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M&S Hurricane Lamp

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Robinia | 10:17 Tue 22nd Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers

Has anyone bought one of these ?
Could you please tell me the size of it? I don't know why they don't state it! I have mailed M&S but they haven't replied yet.

Or has anyone seen the same thing elsewhere? Thanks!



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Thanks Robinia why am I so stoopid??
God kv�ll i stugan, biddies!

Correction, Vinny: I may have, 32 years ago, looked like your cousin, but these days there isn't any resemblance between me and myself, even. You, on the other hand, look if I may say so like Jesus hitching a ride to Woodstock. I love my Warhol poster, it's beautiful, thank you so much, those are nice colour combinations that you chose.

Robinia, you do do a good job disciplining that Spanish woman, but will it suffice I wonder. I swear, Neti, if I hear you complain about the Ibiza climate once more you are so gonna get it. (But we should probably stick together in the stoopid corner you and me, 'cause I didn't understand Vinny's job description either.)

Vinny, Shaney, Robinia: I read your respective stories of loss, and I'd just like to say I think it's a good thing that we don't always have to keep up appearances on here (and so no need to say sorry, Vinny.)

Thanks for helping out with uploading-info, jno.
Loved your storm photo. Have a lovely time in Paris! Haven't been there since I was fifteen, are they still very upset with you if you don't speak their lingo fluently?

Yes Jude I do suppose that my alias is kinda unwieldy. So you might (all) call me... say... Kit? Or just Swede. Whichever. (Dear QM calls me Da - there's short for you!) Hope Wednesday will be good news day for you, Jude.

I haven't forgotten your request for an essay on Christmas traditions in Sweden, Vinny...
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Hi Kit - that's a very good name & nice & short....when this lot have had a few egg-nogs come the festive season you could have become anything from Suede to Weeds so hopefully they'll cope with Kit. Please feel free to shorten my name if you want to....(the rest of you can call me madam)...I'm amazed that everyone still types it out in full.

Discipline neti? ....I've been trying for over 12 months to thwack some sense into her so I'm used to it....

Well done neti by the, where's my Woman's Weekly....?
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hahaha, lol Kit....that's us alright, its scary enough to clear the whole site of any troublemakers.....hahaha
I think I'll call you Robbie then, if you like that...?
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oh sorry, I got a little lost in B&S just now....yes, thats fine - as you may have noticed Vinny has a selection of little names for me.....mmmmm?
Hiya Kit,Thats very Sweet of you.Umm,you havent seen my cousin lately...hehe..!
funny enough ,people use to call me jesus,in my Hippy days(actually,I was on my way to the Isle of Wight Pop Festival)but these days people just say Jesus, who's that ..!
did you ever go to an English langauge school in England?maybe Bournemouth.I dont know why,but I have this vision of you,saying to your family,Im just popping up the road to fetch some Pepparkaka -- ,and you secretly go in the Library to use the putta....hahaha am I wrong..
So you have sussed out netti...always making out she hate's the warm weather when we are freezing..tut tut..!
pssst..tell robinia you all ready have plenty of cardys.....she knitted one for me last xmas,and I couldnt find my way out of it for days...hehe..!(((*_*)))
CHRISTMAS IN SWEDEN, as per request

Ahem! Well... basically we just stuff ourselves and give each other too many and too expensive presents on December 24, Christmas Eve. The Christmas tree is a big deal, but stockings and crackers are optional. For grown-ups it's 'mandatory' to keep at least one Advent candlestick at home. A new candle is lit for every Sunday leading up to Christmas Eve, until finally all four are burning. For children it is the Advent calendar that serves as a countdown. There are 24 pictures hidden under 24 flaps; the final picture is of course the baby Jesus in the manger, or some such scene.

If you want to get drunk, stay close by the gl�ggserved hot with raisins and blanched almonds. (It's rather like gl�hwein, I believe.) If that doesn't do it, have some snaps at dinner, it's good for digesting all the fatty foods. My personal choice is Gammeldansk (Old Danish). It's very bitter (wormwood) and you'll either hate it or love it. No mortal man or woman has managed to swallow it down without first having eaten an entire pig (or having eaten like one) so it's not the kind of stuff you're likely to have too much of.

There's another important and 'exotic' event in December that I haven't mentioned here, I'll tell you about it when it rolls around.

There's much more to tell of course, but hey, give a biddy a break...

Signing off now, but looking forward to learn if any of the above was completely new to any of you...?
Hope this Advent candlestick link works better than the other one: er.jpg

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oh lovely...yes, we have advent calenders & sometimes candles....usually when the bob's gone in the meter....haha sorry, old english biddy joke. See you soon!

Vinny stop spoiling the xmas surprises....there was nowt wrong with that cardy, you had it on back to front....too many Becks.....
Ribena....can I have some glogg in my stocking please.....oooh exotic minds bogglin already..kit.will there be piccys.....(:o)
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I was wondering how long it would take for you to mention the exotic part Vincent!

tut! alright, just for you
an exotic creature
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poop! it's that spanish woman again!

exotic creature take 2
neti comes in spitting with fury That woman? THAT WOMAN ! do mine eyes deceiv-eth me?? And hark, pray whom is this of who you talk?? Get Da Kit off (he he had to say it before El Vinny) I'll sort 'er out ma�ana.
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♫ hums the Spanish Flea.....♫
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I remembered we had a Jesus in the pub I used to go in
(The Royal in Long Eaton Jude)
if I close my eyes & listen to
this I'm right back there in all the smoke with my cider.....
I have just popped in to wish you all a goodnight algias and ologies are giving me a bad time today so I am off to my bed with a hottie,book and a couple of my stash of coproxymol and a nice cup of Bournvita to wash them down. Sleep well everyone and see you all tomorrow.xx
No messing about in the departments once we shut please .....I don't want to find all the bloomers and wynciette nighties in a muddle tomorrow morning .
Baby squeeze my lemon,let the juice run down my Leg...
they dont write erm like they use to...netti...I was saving that one methinks you read my mind hic Doh..!
now, this is how it really was.....LIVE::::::::::::::::>>>>>>>>>>>
not perfick but brill (*)(*_)*)::::::::::~~~

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