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M&S Hurricane Lamp

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Robinia | 10:17 Tue 22nd Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers

Has anyone bought one of these ?
Could you please tell me the size of it? I don't know why they don't state it! I have mailed M&S but they haven't replied yet.

Or has anyone seen the same thing elsewhere? Thanks!



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My friend has just bought Craig David's mansion over here, for 1.5m�, bet I don't get invited to it!!!!
Happy Birthday Vinny ... slice of cake for me too please ! Fancy making a chap buffer on his birthday. I expect you'll need some medicine for later.

Same old here ...damp and dull .I'll have a squirt of what you're having Robinia .
See you all later ....I must iron my frock ready for the tea party.
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you never know neti, you might be invited to zoom round immediately....

....with george.

anywhere in particular shaney?
get yourselves gussied up, ladies, Vinny's parties are always quaite poshe
I hope he cuts the crusts off the cucumber sandwiches.

Thank you Robinia...I feel less squeakier now !

Don't worry Neti we'll come round mob handed ..they are bound to let us in..I have my swim suit all ready.

I hope you have sprayed yourself liberally with Channel Jno in readiness for the birthday bash.
Just popping in for a sec,one more bloomin job,and im done..Thanks so much for all your good wishes.Please help yourselfs to chockys...
yummy!not the truffles...slaps biddys wont like them,and Ive bitten the corner off each one hehe...!(:o)
hehe (:o)
Question Author
yo Vinny....are you buffered? They're poshe chocolats, I usually get maltesers.... tut

got you a pressie here

well, actually I bought us all one 'cos I thought it would save you rattling spoons & having to stir all our teas before you whoosh off to work in a morning....aren't I considerate?
Hi Everybody I'm back. Sorry I've not been on - PC out of usual place while Gardener/Decorator papers the kitchen for me. Well Good News hand benign and I'm happy, but bad news wound became infected and am on antibiotics had stitches out yesterday. Drs in am for 1 more week off work HAPPY BIRTHDAY VINNY HAVE A GREAT DAY..XXXX. Still tidying up see you all later :o) x
P.S. It's taken me half and hour to read all the posts I've missed lol. Also personel at work says I can alter my hours so thats a bonus....
Good evenin my luvers,,,....
tis windy out there,just set one of me ballooons free out of window,and its on its way to ibeza has we talk..bad news im afraid,just got me xmas TV guide,..and 2 thirds of progs are all called "to be announced" how boring is that..!shainey thanks for the becks......hic...! i want one of them tea thingys in me stocking pleease ribena.....
yo (~~~~~~~:::((((*_*))))::::~~~~~~~~~)
That's good news for you Jude less worry for you ..but I told you all that jigging, jogging and rocking was no good !! It's a wonder you didn't end up with an algia or an ology !
I hope the antibiotics do the trick and that you will soon be beeping away again at JS. In the meantime make the most of your time off .xxx
Hic.. back at yer Vinny ....I am having a birthday drink for you !! Shh ..don't tell Robinia ..she'll have me tidying up the tights and organising the crimplene tops !
Nothing on the tele at Crimble ? Dear oh dear ..looks like I shall have to play drunken Scrabble yet again !
Pssst, is it safe to come out now? Been hiding from the wrath of that Spa- ...that Sp- ...that spectacularly charming woman with her sun-sun-sun-reports. ;-)

Jude's hand benign - gotta dance! Sorry 'bout the infection, though.

Happy Birthday, Vinny! I know you wanted exotic dancing, but you'll just have to make do with some exuberant singing. I can't send the card to you from this computer, but I hope this link drops you off at the e-card I intended for you to have. Re your question: No I haven't been to language school in England... just been to London, for one week in 1989... Where do you pick up words like pepparkaka?! (Gingerbread, for those of you (if any!) who haven't been to Swedish language school.)

Robinia, (I decided you're a full 'Robinia' after all, it's nice), hope you're busy with my cardigan? (Thanks Dolly!) I'm shocked to read that you haven't done a single thing for Christmas yet - you must either get busy or at least[IMG]

The truth is, jno, we don't cope very well with the long, dark days. People do get very tired. It's just not natural, not something you get used to. Why on earth did our ancestors roam so far up north? But I wouldn't want your Australian temperature either, Dolly...

How do the British bear[/IMG]

(cont. below...)

Shaney, a pool for Shaney! (You know I'm not being flippant.)

Gotta go home now, my eldest half-sister is calling me late tonight to say good bye before she and her family leave for Japan - for the next 8 months. She lives in another part of Sweden, and so we don't see each other very often - but I'll miss her anyway...

Good night all!
He He Shaney I reckon ribena's a secret lemonade drinker R Wights R Wights...(:o)
Hi Kit thankyou for the little dance. Cheered me up now end. Hand is on the mend now thanks.
Hello Dolly wish it was summer over here but perhaps not as hot as it is for you.
Hi to Robinia I like to call you your full title as well it woulrn't be the same to call you anything else and I've been Jude forever LOL Off to watch Katherine Tate now see you all tomorrow Goodnight Sleep Tight
Question Author since when did M&S stand for Muzzy & Squiffy? ....suspect there's been a bit of sherry passed around in here...

Jude glad about your good news, must be a relief, but sorry about the infection....hope you're not on those flucloxawatsits....they seem to make some people feel a bit rough.

hi Kit....I don't think it got light here today so I know how you feel....3 days without sunshine & my solar power runs out.
I think whispers [that Spanish woman's] cat has been playing with my knitting again....I think a liberal sprinkling of lion poo is called for around here.

now, where are my empty pop bottles?....I'd got 1s 3d due to collect on them.....
Thanks kip.........thats brill....
I see you have a piccy of derby....hahaha...!ribena likes it...they cant see her nicking cakes out of birds(olde cakey shoppe)in that fog hehe..!qiuck shaney.....have another gin...robinia's gone down the chippy....(:o)
oh fiddlededee, that link on my last post doesn't work any more... it was fine when I posted it, and I checked it again immediately afterward... why do they turn themselves off like that? I believe some people get upset if you link to their pictures, so maybe that's the reason.

Kit, have a good 14-hour sleep, it can only do you good, gotta store up energy for those long summer days! Guess this must be your iPod... _i_500.jpg
Good Morning
pinch and a punch...white rabbits.....!
sorry about the tea all over the could have told me robinia,not to fill to the top with that self-stirring contraption...doh..! runs off and changes me long johns...tut
just a thought Dolly.have you tried frying an egg on top of your car?in that heat you could cook an entire sunday dinner...hehe..!(:o)

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