
lol woofy, I might doo a chicken stoo toomoroo...your poinsettia's doing well, what are you feeding that on?
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I should change it but I cant be bothered...
New slow cooker was a great buy. You throw in whatever you fancy, add water and seasoning, switch on and forget it till dinner. Its small, not a family sized one and I think its going to save me megabucks over using a oven.
I think I'll do blueberry pancakes tomorrow.....maybe go shopping. I bought some more patio benches with pots on the end today and some other gardening bits online today. This will be the year of spending summer outside and using the garden. I like the idea of lots of benches so I can take a coffee outside and follow the sun.
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I have eaten too many jelly lips are glued together
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mmoight moight
Evening Robinia ..old women in shops ..hahaa :)
You always find you can never shake 'em off .
They practically follow you home :)
I've had a muddle day .Picky here painting a wall for me in the sun lounge .He needs constant of cups of tea whilst doing it though .Then I made the dinner.Then he wanted to watch some of the The Wire with me (again ).I sent him off clutching a food parcel.
Hope you are all OK .Been a drizzly windy day here but not cold.

Oooh a new slow cooker Woofy ? Fab . I love my slow cooker .
Goodnight jellybeans .Sleep tight .

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