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for orangedog/drgnrdr

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woofgang | 18:41 Tue 14th Feb 2006 | Animals & Nature
551 Answers

Sorry Ed to post here, its naughty I know but I can't think of another way to do it. I love the new skin on the orangedog forum, but I can't get past the first page and that took 3 attempts to load. I tried the memberlist or click on a name link to people's email but can't open them either

If I don't tell you, you will think that you have been deserted....



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Afternoon folks, I'm just dropping a link off for Shaney, wondering if you've read Johan Theorin? Knowing you like crime fiction

I once heard on the radio an interview with a young mother whose child had been very ill, she said people were asking her how in the world she found it possible to keep reading novels during this time, and she explained it so well: She said that as the thoughts in her head kept spinning round and round and round, the same thoughts, over and over again, she had discovered what a great relief it was to get herself involved in a story that moved on forward - the way stories do - as opposed to moving in circles, the way her own thoughts did, during this time of her life. Makes sense. If you do read anything by Theorin Shaney tell me about it won't you:) PS said it before but have to say it again, I just love the Shaney avatar so much, there's something so gentle about it.
Afternoon folks, I'm just dropping off.... :o)
That doesn't work for me Kit, all I do is keep on reading the same page over and over again.
Ooh thanks Kit .I hadn't heard this author so have put it in my on line wishlist at the library .I do all my library business on line you know .It's great .The only problem is you have to and collect the books ..
I don't know why they can't just throw them up the road to me as I can see it from here. :)
At the moment I'm reading the Princess of Burundi by Kjell Eriksson.
.I read a lot of this Scandavian crime fiction .You have some brilliant writers,but I have to say , I think Henning Mankell was a starting point for a lot of them and some are mediocre to say the least and can't hold a candle to him .

You get that here to of course .Someone will do a crime series and then you pick up another author and it's the same but different ,if you get my drift .
I picked up a book the other day and thought to myself this is Inspector Brunetti all over again ,but he's not in Venice !
I find a book can shut me off to any problems I have ,too ,Kit .I get immersed in it for a while and everything goes away ,until I put the book down of course :)

Not a bad day here .Bright and breezy .
Hope you are all fine and dandy ...take care
Pee bo piddle bum for now :)
I'm the same as you in that respect Robi. Knitting does help sometimes though and I believe reading can sometimes work the same way for others as knitting does for me. Shaney I couldn't agree more on your "mediocre-to-say-the-least" point of view. I can only imagine how much money there is in the crime fiction business that venerable publishing houses would care to defame themselves by accepting that much cr1p, pardon my French. It's not the genre as such I oppose, it's just the see-arr-ei-pee:) Give me Cracker any day, Robbie Coltrane, ah.
Evening each. Have you all had a good day. Mine has been uneventful. Just the normal walk, Sunday crossword, lunch, then I did so some hoovering while listening to two cheap CDs I had bought. All the hits of Van Morrison and a Dusty Springfield one. I think I'll give the Van Morrison one to one of my friends she loves him. They are both a bit of a change for me but I quite enjoyed them. Neti, I haven't watched that film The Reader yet hope to within the next few days.
I can't read a book to stop me thinking Kit, I usually end up have to re- read chunks of it. The only thing I do to stop 'thinking' about stuff is Sudokus because I have to really concentrate on them and then I do Tai Chi which believe it or not does help to switch off because when I'm there the room is all quiet and we are doing the form and there is gentle music playing in the background. Then when the others are doing another form I just sit and totally relax. Nobody speaks for about 45 minutes and if you knew us you'd say that was amazing :~)

Going to see if I can see Murray V Federer on The Red Button in a bit. He has beaten Nadal so takes on Fed.
Later 'gater(s)
another hyperactive day here - sitting at the computer from dawn to dusk trying to put the right dates on everything on my Ipod, just in case I should ever want to order everything chronologically. I'm kind of amazed at how many wrong dates there were - about a third of my collection - especially when they're from CD's I've uploaded rather than songs I've bought from Itunes.

Maybe I should get up and walk round the room a couple of times.
I've managed to get a commentary on my lap top of the Murray match. Murray in front in the first set. Quite a while to go then...

Remember my friend?

