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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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I don't believe it said my post had been added B****r! I'll give if a few posts and then try again if it doesn't come on.
Keep trying Jude ;o)

Good afternoon by the way - I called back to say sorry to Woofy, who I didn't say good afternoon to earlier.
I am back from being tested, I have a piece of cotton wool over the wound and shall leave it there a few weeks until it heals. Tonight I am going to a talk on Charles Dickens and the Workhouse, so that should cheer me up no end.
Good afternoon biddymates. Jno I'll email you if there's any money going spare!! Went to zumba and really felt down, no energy and it hurt today, knees bum and shoulders! Better now. Then went and did battle with the computer company and got my tower back immediately all (!) mended and cheap! Then to went to the town hall to moan about the man at the back who has been building illegally for 3 yrs, I don't care about that; but the banging on my wall is driving me loopy. They were surprised that he was still doing it! Twill be sorted!! Am not in a mood to be trifled with. Then sat FOR A QUIET COFFEE ON MY OWN and lo and behold half the bl**dy village wanted to join me for a chat!

Much warmer. but the place is full of spanish oaps who get very cheap holidays over here and they flood the buses and everywhere and we can't go anywhere cos they have baggied all the seats! grrrr.
Oh good news, I am down to 70kilos (having lost 5!!)
Well here I go again.....
Jno please don't worry like Woofy says. and we're all friends on here like Lottie says. I know what fretting feels like but I'm doing it less since I've got older.
I've been for a walk with my House/Husband friendly plumber and his son and red setter called Izzy. She's such a friendly dog and leaps all over me when I go and the little boy who is one next month is a gem. I'm really enjoying him because I haven't had the gift of watching my grandchildren grow up and this little boy is lovely with me. When I go I give him what his Dad calls his brunch. It's usually a little yogurt thing and a biscuit.
We went for a walk down by the canal near where we live and the sun was shining and it felt good. Then I came home and made Cottage Pie for my lunch with cheese on top and loads of veg. Now there's a pile of pots waiting to be washed.
Towards the end of last year I arranged to have a minor op on my nose and today I've rang up to see how long I have to wait and it will probably be at the end of March. I could get moved down the list if more urgent cases come up as mine is only minor compared.

Right the pots are staring at me now so I'll see yer later 'gater(s). Have a good day Everybiddy.

Stand by for take off - here it comes - over and out!! :o)
I love this guy and I can't stop listening to this

Try again Lottie
Question Author
well my new tap is delivered so I have loads for the man who does to do, 13 new lights to put up, kitchen tap, gate and shed to fix, TV arial to fix, two floors to regrout bath to re silicone, mirror to hang, just waiting for wardrobe doors to be delivered, they are these
I thought the leaf print would hide the inevitable dog nose prints and the mirrors will make the room lighter.
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Lottie, you weren't there when I posted...will listen to the vid later.
Hi all
Been a lovely day here .Had the great nephew here( half term ) and he's just gone .I'd forgotten how much food young lads can put away .But he's a good kid and has pulled up all the weeds on the patio for me.

Looks as if you're going to busy Woofy ! Pretty mirrors .
I hope you've recovered from your ordeal by now Jno .
Otherwise nothing doing here .Take care ....bye for now .
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My bit of the deal is making tea and keeping the dogs out of the way. Nothing got done around the house for a while so its catch up time. I have been moving books today (don't ask) up and down stairs I have deffo had my aerobics today.
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Man who does just phoned....he's coming tomorrow!
I have just been requested to go down to Master LL's tomorrow morning because they are starting on his conservatory tomorrow at 8.30am. It was going to be Monday. Hmmmmph, not happy, but will be a dutiful mother.
So shall being doing a Woofy tomorrow and making tea, etc. Shall take Megs with me so we can get a walk in down the river as he lives near the river.

Have a good weekend everybody.

Oight, oight. I is tired and am turning in. Mr LL is still on his way back from Kent but has eaten out thank goodness.

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Oight oight all it's nice to know you are all there x
Oight Oight from me too. I'm happy you're all there as well. x
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Good morning all, dogs are walked and I is showered, just need to dress and move car to be ready for man what does...
Morning everyone!

Ha lottie and woofy you should be like me, I make such disgusting tea and coffee that no one , not even workmen, want it! n Am of on a jolly to Ibiza town if I can fight my way onto the bus with these damned oaps here!
Good morning All, just waiting for my decorator man to come to discuss painting my lounge. Have a good day whatever your up to. Laters 'gaters.
haven't really got anything planned today. The lecture ont eh workhouse was very interesting, the woman had just published a book User Recommendation

I'm surprised Amazon have copies as she was still waiting for hers and couldn't sell us any.

She seems to have been the first to realise that the old workhouse off Tottenham Court Rd was the one in Oliver Twist. Dickens lived just a block away but nobody had spotted this because all the maps were misleading and the streets had changed names. But once she realised it, she found a man called Bill Sykes living over the road, there was a business called Goodge and Marnie (=Scrooge and Marley) round the corner and so on.

Also, their house was built on a tiny sliver of land (a parish boundary was their back wall) so no room for a garden, so they had two WCs inside, which was pretty radical for 1820 or so.

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