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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
511 Answers

(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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Hi All . Hope you are feerling more like your old self Robi</b.>.Oops don't mean that you're old. I meant like the old Robi we know and love. (Think I'll stop digging right now)

A great night last night at the Dire Straits Tribute.They played for 2 hours non stop. There were about 200 people there. We were sitting down enjoying our drinks before they started and then everybody stood up when they eventually began.

Off now to do some dysoning !! :o)
Ooops sorry for shouting!!! :o)
Well, you see jude all this going out to concerts and dancing (and god knows what else) makes you a bit deaf, so obviously you are going to come on here and shout!! But, us the Good Biddies, stay in at night and crochet and sit quietly in pensive mood, so we can hear whispers. Now turn off the Dyson and go and sit quietly in a corner and reflect on your behaviour!!
Evening, possumistas (possumista has a nice, rebellious ring to it don't you think, Neti?)

Great news Robinia - you were named by a Swede! I was image googling for robinia trees just to see what they look like (very confusing, there seems to be all sorts?) and I came across a note saying that it was our very own carl von linn� who named the robinia tree (in honour of botanist father and son Robin, previously mentioned by jno) An American variety is used for shipbuilding. I liked that. I want to be a tree used for shipbuilding too...! Boohoo...! It's not fair! (I'll probably reincarnate as a tree used for sofa beds.)

Whenever I hear Walk of Life Jude I remember my own feeble attempts at doing the bugg... took a class a long time ago... I have any number of left feet but "bugg" was fun - and as the Wikipedia entry says "acrobatic moves are not allowed". Fine by me!

Wonder what Woofy's jinglythings were, I can't view'em, is it because I'm over here and you're over there - sometimes I think I'm in China here...

Well my boy won - how could he not - and now I'm a-gonna eat him nom nom nom (sorry 'bout that, I read too many lolcats.)
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my jingly thing is a free christmas set from microsoft, screensaver, wallpaper, pointer and stationary...sorry you can't see it its the 2004 seasonal one, maybe if you google?
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Still no jingles Woofy - we'd better call someone!
woofgang, all those asterisks in the link you've pasted suggest that you're trying to slip a naughty word in and AB is rejecting it.

Was it 'cellulite'?
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Question Author
no jno, no naughty words...perish the thought...its christmas!
good morning....well I'm uttering lots of naughty words, christmas or not. Since yesterday teatime Charlie's been licking one of his front paws raw, it's red & a bit swollen either side of his middle toe. Why do things always happen on a weekend?

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they are little helpers aren't they? Hannah used to do this, she used to get sort of boily things between her toes, once they had burst she was okay but we had to bandage the foot up to stop the licking
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will he let you dip it in warm slightly salty water? The vet suggested this for Hannah and it used to help I think
hi woofy Thanks, perhaps I'm worrying too much, everything is a massive disaster to me at the moment.
I have a bit of a struggle looking at it, he's always hated his feet being touched (like me!) but he will stand for a couple of mins with it in a little bowl of warm salty water so I'm doing that every four hours. If it was summer I'd think it might be a bite, that's what it looks like. Not sure how he'd get on with a bandage!!
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We used to put on bandage (the stretchy kind) then cover it with tape and tape it to her fur...the papery kind that's like j cloth with adhesive on
I might try that after his next paw bathing, he's not going at it too much at this moment...I'll need to find someone with a paddington bear to lend him a little welly to go outside in! :o)
My dog I had when i was a kid had the same sort of thing,and my dad used one of them string bags you got to put bicarbonated soda in with the dried peas.he put some cotton wool in the bag then tied it to the paw and left it for a few days.(:O)
oh thanks Vinny :o)...I'm just being an overprotective doggy mum I spose, just don't want him to end up with a nasty infection....

Afternoon all - just been to the local Cancer Fayre and it was so boring and cold, we tried to spend money, we intended to spend money but on what? I'd donated most of the stuff there!

Poor Charlie, hope he gets better very soon. I always thought that it was good for animals to lick their wounds as it sort of makes it better!

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