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M&S Hurricane Lamp

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Robinia | 10:17 Tue 22nd Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers

Has anyone bought one of these ?
Could you please tell me the size of it? I don't know why they don't state it! I have mailed M&S but they haven't replied yet.

Or has anyone seen the same thing elsewhere? Thanks!



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bloomin heck Vinny...thought I'd woken up in the pub! I do like a bit of head banging now & then but this is a bit soon in the day....

bonjour busybiddees....looks like being a lovely sunny day so I really must drag the old dolly tub out....don't have much sun on my garden now though so looks like it'll be draped on the phone wire again....I wonder whether my friend over the road will agree to having one of those pulley lines & we can lean out of the bedrooms to peg it out...hehe...

I'll just eat me wheaties liberally sprinkled with odomols, oxomols & ofens while I browse the big bloomer dept & then I'll be off to mangle me wincies....oooph can someone turn the handle please?
Bloomin heck,its the 1st friday...dont hang about this time of year does it..! I shall put a Warning sign on me music in future ribena....not to be consumed in morning.hehe..!ooooh we got bill bailey turning on the lights tonight
♫wont you turn on are lights bill bailey♫
umm...Im gonna dive in me bath now....are turn yer mangle madam if you scrub me back.....hahaha>>>>>>>>>>(:o)
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lead on Vinny

you don't need to scare us with the date....I haven't done a single thing yet for xmas....tell a lie I bought 2 boxes chclt bscts & gave one of them away. tut! the cost of a helping hand these days, shaney would have helped me for a slc of chs on tst....
Good morning biddies - well we have rain, rain and more rain, sky is a black as yer hat (heard that expression on dinnerladies - no idea what it means) it's dark and am waiting for electricity to bang off - it always does in the rain. Daughter is still home, decided it's too cosy and delicious and cheaper so is going back (hopefully) on Saturday.
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today is TCL's birthday. Vinny had posted in suggs but it's been moved to B&S & is now half way down the 1st page.....for heaven's sake, in the grand scheme of AB would a few hours have really hurt? BIG TUT!
I know after they moved mine very early in the day I didn't see it for 2 days - yet they left redbel's there all day.
I hate to do this to all you freezing Biddies but here in sunny old Brisbane today the temperature was 41 degrees Celsius ( that is 103 F when it's converted ) .Actually too darn hot but thank God for Air-conditioning ,how they managed 200 years ago I do not know and now they say with Global warming it's going to get hotter and drier !!! We did get a hailstorm this evening but it won't have broken the Drought . Don't knit me a cardi for Christmas Robinia I'll never get chance to wear it ! give it to Da Swede ,she;ll most likely need it !!!!! Bye for now Bedtime xxxx
Good day Dolly I don't care as I hate the hot weather, today is the first day of winter (hopefully)

Have just lighted my calor gas fire as it's wet and chilly and found that the cat has sprayed on it, oh the stink it's really revolting - so have deodorised the fire and cannot light it again until it's been outside for a while, and can't do that as it's too wet. Anyone want a Spanish cat???I'll be kicking it your way!!
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♫ oh the fluff in the dyson goes round & round....♫

never a dull moment when you've a hairy monster to clean up after eh?....could have sworn I'd divorced him as well lol....nope - thanks all the same neti one walking furball is enough.

hi Dolly it's actually very mild for end of Nov, bright & breezy. The tartan blankets have flapped themselves dry. I don't like it hot either, just warm....41C!!! oooh no, parts of our summer were too much for me.
Afternoon all...
lovely and chilly here,and all them nice xmas lights will be turned on tonight.They have hot chestnuts in the high street,and all the traders lay on free mince pies and drinks.
Its a pity about TCLs Birthday post,by the time he gets home from work he wont see it,its already gone on the next page.Now please tell all and one ED,whats the policy on posting Birthday threads,some you leave on suggs and some get shifted??surely it would make sense to clarify the situation. And why dont we have a Birthday topic...problem solved.
Hiya dolly sleep tight.....(:o)
It's OK Vinny I've put a suggestion in suggs that he looks in B&S - honestly what a palaver!!!
Thanks netti...(:o)
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Vinny I bet Dolly really appreciated being woken up up to be told to sleep tight......hahahaha
Ive just woken her up now robinia,she forgot to take her sleeping Tablets..hahaha..(:o)
These Australians and their hot weather ..Poop to them !
I phone my brother on Friday mornings ..we take turns and last week he said it was 40C in Perth.He said his computer was playing up so I told him to to crank up the handle on the side and blow some hot air down the phone . !! He had the nerve to call me a cheeky young madam !!
I'll take all the sun and heat you can dish out's so damp and dismal here again today and my poor old bones are squeaking....Perhaps I'll get some flappy tartan blanket weather tomorrow.
Well the butler has just put the warming pan on so I am orf to me bed ..sleep well everyone .
I hope you enjoyed your chestnuts Vinny !
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Many Hippy Returns!!!xxx

save me a slice!

see you later!!
evening all, or possibly tomorrow morning... well, I spent my 2 days in Paris mostly asleep... slept on the train, had 3-hour kips both afternoons, must have been out of it for 9-10 hours each day (my usual is 6-7). Bit of a waste, but I woke for meals and to go to the exhibition I wanted to see. My back was killing me and the French don't seem to bother with chairs for aged exhibition-goers, which was a shame. And my thermostat was up the spout so I was hot one minute, cold the next, and could never tell how many layers I'd need... odd couple of days, really; this elderlyism can be very trying sometimes. Anyway, happy birthday Vinny (it seems to be still on the front page of AB Suggs, by the way), and hello to you Kit... lawks, this is looking like a veritable Miss World contest in here with all these dazzling young lasses.

One Q for you Kit... how do you guys cope with the short winter days? I was once in Leningrad (as it was) in mid-December and couldn't believe how little light there was. Living through a whole winter in those latitudes must be really hard work.
Happy Birthday Vinny we'll be meeting for a birthday tea later no doubt xxxx
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morning creakies....

Happy birthday Vinny! glad you've seen your posts....wasn't sure what time I'd be in & I didn't want you to think we'd forgotten & go buffering about in a huffering.....
hope you have a good day.

Is there a whiff of onions in here?....ah, jno bonjour! sorry you were in a stupor for most of your trip....this strangely mild for Nov weather does nothing to sharpen up the senses & I'm in need of a good squirt of Wobble-U D40....

I'll be back for some cake & a babycham later....

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