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Flowers on a fig?

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woofgang | 14:54 Fri 08th Apr 2005 | Site Suggestions
557 Answers
I have a nice brown Turkey fig tree in a pot. I get about six figs a year and very nice they are too. BUT I have never seen any flowers on my fig tree, just suddenly tiny figs appear. figs flower and if so when and what do the flowers look like? and if figs don't flower, where do the tiny figs come from??


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good morning figgybankers - was desperately trying to ignore the computer but gave it. Hope you are all well and happy today? Are you sitting comfortably? Am of to see the nurse for tests - It's a male nurse and think he just fancies me as I'm sure my BP is fine, hey ho off I go.

>>>>>comes running in late with doctor's note.......

Oh.... no one here - tut - thought I was going to be in trouble....
Is it medics all round today then? Look away now Vinny, this is woman's talk.....been for my first mammogram this morning.....not at all as bad as I'd heard some say. I was dreading it, I was awake at 5.30 - I've always thought they wouldn't find enough mammo to gram. Fingers crossed all will be ok.
Hope everyone else is too.

Expect neti is going to come in all hot & flustered..

Morning all....
So you had to go and have a go with the pancake maker Robinia ! I'm sure you will be fine. It's a good thing that they do these regular checks for us poor old figgies ! I have slogged down to the doctor this morning for a blood test for my thyroid levels and also cholesterol. Soon he will know just how much cheese I consume!
Hope you are all wrapped up warm.It's enough to freeze the dangly bits off a primate here this morning.Freezing easterly wind.I have got to brave it again now and take poor Shane out as he is giving me the evil eye.
Yes shaneystar it's eye-wateringly cold here too - I don't know how we'd cope with Russian temperatures though of minus 30!

I put my big toe outside the door and when it fell off with frostbite decided not to venture out just yet. Should be working but have been on the phone to our stupid bank and got very angry with them for charges on our account that shouldn't be there. My ironing lady has just brought back all my ironing all beautifully done and in plastic bags on hangers!!!!

Must get on. See you later.

jno -
I've just been reading one of your posts where you say that you find it difficult to read and absorb information on a screen & have to re-read. Well that's exactly how I am too, quite often things make no sense at all (haha well I'd be worried if they did in here!) until I've read it several times. Is it a Biddy thing....having only had books for so long do we all struggle like that??? If I have something really important to read I print it off & it's like hey, presto, all becomes clear....well, hopefully.....

btw, IAP I think it's time for another celeb story please


Is it dinner time yet? - been a long morning....

Robinia, yes, I assume it's just because I'm used to paper - I still read things on paper! - but much less used to screens, even after 10 years or more, and even though I'm on a variety of screens 8 hours a day at work, not counting Biddybanks. But that doesn't really explain why I comprehend things more easily on paper. Does type on screen somehow seem more flickery? Is it because screens are up level with our eyes, whereas we mostly look down at books and magazines? Is it just old age and wobbly eyesight? I really don't know. But like you - if it's important I print it off.

Ho hum here I come - nurse didn't even ask me to strip so put on my best aertex knickers for nothing. BP is fine so can go on sinning food wise.

I hate mammograms. The bazoom stretched out for miles in front and I have to gather whole thing into my arms and stuff back into bra. It's an art, I can tell you!

Haven't bother to go for one or a smear last year, but will soon.

Not very cold here, just jumper weather. This time last year we had snow and I was so hoping, but nothing.

The results of a mammogram:


Can someone tell me why I cannot minimise figgybank and then go to google and back again - figgybank just disappears, so anything I have written is lost, and that is such a shame for you lot.
Where has everybody gone? Why do you all disappear when I come on? Oh I know, are we playing hide and seek? OK I'll go and look for you all.

neti perhaps your screen is somehow using the same window to go to Google, instead of opening a new window while figgybank is still open? In theory you should go to the start menu and click on Internet Explorer or whatever your browser is, to get a new window, but of course it's probably all different in Spanish. Something like Go to el starto menuo and clicko on interneto explorero, excuse my French.

Or it could be you are so radioactive after your tests that it's affecting your screen, making the dog bark etc

I think I see what you mean jno but the yahoo page come up, so how can I change that to google. I'm a bit fuzzy but I think there's light at the end of the tunnel?

thanks jno - we'll have to call ourselves the Squinties

I'm here neti - went to fix some lunch - carry on you two you've got me in fits....

Robinia you may find it amusing, but to me it is rocket science and I need help.

Are you sorted yet neti ? - it's because you've added a shortcut to your desktop for FiggyB......
are we going to have a new name with every move? I hope to goodness the next one wasn't a Question about boobs.....

these are The Very Important papers I've printed off to read.....seems they're all Biddypages.....

so Robinia if I get rid of the shortcut - how else can I access figgybank quickly. Please share your knowledge, cos am fed up with typing loads of clever stuff (ahem) and then googling for suitable piccy and losing figgybank.

Just off out shopping, feeling quite good!! My ironing lady said she thought I was about 45, and I wasn't fishing for complements either = seeing I was still in me dressing gown, pink slippers, hair standing on end and no makeup!!!

Actually, I can read and digest of screens very well, but I have been using computers and screens for work since 1987, so perhaps that is why.

Just skipping off now (some hopes, I'm still walking like an old lady, but my stick has now been abandoned)

Byeeeeee, 45, 45, 45, 45................yeaaahhhhhhhhh

oh I'm not very good with directions

Here's what I do - open internet explorer (with my home page which is wanadoo) and then minimise it. If I want google I use the little links thingy that I have top right.

then I open Figgy from my desktop.... minimise when not reading and use the other wanadoo page for searching stuff....then when I return to figgy I just refresh the page for new posts...

clear as mud I know.....

'off screen' 'compliments'!!!

I might be able to read and digest off screens, but obviously I don't read my postings before I send them!

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