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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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Good morning,

I have tried to catch up, and just got more muddled as to who has done what and when :o(. My short term memory has got shorter. Master LL has put me back on track again with computer. I have been using Mr LL's laptop to catch up on emails, banking and stuff but I have decided that I hate laptops. I was thinking of getting one because this damn room is freezing, even in the summer, but have decided against it. Besides that, if I had a laptop, I would probably keep it on all day and keep using it. Being computerless has had it's advantages in the last few weeks. I actually have been getting more things done.

Have brought myself an exercise bike!! It's in the freezing room but I am very warm when I get off it. Am limiting myself to 15 minutes per session at the moment, but going very fast on the easiest cycle tension. My back won't cope with anything stiffer.

No real news from me. Had our fair share of snow and there is still some lying about but no ice this morning. Had an appointment at the hospital re my hernia and was in with the doc for precisely 2.5 minutes. Next appointment August which apparently is just to keep me in the system and put my mind at rest. Blood tests today for BP - normal old stuff.

Wedding is 21 July. Local registry office with a party at son's house in the evening. No formalities whatsoever. One of his friends is taking photos which is the closest it gets to anything formal. Dress is casual (extremely so) but son reckons he will wear a jacket and trousers and not jeans or combats!! Oh, and they are going to get some catering done, even though he wants to do it himself. Mrs LL junior to be has put her foot down on that.

So basically,nothing to report and you must forgive me if I have forgotten anything important.

See you later.

Oh, my Blue Badge arrived!!!!!
Hello lottie. wedding sounds just like mine was, we wanted to9 wear jeans but mil wouldn't allow it. My sister did the catering, so it was a very cheap and cheerful wedding.

Mr N is bringing home some logs for the fire tonight as it is the only thing that will heat the whole house and take the damp away!
Ah well ..I've been discharged from the leg clinic with stern warnings about wearing those bloomin' socks and slapping plenty of cream on .
Nothing doing here otherwise .Cold and sort of sleet atm but snow has gone .
Bye for now .
dull and damp here but the temperature has moved into the black, so that is pleasant.

That is good news, Lottie, is that for making things out of cottonwool and loo roll tubes and things?
Hi all and good to have you back Lottie. Take care of you leg Shaney and keep using the cream. I had to do as i was told!! Lottie I don't blame you son and his GF having a reasonably priced wedding. My son and his wife spent literally thousands on theirs and then looked o]what happened. Mind you , I don't nlame them and his wife wanted a traditional wedding etc. and did do loads of things herself like making the table decorations and invitations etc.
After my slow start this morning and late breakfast I set off to walk to town at 10 past 12 and arrived at the Orange shop at 1.00. and caught the 1.35 bus back. The young man at the shop was lovely and really helped me. Didn't want to know a lot just a couple of instructions I didn't understand on my phone. All very simple when you know how is how I felt when I came out :o)
I didn't get my lunch til about 3 and I still haven't washed the pots what with phone calls and emails so I'd better get off and do them.
Have a good evening Biddyfriends. Laters 'gaters
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Hello everyone glad to hear that legs, bps etcetera are all well. Yes Robi, delivered on time and a bit miraculous that it all went so well so thank you for that. I am shopping for the garden atm now the patio is done. New plant stands, a solar fountain, will post a pic, it's lovely, sis bought me a ready planted tub of primulas and pansies and today we went to the range for s bag of grit to weigh down the hollow fountain stand and I bought a load of shrubs, camellias a rhododendron, a tree peony, a cistus. Sis is coming back in April to help me garden haha yes she does know!
evenin' each and every....Oh, are we a full house now?
If (and it's a big IF) my youngest settles down and gets married I hope it'll be a low key affair. I don't mind making an effort, just a small tiara, but I wouldn't want to have to do the formal thing.

Glad to hear the hospital don't want you back shaney, look after those pins.

I'd like a solar fountain woofy, let me know how how well it works. Mind you, I've got that many birds flapping all the water out of the bird baths it'll probably be a solar drip more often than not.

Don't forget, plenty of curlers and cold cream tonight mi dears, you've gotta look fabulous for when the postie arrives with all your valentines tomorrow.

<rushes off to make a last minute order...don't want 'em all slamming doors and kicking cats in the morning>
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It's this one, we ran it briefly under a bright halogen light in the garage...very please with it.
Oh that's nice Woofy .The bird's will be queuing up for a wash and brush up.
I'm off for a bit of retail therapy myself tomorrow .Have some vouchers and a gift card burning a hole in my pocket so am off to Norwich ,weather permitting .
I'm sure you'll get a Valentine Robinia ...ooh look .. ...and he's brought flowers :)

Goodnight ,sleep tight .
Morning biddies, not a sign of anything valentine here :0(

Had a lovely roaring log fire last night and will light another one this afternoon, last night on the bed we had a duvet (which we haven't used in 12 yrs since I bought the padded bedspread) also the padded bedspread and another quilted throw, and the cat! So cold, coldest in 100yrs here, and of course the houses just aren't built for it especially my little old hovel!

Will go for a long walk again today as I ate a couple of cakes this weekend and seem to have gained a kilo (scream!!)

Go and spoil yourself shaney you deserve it, and take care of the legs, buy them some fishnets or something valentineish!!
Good morning.

Just wrote a long screed and the bloomin' cat has walked across the computer and deleted it!!

Will be back later. It's cold in this darn room - at least there are no more traces of snow here this morning.......................

See you >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(Hope you enjoy (are enjoying) the retail therapy Shaney - and good news about the legs!! Keep sloshing on that cream!!

p.s. Had blood tests yesterday and went to the new super duper medical centre, which is actually just like a hospital. It is so lovely and bright. They are even selling hot water bottles, hats, scarves, makeup etc in the new pharmacy there - so with Morrisons next door, I need go no further to survive!!
No sign of Saint Valentine here either!!
I got a box of chox and a card and "Happy anniversary". This is not because we married then (it was in April) but because we met then. We didn't, but it's the best OH can do and I have learnt to live with it.
Morning all...
Thankfully had a decent night's sleep, I was wiped out last night, I've felt lousy these past 3 days...and as a bonus I spent much of it dreaming about George Michael. :o)

That's lovely woofy, they're not cheap are they but no doubt cost less than having an electrician/gardener put a conventional one in.

No valentine's yet? (lovely clickable google logo today) Well it's not too late, our post comes anytime between 11am and 3 in the afternoon nowadays....oooh, lovely delivery man shaney, thanks, enjoy your spending spree!
I wish I was a young hippy, I love this dress, they do it in navy and brown too (20% off today)

postman's been.... brought a Radio Times, it doesn't get much more romantic than that.
I've already been on that site today Robi!! There is a lovely jump suit on it, but......................................
Actually, I got a Valentine's card during the week (from the dog I Sponsor!!)
Better than nothing, I suppose.
Ha, ha Robi, I looked long, hard and wistfully at that dress earlier. It's just lovely!!
That dress is super and if it fitted (fit?) the bazooms I would buy it for the wedding, I still have nice legs and hips, it's all above the waist (what waist?) where it has gone into disrepair!

Warming up here, 11° and have ignited the fire (don't know if it is lighted, lit or whatever) but it's taking a while and then goes very low when I've bunged big logs on! Peed down this am but still managed to go for a walk and met my friends for coffee, they wanted to sit inside the bar but not I , so I made them sit outside!!

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