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Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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scatty mare
Is this designed not to work in the sub-categories? For example, a search for 'family' in genealogy will give no results, but a search for the same word in history gives nearly 5000. This question's...
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Doc Spock
I love legend to bits but why has he got dozens of posts and all mine are banned.
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the ed offended me by implying I do not know the difference between a statement and a question. this is a question: is a question not that far from a statement and really just about perception?
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What section of AB, since yesterday, has had 9 questions and 3 answers to those questions? No its not the Christmas section! Thats right, its the new and improved SPORTS ANSWERBANK!, where the most...
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is aband of gorillas running answer bank i think so
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am i the only one thats wondering when theyre gonna have a different poll? are they too busy removing posts to bother posting a new poll? we aere all now in a majority agreement that "You would never...
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answered about four questions today, 3 were banned and they just happened to have joe the lion also participating in the discussion, who is in charge here, ? thanks. ps i do expect a reply !
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I've just posted a question in Technology asking for help in sorting out my wireless netowrk and its been banned!! I haven't sworn or made any detrimental comments at all - its a simple request for...
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In view of this new innovation, (which without being too dramatic, has come as a shock) will we be able to distinguish between the good works of the eds team during the twilight hours and the...
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Just about to answer a question on here and it vanishes.... Please please please can we do away with the sub catergories on here??? They never used to be there years ago. I found that if you put your...
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is it possible to completely erase your name profile etc?
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In my profile it says iv answered x number of questions, and then says 2 of which have been removed. However i cant find anythign to tell me which answers have been removed. Anyone able to help me?...
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why am i no longer receiving notice of when i have received a reply to my question or to subscribed threads?
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Doc Spock
do any of you keep a stopwatch by your side to ensure you adhere to the above posting rule. I shall watch this very carefully in future.
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I suggest we have a conspiracy theory section. First theory for discussion. There seems to be an inordinate amount of new members and unfamiliar names on SAB which I don't see elsewhere. Do you think...
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I answered a question, and in the answer was the name of a well known supermarket. This answer has not appeared. Have I been zapped for advertising?
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this beta word keeps getting thrown into conversation's so my Question is....................... what is BETA?
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Why do questions dissappear from this sight? some that were here 30 min ago are gone...and they weren't offensive. I have seen this happen several times-does anyone know why? Is AB playing games?
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On here, how do you make some words italic, bold ect, and make links be clickable. (Lol) Just wondering =] Please help =] x
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Why is barneyboo's Derek Acorah question from 03/06/07 stuck at the top of the Media section?

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