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Icemaiden. So you did, and if I had taken notice of you in the first place I probably wouldn't have got so stressed out. I will let you know how he is when I get back from work tomorrow. I work just Wednesdays in the bookshop for my boss, and the rest of time I work for him from home. So tomorrow my husband is in charge, but I'll be able to feed Frankie and give him his tablets before I leave, and the same when I get back again. So husband only has to feed Frankie at lunch time, and keep an eye on him during the day, but I imagine I won't be able to concentrate very well when I'd rather be home with Frankie while he's poorly. I wouldn't like to let my boss down, as he is very good, unless it was a dire emergency. I'll probably survive, but be glad when it's teatime. love Schutz.