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Allergy sticky ears in dog

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woofgang | 20:16 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Pets
955 Answers
Hi there. My two year old Weimaraner GSP cross boy has being diagnosed will allergy problems. The main symptom is inflamed ears which then become dirty and sticky. We are working with the vet who is excellent but the steroid tablets which helped at first have stopped being effective at a dose which is acceptable in terms of side effects for the dog. The next stage is to try a topical steroid spray which we will start on monday. We have cleaned up his diet which has helped a lot but not solved the problem. We have also tried
Canaural drops (the thick yellow ones)
Thornit powder
We currently use ear cleaning solution made from boracic and lactic acid to clean his ears (at vets suggestion) plus the steroid tabs and evening primrose oil capsules, again at vet's suggestion.
has anyone else had experience of this and can you make any suggestions please?
He has bare, not hairy ear canals and is as good as gold about the twice daily cleaning and treatment.


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that sounds interesting...the hospital I worked in was an old workhouse...we actually had as a patient there the last Inspector of Workhouses that Hampshire ever employed...this would have been about 25 years ago when she was my patient, she would never talk about her job or the workhouses, she said they were terrible. Lights are going up apace, I am enjoying a cup of mint tea.
Morning all, I've yet to catch up with your posts but I didn't want you to be sending out a search party, I've been distracted by a family worry. All positive vibes greatfully received over the next two weeks. I'll be probably joining you in the insomniacs cafe jno.....zzzz
here you go, Robinia

actually, maybe I should have a vibrate or two when you're finished with it
Hello all
Damp and dismal here.Not cold though .
Sorry to hear of your worries Robinia .Sending you good vibes and some cosmic custards.
That book looks interesting Jno .That place we went to in Gressenhall used to be a workhouse .But it's a museum and working farm now . I read a book Farewell to the Workhouse .That was good ,by the lady who wrote Call the Midwife.
Nothing doing here otherwise .Just waiting for Sainsburys to bring my shopping and for the washer to chug round .
Thanks jno...I hope it's being powered by fit hamsters, two weeks is probably 12 months in rodent world. Hope your blood tests are ok, let me see your wound...<rips plaster off>....I love that sound .....

Jude we don't have the problem with the last/first post on the page on this thread.

I hope all those lights have low energy bulbs woofy...lovely doors, when you're fed up of cleaning them send them to me please...I only need two (I have measured)
I'll keep an eye open for flying custards shaney :o)
No was called Shadows of the Workhouse .It was Farewell to the East End I see she's got another one too.They must have published it posthumously called In the Midst of Life .

"They must have published it posthumously called In the Midst of Life . "

uh huh...
I've just looked at the reveiews on Amazon .Don't think it's one I want to read Too morbid .The others were good though .
Let's all have a custard and a cuppa instead ...
Ive read that book, awful reality, so sad.
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i am doing some god bothering for you Robi..yes the lights all have energy saving bulbs, halogen ones with may save energy but don't save my money.
I wil go and look for those other books, kindle is a great money spender because you can have stuff NOW....worse than ikea.
Chin up Robi, or have you got two? Hope your worry gets sorted.

Woofy don't talk to me about energy saving lightbulbs, I tried two and both of them blew in a week, energy saving bah!!
Hope you get peace soon Robi and thanks for reminding me we had moved. Thought my posts were going to be late coming on. I must have just pressed the wrong key for it not to appear.
Have been to get my Derby County Season ticket today I got £25 off plus a free home shirt plus a £50 Voucher for which I got another shirt and a top and all I had to pay was 48p over the odds. It all sounds unbelievable but it is perfectly true.
Hadn't finished not that I have much else to say I just pressed the wrong key again. Plonker that I am.
Afer I had been in Pride Park DCF Shop and Ticket Office for about an hour I then went to Sainsburys and got some petrol and let the young foreign lads there clean my car. Only a fiver and what a good job so I gave him a bit more cos he was ages doin it and it was a bit mucky cos I hadn't done it since before Christmas.
Right I am goin now. Have a goodnight everybody see you tomorrow.
Thanks people, I'll try to keep smiling...and my balaclava will keep my chins in place until I have it surgically removed next month, thank you neti. How's the Icybiza weather?

Jude have you ever been nominated supporter of the year? (if they still do it)...not something I'm likely to win :o)

very slow on here this evening...
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new lights are looking good. Man what does is back on tuesday to carry on. He is installing a bathroom somewhere else and the adhesive had to dry today before he could grout. I had sushi and orzo salad for tea...very nice and quite healthy.
Oooh you are good Woofy ..healthy eating ....I like to see healthy eating :)
We had sausages from the local butcher, which are to die for ,brussel tops and salad potatoes with loads of remoulade from the German Deli delivery we got earlier this week . We're like little kids as we pounce on the mustard and the mettwurst ! Keeps Mr S. happy though but it's a bit expensive .
Then I had rice pudding and jam .Yum .
Last Law & Order tonight .Have a nice evening folks .
Have had a busy tiring first part of the day. Apart from having to go backwards and forwards to son's house, Mr LL is very unwell with a nasty tooth abcess, so had to ferry him about between times to dentists, pharmacy, etc. He was not up to driving anywhere. Probably now have to drive to Norwich at 7.00am tomorrow to ferry son and GF to Norwich Aiport.
Slept this afternoon.

Sorry about your worries Robi. Hope things work out well. Take care.

My man who does jobs seems to have been on strike for a good few months (Mr LL). He won't let me call others in to do things he can do himself but then doesn't do things, I believe Neti has the same problem!!

Take care all of you.

Plaice and mash for tea, soft food on the menu for a few days!
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Think its an early one for us, I have been awake since 4.30.

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