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Site Suggestions

Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.

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a fatima whitbread section
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Robb Phoenix
One of my answers was removed some time back- I don't know which or why.Is there any way I can find out?
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Is part of the AB Ed team muslim? Is that why people that criticize islam on AB are so harshly dealt with? In this country my forefathers fought hard against ruthless enemies to uphold our right to...
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Haleys comet or ABed blog ?
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I suggest you add the option 'disciminatory' to the list of options as this would cover posts which include sexual, religeous, racial and disability related discrimination.
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what year will we be in, in 999years
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Can we have a joke section to give us a laugh a day?
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Miss Random
I still have friends on Sport, yet it tells me none are on line when I know full well they are. I haven't used the site for several months, so do I need to re-invite all the friends I had to...
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Please could we have a subcategory for Classical music? The success of Classic FM indicates that there is a wider interest than previously suspected. Personally, I sould be tempted to keep a small...
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Can we have a jams section please? Note: NOT preserves - jam.
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Whenever I answer a question in the Sport section, I always have to sign in before I can post the answer, even though I've already signed in to AB? I've already asked this question but you didn't...
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i am quite new to answer bank, and wondered if there could be a camping catagory. thank you
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ghetto poet
Ed, Why have you not removed a question where a member is wishing death on another member due to his religion. This question was posted this morning and has still not been removed....
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"There's been so much going on at AB recently so we're sorry for the apparent lack of Editorial presence on the AnswerBank but we have been working hard behind the scenes....." so said the AB Editor...
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How do i stop recieving confirmation emais off Answerbank?
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Ed: can we ban aliases. The situation is now out of control. John. /Mike.
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Are you neurotic?
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OK, we can report abuse on questions set, but could not the categories be increased to cover a few other options, like trolling. Also, there is no ability to report an answer, and there is a certain...
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Media &TV covers the categories Celebrity Gossip Films Radio Reality TV and TV. I suggest that they all should be incorporated into one category Media & TV. I have posted questions in Media & TV and...
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Upon seeing this case, it got me thinking that i've seen comments far more threatening on this site. Will this judgement have an effect on how The Answerbank run this place? If they continue to let...

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