Wow that's a sensational performance Woofy - what a sexy little smile at 1.07 and did you hear the groupies howl after he sang "I'll examine every inch of you", ha ha ha <3 Fantastic recital too. He's a sage - a sexy one. Were you here Woofy when I posted The Banana Song - you don't wanna miss that one!
Neti with the right actors and the right director Pinter can be mildly amusing but he doesn't hit you in the heart - at least not what little I have seen. It's more like a chess game, probably quite inspiring to a lot of actors who have to speak brain dead lines in so many other plays, but... Oh I shouldn't say anything really, I haven't seen enough, but then on the other hand - I've seen enough;-)
Okay Robi, taking my foot off the wailing cat now - here's Richard Herrey for you instead >>>>>> Sounds like sh1t... good song though, by Swede Hassle who I believe has made the UK charts?