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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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lol Vinny I saw her too - silly woman, I wouldn't have got rid of box 15. Serves her right for fawning all over Noel.

I did get a tenner on the Lotto on Wed but I've frittered that away on gin......

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lol - Biddyford's on the telly..........hahaha......

It's absolutely impossible to feel sad after reading all your posts!

I've just been reading gesso's joke & you're right Neti, FP & Anniekon wouldn't have mentioned the word 'fart', let alone anything else - it must be the medication or her GP's charms taking over, he, he!

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Glad we're making you smile smudge
...Don't worry I've given gessoo a good squirt of Flit..

okay, here's a joke to cheer everyone up as a new cold snap approaches. Please note that it is extremely clean.

Riding the favourite at Cheltenham, a jockey was well ahead of the field. Suddenly he was hit on the head by a turkey and a string of sausages.

He managed to keep control of his mount and pulled back into the lead, only to be struck by a box of Christmas crackers and a dozen mince pies as he went over the last fence.With great skill he managed to steer the horse to the front of the field once more when, on the run in, he was struck on the head by a bottle of sherry and a Christmas pudding. Thus distracted,
he succeeded in coming only second.

He immediately went to the stewards to complain that he had been seriously hampered.

Perhaps I should have said 'break wind'. Much more ladylike - but I don't feel very ladylike!!!! My husband once used the word 'fart' in front of my mother and she told him off for 'blaspheming' in her house!!??? We never could quite work it out.

Slept all afternoon and feel much better tonight. The only thing is at the moment all I want to eat is tinned tomatoes on toast with fried bacon, complete with all the juice poured over the top. I have literally being having it for dinner most nights since my accident. Any suggestions as to why????

Good joke jno
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brilliant jno....cold snap is right....I've decided to no longer remove clothes to wash them, I just put another clean layer on top. By February I'll be wearing the duvet cover.

Don't wory gessoo we're very broadminded really. Not sure what the bacon & toms are all about but be thankful it's not baked beans.....we are....

Gessoo The only time I craved fried bacon and tomatos was when I was pregnant!! Now I dont want to worry you but.....:o)
tomato... bacon... toast... didn't damage your taste buds by any chance gessoo?
Oh.. you've started me off now Gessoo..I am drifting in the general direction of the toaster as I write !! I have long arms you know ! Mind you I think it will have to be cheese on toast with tomatoes.Tinned tomatoes are good for you anyway way.Full of antioxidants.
Sorry to hear they have diagnosed you with osteoporosis....what a bummer.Mind you there is lots of help available nowadays.A friend of mine has this in her spine but still gets around O.K and she is pushing 70.Has this progressed from the osteoarthritis ?
My joints get worse and my hip is mucho painful but they won't do much about it until I arrive at the doctors on all fours I suppose !
Right ....where.... is..... the cheese......!
Gessoo Hope my last post didn't upset you it was only a little joke, but I apologise if it did. Sorry. Jude
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Oh heck what with all the eggs we'll hopefully have & now cheese we'll all be bunged up for a month....

...anyway it looks like you've got competition for the cheese shaneystar here

This goes hand in hand with gesso's joke!

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Jude I don't think that would upset gessoo - in fact I'm hoping it doesn't hurt too much when she sees that & laughs......

just don't mention maternity thongs.....

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oh no we've turned the grotto ino a fart-fest......
shaney for heaven's sake don't light up....
...runs for cover....
Ah Robinia, that is so sweet. - our daughter collects mice ornaments, etc., so I'm going to send her an email with it on.
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hehe smudge there's another one dropping in here

and didn't you see the mouseparty? here

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Right, it's time I nuked my beddybunny....say your pwayers wabbit.......not sure which joint to wrap him round, what a lot of decrepit old bags we are......

sweet dreams..........

Night! Robinia. Im off now Night all!

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