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M&S Hurricane Lamp

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Robinia | 10:17 Tue 22nd Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers

Has anyone bought one of these ?
Could you please tell me the size of it? I don't know why they don't state it! I have mailed M&S but they haven't replied yet.

Or has anyone seen the same thing elsewhere? Thanks!



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Well I only watch the new ones coz I get them (on the black - they are excellent pirate copies shhh) and I only get them coz the films are only in Spanish or stupid local dialect which no one understands! and the films really are not the same in a dubbed format.
I love Shawshank of my favourites .No good asking me about the latest films either ! The last time I went to the cinema it was one and six and I came out itching !!
I am still working my way through Poldark which I had for my birthday way back in January .I have watched Brideshead over and over again and still have half of I Claudius to watch but I get sidetracked with Zulu....and the Italian Job !! I watch a lot of comedy stuff ...Dads Army (daft I know but I always get a good laugh from it ) and my son recently bought the Still Game series ....the two old scots chaps ..brilliant !
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oooh, Biddyhead - haven't watched that for at least...erm, 3 months. Time to give it a showing methinks.
I've got the Lillie (Lilly langtree) tv series too & I just love it.
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tut! - hark at me Langtree....LANGTRY....silly woman
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NB .....translation for Vinny
"hark at me" = "listen to one"
One what????
My most favourite film is "Angela's Ashes", it reminds me of when life was black and white, although thankfully we were never poor.
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one as in one <<<thwacks>>> neti with one's Woman's Weekly....
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I used to be black & white as you may well see if santa brings me a scanner....

....hey, stop groaning, tut!
One's Woman's Weekly comes straight back at ya (as the Americans would say)
Good evening biddies, I'm looking for Vinny Warhol, please...? Let's se if this works. Photo of me, 1974, in younger and, above all, healthier days. "That's you ?!" said the boys at the internet cafe, struggling politely to somewhat conceal their disbelief...


Hope this works. I'll get back to you all later on this week, but have errands to run now.

Hey well doneDolly what a super picture . ahem you appear to be younger than me - not avisable dear, please send another older, wrinklier photo else that Robinia won't like it at all.
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that's lovely ms Swede & it's a picture that I'm sure will 'Warhol' very well....see you soon!

neti .....<<<THWACK!!!>>> it wasn't Dolly do pay attention!...or are you sozzled again? not xmas yet you know
neti wobbles in holding throbbing head Do stop thwacking me dear . Sorry DaSwede I wasn't paying attention, yes of course, we know you are younger than we are and very pretty. Better go now before Robinia finds out all the other stupid things I've done today, Oh my -aching head
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ha! well you said I was slow neti....not that slow eh?
Don't mock the afflicted - I shall ignore you goes off in huff
Hi all I'm still typing with great difficulty. That's a lovely photo DaSwede (what can we call you for short)! I cant find a decent one of me when I was younger. I'm not photogenic.
Talking about films I have a few vids which are my favourites, Grease, Ghost, The Full Monty and Rainman. The recent ones I have seen were the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I would like to see Casino Royale though. One of my friends has been and she says she will go again with me.
My decorator couldn't make it today so has arranged to come tomorrow after I have been to the dentist. I have had a tooth crumble and my dentist says he can restore it to something like a tooth Lol. Another swift �80 for him.
Hope you have all had a good day and will have a goodnight. Bye for now off to elevate my hand lol xx
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oh, I thought you were waving at us Jude!
I'll keep an eye open tomorrow for a biddy with one hand in the air & the other holding her jaw, scurrying straight past the cake shop.... :o)

nettis been on the sangria again...hahaha..!
Hiya da Swede,omg you look like my cousin...
nice (:o)
Fav films....ummmmmm..
Pulp Fiction
The Good The bad and Ugly.
Its A Wonderful Life (james stewart)
A Clockwork Orange.
The Deer Hunter
the old jerry lewis films....
Gone With The Wind::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(*_*):::::::::::::

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