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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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oh... Whitney Houston's died... which I wouldn't know if I didn't have insomnia
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Morning all, its freeeeeezing here. thank you all for the good stuff, my back is much better. We are clean and ready for company, just need the dogs to behave themselves.
Good morning all

Oh jno was it drug related cos there was a photo yesterday of her looking terrible after a night out!
Morning all
More snow here ,freezing .
Glad to hear your back is easier Woofy .
Have a nice Sunday folks.
Morning itchy and scratchies...I can't pretend and say I liked her but it's a shame Whitney has died so young.

<rubs eyes>...Was that a lookee likee or did I see Lottie pass through here? ;o)

More snow shaney, oh poop! It's dull and thawing here, we're in plus figures, but my head's turned to mush and I've gone all clumsy. Looked in here last night, went to fetch a drink, spilt sugar all over the place and by the time I'd cleaned up I'd lost the will to type.
Anyway I sent you some cosmic heat woofy so I'm pleased to see you feel better....the new bathroom might be a while yet Jude but don't give up, it'll be winging it's way to you soon...

Sending you all some heat and sunlight...I've boxed up some snow & saved in the freezer for July.
I've just reading about Whitney Houston. Yes very sad .Too young .
I went to see her in concert years ago at Earls Court .She was very good actually .I wasn't keen on the shmaltzy type stuff but she had a powerful voice.
not that I really approve of gunplay when your child acts up, of course, but one can only sympathise with the troubled parent here
Gunplay is Ok in its place.

Just had lunch and I was dancing in the square to a live group, trouble is I was the only one dancing! Mr N was smiling wow, daughter recorded it for her boyfriend to see, if she puts that on FB I'll kill her.

Very cold here, we've had snow and rain and sun again!
oh dear...makes my mum's clothes brush flinging seem pretty tame, haha.

"if she puts that on FB I'll kill her"....but if she puts it on youtube neti we'll love her ....<ducks>

our visiting birds are here again....this is only some of them...just after I took these pics they moved, there are lots in my own trees at this moment and a large group flapping about in my holly & eating the berries.

and here's someone who's happy to see the back of the snow (taken last weekend)
goodness, that was deep, Robinia. I had more Ibiza-like snow, about 4 inches of it that hasn't quite gone away yet but hasn't got any worse. It's supposed to be 10 degrees by Wednesday, so that'll probably do me.
excuse me jno, it was quite deep here:


although this is nothing to do with me!
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Hello all, long busy day but it went fine...poor old Shughy had to stay on lead for most of it as the daughter (fils gd) was nervous of him. He is a boisterous idiot so I could sympathise. Sis did all the cooking and hosted sing and I looked after the dogs. We are both worn out now.
Oight oight.
Hello all
Hope you've all had a good day . Lovely pics people .
Snow all gone here now ( I sent it to Ibiza )the temp has risen considerably. Picky here for lunch . Glad your day went off OK Woofy .
Lol.. Jno . One look as she picked up the hairbrush was enough from my Mum to make me scarper pdq.
Off to the hospital at silly o'clock tomorrow to flash my pins around the leg clinic and see who I can pick up :)
Have a Goodnight all .
Oight Oight everybiddy. I'm happily knackered. Been to a lovely 16th birthday party. See y'all tomorrow. By the way Neti I now have Viber on my phone.
Morning all, terrible night here, huge hail stones and snow, and the edge of the pool is very icy where it has laid. I even brought the budgie in from outside and he always stays out!
OK jude when I have a minute I'll add you to my spanish viber.

Shaney, my mum always used the hairbrush too!!!

I see Mr N's friend John Hurt got something or other at the baftas last night!
Morning all...sounds rough on your planet neti, it's fabulous here, warm and sunny, all the doors and windows are open......Ok, a big fat fib but we are in plus figures although accu says it feels like -3C... and it does.

Glad your weekend went ok woofy...I can tick that off as 'delivered on time' then :o)

Hope it all goes well for your high kicks shaney, here's how it's done...

I'm so sorry about the avatar I didn't mean to put it on here I was sending it too somebody..FAMILY :o) have changed it but don't know when it will appear.

Right I'll start again. Good morning everybody hope you're all ok. I'm running late because I had a good sleep and got up late. Lovely party last night. 27 of us again. One of the girls there helped me with my phone and put me an app. on which lets me get free music. Great! anyway have to get cracking at the mo so I hope you all have a good day and I'll see yer later 'gater(s)
Sitting at pavement cafe and it is freezing, even tho it s thawing and water everywhere. Still this is a semi tropical island so must act accordingly.

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