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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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I do keep gazing at that dress...if you're young enough neti then so am I, I've found out Phase 8 target the 35-55 age range. :o) I just need to talk Tarquin into getting married and having an informal do...soon!
There is no age group, we can always wear leopardskin leggings, so why not that dress, I really do like it!
Just noticed the that dress is from Debenhams so am filled with hope, although I don't do online shopping (defo have to try things on first!) I may be able to get something suitable there!
They only have it in brown in my size which I presume will be Large (18?). Not keen on brown. Also not keen on the fact that it is silk, but I still love it.
It looks like it would be forgiving around the bazooms neti...the under layer is gathered and the top layer stretchy jersey...probably won't be on sale for long though and the 20% off dresses is only today. Good luck with your search, I hate it when the pressure's on to find something.
Not gone out to lunch now - going Friday instead.

Am window shopping on line!!
Now if there was going to be a formal wedding I would certainly contemplate this

hmmm, very elegant but slightly borderline satin pj's for my taste...there are certainly some 'bargains' on that site....I'd be interested to see the quality of this one :o)

oh, well, if its' formal you're looking for

Very nice jno!!!!!

Robi, I must admit to thinking along the same lines as you about that site!!!

But, you know how much I love living in dressing gowns, so the outfit would be good for me. I do love that colour though.
hahahaha...I can see just neti in that jno...
*see just?...just see...the image had distracted me <slaps forehead to make it go away> :o)
Hi all
Well that was exciting .Two pairs of PJ's and a bottle of Eau de Dynamite and I was back on the bus home .I couldn't be bothered to walk any further without creaking .I still have twenty quid to spend but will wait until the weather warms up .Chilly and damp out there .
I'm not making any comments on clothes links in case I get told to sling my hook again .Hope you are all OK .
Bye for now .
Shaney I was joking!!! Do you really think I would tell you to bugger off and mean it. Everybody had been saying the dress was purple and I was having a laugh. Did you not read the earlier threads? I honestly thought you would take it as a joke. I am surprised. Logging off now.
Eau de Dynamite shaney? Is that Norfolk speak for syrup of figs :o)
Lottie, I just absolutely love that trouser suit outfit, although I am not as tall as the model so would look different! It is perfick!

I'll skip on jno's suggestion, bit common for my liking!!!

Cooeee shaney, how on earth did you manage to come back from shopping with £20, never been done!

Oight oight all 0° here, am cuddled on settee in front of roaring log fire in pj;s and with a shawl cosily wrapped round upper body, love winter!!!
Lol Robinia's Norfolk speak for gldn syrp :)
Actually it's that L'eau dynamisante , and I had to Google for the correct spelling !
I couldn't walk round any more Neti .The card is valid for two years and I can't find anything else I want atm really .I didn't even see a handbag which is most unusual . I can normally spot one at ten yards :)
Just watched Prisoners Wives ...very tear jerking at the end .Pippa Haywood is brilliant in it .It's really good how they've woven all their stories together .
Night folks ,sleep tight .
The Morrisons £10.00 valentine meal deal was amazing. If I had been given it in a restaurant I would have been very satisfied. The quality was fabulous. All I did was cook some extra veg. The included wine was also just lovely. Now feeling very mellow and going to bed.

Just had some very sad news. The Mother of my closest friend died suddenly this morning. Pat (friend) was staying with her. She had come over from Spain for a few days. Betty (her Mum) lived alone, so one good thing is that she had her daughter with her. Somebody or something was watching over them obviously. She was a very lovely lady but in very poor health.

Off to bed. I am tired but really have had a very lazy day. Out with friends for a a meal tomorrow night, must get my beauty sleep.

Oight oight. Love you all. x
Hi all I have 2 pages of posts to catch up on and will do that tomorrow. Have been really busy all day and all night. Derby lost l - 0.
I bet you're all tucked up now so I'll say oight oight and see you tomorrow well it's today now innit See yer later 'gater(s)
Morning my biddiy friends, Not much to do today, just a walk, then coffee with friends, nearly out of firewood, so it'll be back to the gas fire, warming but soulless!!

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