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M&S Hurricane Lamp

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Robinia | 10:17 Tue 22nd Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers

Has anyone bought one of these ?
Could you please tell me the size of it? I don't know why they don't state it! I have mailed M&S but they haven't replied yet.

Or has anyone seen the same thing elsewhere? Thanks!



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ah bonne nuit, je suis off to le gay Paree for a couple of jours...

I shall dress like ze natives

and do a little shopping, a little gallerying, a little of ze eating. Merde alors, tout le monde!

< Allons enfants de la patrie, le tickets de eurostar est arrivee...> your going through that big hole in the channel>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>last time I went through a big was in the cheddar caves......cheese up to here,there was...!
umm looks like the biddys will be getting channel no 11 in there stockings....
n.b.....yes im up early again havent followed the plot have you.....I will za zis only vonce....i work in ze zuperbug,buvveren ze go back to zleep you zilly old buggy....(:o)
sera, sera, (:o)
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bonjour bideez....�a va? il fait cr4p aujourd'hui n'est pas?oooh j'ai le mal de dos et j'ai besoin d'un massage.

'ave a magnifique time jno, & oui, bring uz back beaucoup de Chanel s'il vous plait.

Vinny I think neti lost the plot in the bran tub last xmas....maybe it'll turn up again this year. DaSwede's piccy turned out as well as I thought it would, I'm sure she'll be chuffed with was a very clear snap. I look like I've been Warhol'd in real life....'strewth, I hate these dark days.

cheddar caves?! oh no, I can hear shaney banging on the door.....
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I still don't know how he does that....????
Oh I say Jno ..Quelle wunderbar .Keep your camera chained to your wrist this time !! Voyage sur ....a bientot . I hope the weather keeps nice for you unlike here where it is raining,dull,dark and dismal....and my arthritiques are tres douloureux.

Daswedes piccie came out lovely .Well done Vinny van Gogh .
Cheddar caves ? It's more like Fawlty Towers here !
YO (:O)
Make your own sign,please keep it clean hehe..!
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bonjour shaneee, moi aussi avec les aches & pains & je suis sooo dizzy today, had to put stabilisers on me trolley.....


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How do I get my sign to appear on here? When I did it via imageshack all I got was their words??
Question Author
neti when I'd written my message I clicked where it said upload to imageshack & then you get a direct link to image as you do when you use it for your pictures. Just copy/paste with all that < A H R E F etc gubbins.....

Right we'll have another try tut as if I haven't enough to do tut
-- answer removed --

and this is all I get - so where are my scrolling words? on imageshack I hit control+c and then control +v so now what?
Question Author

type in your words
generate sign ........<<<are you doing this bit?
click where it says underneath 'upload to imageshack'
copy direct link to image on here
put all html around link etc
Question Author
(sorry it actually says Host to Imageshack)
Copy direct link to image ? How is that?

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M&S Hurricane Lamp

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