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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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Its really strange getting up to a clean house and a tidy kitchen....I hope I dont get addicted. Its cold and frosty here again today so hot tea, back to bed and maybe an outing later.
Morning everybiddy!

Sunny but feels chilly here. No much doing today, getting geared for carnival on Tues. Mr N deboneing a leg of lamb and stuffing it with nuts, dtes and paxo, it really is delicious, but tht's for Mon.

I thought with slow cookers that one had to precook the meat and veg or bol sauce so what is the point. Like rinsing plates for the dishwasher, I mean what is the point??

Catch you laters, hope you are all feeling bonny (who's bonny!)
went out to dinner at a restaurant overlooking Tower Bridge - lovely view, nice food - with jno jnr and his gf and her father and his newish wife (she stayed with her mum after the split). jno jnr insisted on paying so I suppose we will slip some money into his bank account as he is still making (slightly) less than we are and has mortgages to pay off.

It was right parky when we left to walk along the river bank to the station, but it's looking sunny outside this morning.

Supposed to be back down to minus 5 tonight, so that should feel proper Balearic. No carnivals here for a few months, though.
Morning's a tad chilly but beautiful sunshine and blue sky.

Slow cookers? (I've got a bloomin slow computer, or is it this site again?). I was put off them years ago by a couple of people saying they'd ended up with the consequences of fermented rather than cooked food :o/ . They're probably a lot better now...the cookers that is, hopefully the people made a rapid recovery :o)

he he, bless the old gals shaney, a lot of them around here are so lovely but those two were the stuff sitcoms are made of.

Neti.... If you're not too busy ploughing fields or mucking out pigs tonight there's a Corrie on at 8.
Goor morning Biddyfriends. It's 'Tearabout Biddy' here :o) Your Pussy made me laugh Jno. I do get like that sometimes!
Robi th Derby county Shop was full of people buying stuff. They usually get over 20,000 supporters at every match which it very good considering they're not too brilliant at the moment.
It's lovely here and I'm off out about 11 for walk then having salmon lunch when I get back. I just steam my veg and microwave my salmon with lemon and herbs on. Lovely. things on. My NF's Mum is in hospital after being rushed in a few days ago and as had to have an emergency operation on her bowel. So I asked my friend to come round and relax for a while after a rather hectic time.
Right back to my puzzle for a while then I'm off. See yer later 'gater(s)
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You just put everything in this cooker and leave it. If you want to brown the meat, then you need to do that, otherwise everything goes in raw. It gets hot enough to bubble so i don't think its a health issue.
Today we are making yoghurt cheese (easy yo make a litre of yoghurt at a time) and brownies (packet mix)
Morning all
Lovely bright sunny day here .Bit chillier than it's been though .
Hope you're all OK.
You don't have to precook stuff for a slowcooker Neti.You can even cook a leg of lamb in one :) I've got a piece of brisket in at the moment sat on some carrots and shallots .Which we will scoff later with horseradish mash , greens and yorky puds.
Nothing very exciting happening here really.Last Midwives tonight and Upstairs Downstairs to look forward to.Toodlepip for now.
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Have just showered and decided i need to go to tesco (grrr)...maybe I might do morrisons instead which is quite near a garden centre...better idea.....
Don't be fooled by the sunshine woofy, it's very cold out there..
I need to have a word with Debenhams. I was lured in by their 'Ten must have handbags' so why are there now 37 'must haves' in my basket?...waiting there... I might have to whittle it down a none...or one, maybe two. Oh well, nothing like a bit of retail therapy to fuzz out the worries... :o)
maybe it was "Tena must-have bags"?

I am still using up spare toiletries uncovered in my big clear-out, so I have just washed my hair in mint and thyme shampoo. I don't know if it's doing much for the hair but I smell like a leg of roast lamb, which can only be good. I'd better steer clear of any sheepdogs for a while, though.
Just back from lunch. Earlier we went to Ibiza town but as the carnival was due (jno carnivals are supposed to be before Easter, not when the warmer weather dictates!) we avoided that area as it is sooo packed, and we sat at a beach bar in Playa den bossa and had a coffee, so beautiful and peaceful! The found we hadn't booked anywhere for lunch, so quick call from my mobile (thank heavens I put money in it yesterday) and we were booked in a country inn, where we had Bread and garlic mayonnaise, olives, then Crostes, which are very hard bread back with dill, covered in tomatoes and oil, absolutely splendid, then mixed grill of meat, also a plare of lamb chops, and a plate of grilled veg, then a salad plate. Washed down with a litre of water and a bottle of Blanc pescador. They give you free bunuelos (little fresh sugar coated doughnuts) which promptley went into a plastic bag in my handbag where was the remaining pieces of uneaten meat. Am tucked in bed to have a siesta, Mr N had lit the log fire so will be joining him later all warm and cosy!
Handbags ? Debenhams ? zoooooooooooms off to look :)
If they're "must have" ..I must have one :)
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went and did a huge shop ready for man what does coming next week. It was too sunny to leave dogs in car with windows closed and too cold to leave them in the car with windows open so they stayed at home. they weren't very pleased about this and are now being nuisances. I have shared onion bread with peanut butter on but they say its not enough.
You sound like you had a good day Neti and Snug as a bug in rug now!!

I went for a good walk this morning up the main road through a couple of villages and back through our local castle!! It was lovely and sunny but i was all wrapped up against the cold and when I got in I was as red as a beetroot in my face and so hot with walking. It took me a couple of hours. Lots of people out as well.

Getting ready for my NF coming now so I'll say oight oight a bit early tonight as I doubt I'll be back on. See yer later 'gater(s)
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time for bed I think. Oight oight all.
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Having a cant sleep night :-(
Me too Woofy ..I've feel a bit wired today for some reason but I think I'll toddle off now .It's chilly here in the kitchen .
Hope you do get some sleep .Have a stiff drinkie :)
Goodnight xxx
goodness, there have been any number of biddies out on the prowl tonight... well, oight oight to any who are still about
Good morning biddies, are you all still tucked up in bed? Pouring with rain here. Carnival in SE tomorrow and the leccy is going off for 7 hrs, will drive me crazy.

Better think about getting up now, I have already rushed out and put the washing under the patio, and cleaned the front room.
the washing under the patio? Isn't that where you're supposed to bury the bodies?

The sun is gleaming on the icicles under next door's guttering, very pretty

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