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Flowers on a fig?

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woofgang | 14:54 Fri 08th Apr 2005 | Site Suggestions
557 Answers
I have a nice brown Turkey fig tree in a pot. I get about six figs a year and very nice they are too. BUT I have never seen any flowers on my fig tree, just suddenly tiny figs appear. figs flower and if so when and what do the flowers look like? and if figs don't flower, where do the tiny figs come from??


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I have to admit it's touch or go as to whether I can highlight. Sometimes it works and other times the top of the page comes down. Is this the same for everyone???

why is everyone whispering in here???

I know what to do so don't think you can talk about me....
Robinia um bet shes still in bed...He He..(:)
Whooops....runs and hides in the coal cellar...(:)

Hi My Secret Double Agent Undercover Biddies

I hope not all your posts will be in invisible ink as our last shipment of tools of espionage were hoodwinked by the terrible band of Ramblers who regularly roam the monastery grounds. They mistook the camouflaged box for their "tea things" - I knew covering the box in doilies was a bad idea.

Geesh, what's that smell? I thought Vinny's slippers were left in the old Grotto?!

Vinny you're forgetting we're not in the grotto now - NO coal cellar, haha.......there's no hiding place it's all minimalist and open plan. I miss the dusty old nooks and crannies......
Ha Ha ED...that's not my slippers that's netti's old donkey(:)(:)
don't worry Ed the invisible ink will soon be gone - I think Vinny has used it to fill in his tax form....those slippers look far too static to be his - they took on a life of their own and were last spotted busking outside Damart.

as gessoo has pointed out, you can always highlight the entire page and read everything at once. control+a should do this. Shaney as I write this I have a range of options under the Type your answer here line - bold, italics, underscore, colour and some other stuff about justification I never use (except now). I don't know if these come up in other browserillas though.

Thanks Ed - it's a bit like opening a book with no text!

I miss the Grotto's nooks & crannies too Robinia!

I suppose this new home does look a bit like the Big Brother house! Too minimalist for my liking. I like clutter and nooks and crannies. I have just acquired several of these so that Vinny can go and hide whenever necessary.


and have borrowed the donkey and cart and have roamed around nicking some nice big plants


Nice to see you Ed. Hope you have a good weekend.

neti adjusts her hearing aid "Crooks and Grannies - how dare you young smudge"

Please don't think I watch Big Brother. I have had several glimpses of several of the programmes and have used the 'off' switch fairly rapidly!!

Us Figgies would be a lot more entertaining. Perhaps we could get a nice contract worth millions and never have to do any lotteries again!!!!

LOL Neti - young smudge eh?! Well I do get taken for our Grandchildren's Mum's, so you could be right! :o}
And ..we need a proper fireplace.We can all gather round in our recliners in front of this....The ironong board is to the left out of the picture....hint hint !!

I haven't got anything that comes up under "type your answer here".I can highlight stuff in blue for copying and pasting but that's it. Godzilla obviously hasn't got all these fancy folderols and flibberty bits.I can use IE but that means I have to reregister with AB and I can't be doing with more changes of username.
Men in white coats will shortly be coming to take me away .

gesso I've long thought that a band of psychologists are probably watching our threads and studying us......

Oh don't say that Robinia ..they will probably think we all need our heads examined. Or want to feel our bumps!!
Grrrrr you leave my "bumps" alone, cost me a fortune they did!!!!
I'm very proud of my 'bumps'!

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Flowers on a fig?

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