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chicken police

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swedeheart | 15:10 Wed 04th Feb 2009 | Animals & Nature
510 Answers
Afternoon, animal lovers. I don't have any animals anymore but lov'em and often watch all sorts of animal clips on YouTube. This one featuring the chicken police really intrigued me - is there anyone among you that could come up with a theory as to why two fighting rabbits should annoy the roosters to such a degree??

The second video is just a bonus for you cat lovers, no question attached, although if any of you have your own little roomba driver at home, do tell!


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Morning foggies,
Oh dear, have we lost another ABer? No jno, I often noticed his name but can't say I ever had a lot to do with him either. Was he just a regular in cb or other categories as well?

Keep your chin up Kit, all things must pass/get easier in time/are never as bad as they seem...and all other cliches that are meaningless when you feel like sh1te...
Some here to cheer you up.... ;o)

You might feel better if you take your foot off the cat that's wailing there in your room.... :o) Soothing?! > > > > > > >
Except motherhood doesn't get any better, one just worries more and more and more............
can't stand Leonard Cohen either, talk about doom and gloom, his singing is enough to depress anyone!!!

Poor Logic, I sometimes thought he was legend but then that's just me getting confuzzled!
Having just read the CB post, I am totally confused. did logic go? where is Legend's post and what did Ward-Minter say???

Am sitting here knitting by the guilliotine!!
neti, the posts are in Sportsanswerbank, which is now a completely different site from the sports section of AB


I have no idea who all these people with different identities are, apart from the wonderful Mr Veritas and Elsie of course.
Funny that, Mr V ignores everything I say, last post I said that I was worried about pickle and would pop in to visit when next home, and also as Mr V is a very dear friend and neighbour I would like to meet him! (and elsie of course) <<chortles>>
can someone explain to me the works of Harold Pinter, am just starting to watch them and they seem like a darkish kitchen sink drama - well The Room does! What are everyone's opinions - shall I persever or are they too hard!
if you don't like Leonard Cohen then i should give up on Harold Pinter.
When Leonard growls " I'm your man" I go all silly....
And he has a smile like the stars
This is how i remember him best
PS, he's more like jumping out the window music than taking the lift though!!
Leonard Cohen ? No thanks .I'm in enough pain as it is :)
I prefer something cheerful ..Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep perhaps or I'm leaning on the Lamppost at the Corner of our Street .I may as well lean on the lamppost 'cos it's bright enough round our way at the mo .
They've put the new posts in but haven't removed the old ones Consequently it's like Blackpool Illuminations all night long .I fully expect someone to appear with a megaphone yelling "What is your name and number ".They've dug all these holes and buggered off !
Was Logic a CB'er. If it's CB then I don't darken that doorway very often .I get confused as to who's who, she said he said , and discussions about underwear by sleazy old men.
Pinter Neti ..menacing comedy with lots of pregnant pauses and meaningful silences .Not my cup of tea .
Sorry you're feeling low Kit ,hope you soon feel better and where's Jude ..Not still poorly I hope .
Weather here same old ,dank ,dull and cold .
Toodlepip for now .
Just had a comely young spaniard up to do my ICP ~ ha ha, Mr N knocked out the wall and put in an ICP box and it was unnecessary(sp? my spelling is getting very bad these days, and sometimes the words just look wrong). He'll be hopping mad when he gets home, am still gigling.
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Wow that's a sensational performance Woofy - what a sexy little smile at 1.07 and did you hear the groupies howl after he sang "I'll examine every inch of you", ha ha ha <3 Fantastic recital too. He's a sage - a sexy one. Were you here Woofy when I posted The Banana Song - you don't wanna miss that one!

Neti with the right actors and the right director Pinter can be mildly amusing but he doesn't hit you in the heart - at least not what little I have seen. It's more like a chess game, probably quite inspiring to a lot of actors who have to speak brain dead lines in so many other plays, but... Oh I shouldn't say anything really, I haven't seen enough, but then on the other hand - I've seen enough;-)

Okay Robi, taking my foot off the wailing cat now - here's Richard Herrey for you instead >>>>>> Sounds like sh1t... good song though, by Swede Hassle who I believe has made the UK charts?
Just remembered Mr N likes leonard cohen so that explains a lot!!!!!
You're a wicked woman neti

ooh I confess to having a soft spot for Chirpy Chirpy, it reminds me of summer and good times...and the cute little girl from next door used to wander into our (mums) kitchen (as they did in those days) singing it. She'd climb up on the chair, have a little chat, show you her scraped knees & elbows etc & off she went, haha

tut, will they ever stop with all these dirges? :o)... It's gloomy enough one way or t'other as it is so what we need in here is to pretend it's summer with some upbeat singalong toons...
Yep ..that's better Robinia ..we need some good vibrations round here accompanied by some california girls doing a bit of surfin' USA ' cos I'm gettin' bugged drivin' up and and down the same old strip :)
Oh that is my all time favourite song and I would leave home for Brian Wilson!! Love the Beach Boys so much and makes me all young and lully again!!
Chirpy chirpy cheep cheep, was popular when I was engaged to a spanish doctor. Middle of the Road yeah, happy days, til he cheated!!
<<Someday I'm gonna write, the story of my life" >>- quiz, who remembers that and who sang it (yes I do know)
oh no, are we on the slide again? was it Perry Como?
lol shaney...hope you haven't got a nail in your tyre?

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