His bro-in-law still denies it but guess this must be almost near to the truth!
Hi Biddimates,

Been in the garden all day. It really is my most therapeutic activity. I forget absolutely everything when I am out there. I don't seem to be able to read these days, unless I am on holiday. I just can't concentrate and just like Robi I keep reading the same page over and over. And yes, Jude, Sudokus keeps my brain too busy to worry at the same time!!

Cooking stuffed courgettes with pasta and poaching nectarines in honey and water at the moment. Gardening has made me hungry.

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I make cards to keep myself from mental squirrel night I lay and design them if I can't sleep too.
Well that's the tennis off for a bit it's raining in Canada. Just sorted out doing the Lotto on line.
That's a sad story about your friend Neti. I
I don't know what I've done but if I put my arrow an a word it translates it into all sorts of languages.
Yes Lottie I do loads of Sudokus I use the Grand Masters Books. They have 90 puzzles in like this
I'm off to make my cocoa now Have a good night everybiddy. Sleep tight.
Ooops Woofy didn't spot you there til I'd sent my post. I wish I was 'arty crafty' My sister makes all her cards. Very clever. Hope Mr H is still keeping well.
Evening all. Sigh, I've just ran my sparkly frog brooch through the washing machine. Came out remakably well though. And what the hell is "cr1p", must be the 'Allo 'Allo! variety of cr@p ha ha.

Yes like I said reading doesn't do it for me either but I've always remembered the way that young mother described it. And Jude tai chi absolutely works except I've given it up for now as my place is too small and I'm not brave enough to do it outside like you're supposed to (Are you?)

Woofy I used to make lotus cards for a while, inspired by this site

Did you notice that shaking Neti and if so what did you put it down to, might he have been neurologically ill - or are they just implying he had been abusing drugs for too long. "Shaaaaaron!" ha ha... I miss The Osbournes a bit! My current favourite reality show is Undercover Princes - one episode left so no spoilers please.
PS Woofy it's a brilliant site and as you can see she's planning to put lots of it in English in the near future.
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good morning! Kit that's a lovely site, i found the English one.
A good quiet start to the day fact......zzzzzzzzz
Morning all
Such as it is . More like October than the middle of August .Awful windy here and drizzling.
I think we can say goodbye to the summer :(
It's all quiet here too. No news is good news , so they say .
Hope you are all Ok .See you later .
well, we are promised some sunshine today, but at sunset. What a useful arrangement. A bit like Camelot, really, with the sun only shining at night.

I hope everyone's aches and pains are in abeyance... must look that up on Google Maps
Morning all...beautiful here, just waiting for the washer to finish. Tarquin said it was very hot in't Heberides yesterday, lovely isn't it? ...west coast of Islay...

If Sweedie ever says she can arrange for you to go & stay in Sweden, for the love of ceiling cat, just say no! hahaha...Last night I dreamt she did just that for me.
I arrived there & we met in some shabby 'hotel?' & I realised she'd lumped me in with a group - very nice people I might add, just mostly non-English speaking. Anyway she arranged to take us off to a place of 'interest' which turned out to be a very green field, as far as the eye could see it was just grass. Sweedie, at this point, was cavorting with a guy who looked liked someone I went to school with & later 'came out' (we always suspected as much, so she was barking up the wrong tree there) while I was left alone with a flummoxed Chinese couple. Come bed time we were ushered into a cold dungeon of a dormitory, with painted brick walls & rattly metal beds, and there was some obsession with not using electricity as we were issued with low energy inspection lamps & that was the only light we could use. At this point in walked Sebastion Coe (what the??!!) who said I could stay in his high class hotel if I wanted to.
Customer Review on this holiday....CRIP

why do other people always have much more interesting dreams than me? Perhaps it is because my own life is so wonderful and packed with incident that dreams seem dull by comparison.

Or perhaps not.
Morning all, won't be on often at mo as am running 7 different people about in groups! Some are legless some are disabled legless, one is a moany 8yr old, (doesn't moan when it's shopping) moans when it had to walk back to hotel, I ask you. But I'd had enough of running them hither and thither and it meant I would have to walk back up hill to get car and then run them to hotel, but which time they could have (and did I presume)walked back to hotel. Back in my nice quiet empty home!!! yummy!

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