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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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Morning all.
I see birdseye's bringing back the artic roll after tons of can stop sending them now robi.. (:O)I see nettis on suggs again...I know where your coming from but personally I think its time to yo .he wont listen to anybody yer know..!
anyways get better soon robinia and catch you laters>>>(*_*)
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oooh arctic roll.....yummy
Hi possums, just a quick hello before I hit the sofa bed stores again :-) - can I get you anything as long as I'm out there anyway? Something... ethnic?

Your cat got shot, Neti!? As in with a gun?!

Do see what you mean Vinny. Personally I felt I had to do something 'cos I was so ashamed of having doubted that TCL was the real TCL the other day. That, and also I fear for us all, it's not just about TCL. /Anyways, what breed was your dog?

Speaking of ethnic: s�mi yoik ban

(Woofy you weren't here when I wrote about the S�mi culture, don't have it in me to do it again but here's a great piece of music I posted back then, the others have already heard it: marie boine is the singer's name)
<ooh, favourite Beatles to have with my cuppa ..>
I think you're right Vinny, I don't think I can say any more in support of TCL (or anyone else who's been removed), let's just hope the Ed reconsiders.

erm, have you gone yet Sweedie? you'd better look for a big chest for me please.....freezer, chest freezer, tut....I'm gonna need some extra storage for all the Arctic rolls, I'm thrilled skinny at the thought. Anyone got any tinned fruit c0cktail?

Oh yes Kit the randy ole b*gger had wandered off to San Carlos about 5 miles away, where my friend lived and she saw him and then he was missing for about a week and then came crawling home with a hole in his stomach, so we know he'd crawled all that way. The people here (especially in those days) are not like town folk at all and will shoot a visiting cat esp. if it's spraying, and I am talking nearly 40 yrs ago. Don't ever confuse this island with a big civilised city, it still runs on the old peasant way! so I guess it's very hard for the townsfolk to understand life here. Sometimes their thinking here is very third world, their education has only been updated in the last 25-20yrs.
Oh happy news, now that my thyroid is being balanced I am loosing weight, so watch out resident stick insect you won't be able to see me soon!!!
Who said that.!(:O)
He was a schanuzer yo i use to bet anybody they coudnt run round my garden with out smokey biteing them,won a few bob,kept me in sweets it did (:O)
Wakey Wakey..!!!
Good morning biddyfolk..bloody cold this morning...Did you know there are a lot of festive named places in Britain.
cold christmas (herts)
stocking and mistletoe (herts)
Turkey island(hants)
Nut crackers (devon) (:O)
Just read pedigree chum has been hit hard by the credit crunch,there calling in the retrievers..hehe..!
ho ho ho (*_*)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow

where have all the biddys gone

all been banned,i dunno

all the prezzies under the tree

all for me

Ho Ho Ho..! (:O
if that netti says dont give up yer day job,im gonna (((thwack her)))))

-neti comes in cupping her ear!- What a beautiful soprano voice that Vinny has! Why???
-- Vinny sings
The world stands still,
It's enough
to make you ill!!--

Calling all possumistas!

God I just cracked up when that wind band entered the scene, I'm gonna have to try and watch it again if I am to catch the lyrics at all... Mini schnauzer ah now that's a cutie, Vinny - the last time you mentioned your childhood dog you said he was half wolf and half dog and that was all we could get out of you re the breed, ha ha, now I see why ;-) Don't think I've met any but they look kind of cocky but endearing. Bit like Neti he he he. See, Neti, you have to learn how to express yourself more proper like, like what I do, before you step onto your soapbox in Suggs, and maybe then you won't be removed ha ha ha ha! (He must like Britney Spears, that's all I can make of it... else why would he leave my thread and remove yours, seems random.)

People are cruel to animals just for the fun of it here too Neti but at least it's not considered the done thing - in general Swedes dote on their cats and dogs and rats and whatnot. But I remember when I was seeing a Japanese acupuncturist regularly a few years ago he once told me he had even treated dogs, and the look on his face was such I understood he might just as well have told me he had given treatment to a ...cod. I think he liked dogs but the Japanese don't think of them as companions, or at least they didn't when he grew up.

A chest, what do you want a chest for Robinia - oh i see...!
hiAll my lap-top is about to blow a fuse so if I disappear don't worry I will return. Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year.
See yer later 'gater(s) xxxx
Happy New Year...?? Jude, you can't stay away that long! You must get T'bag to help you with the laptop. He'll think of something, he's good with keyboards isn't he ...isn't he...? But seriously Jude that's too long to stay away - not granted, is it, Headmistress?

There's been an earthquake in the south of Sweden, early this morning, biggest one in more than a hundred years. Thought I'd better be the first to inform you all of this, before Vinny reads about it in Nut Crackers Gazette and voices some theory about Kip turning over in bed ;-) Two of my sisters still live in Sk�ne and they seem to have been properly shaken, as were the Danes, who are already selling I Survived The Earthquake t-shirts on the internet... One woman in Ystad (Wallander & me, remember) just said on the news she felt as if she were lying in the Exorcist bed.

Tonight's the second episode out of three of Place Of Execution - Shaney would know if she were here... Featuring someone called Lee Ingleby, I haven't seen him before but he seems brilliant, 'spect you all know him.
well, I feel someone should post today, even if they have nothing to say.
good ebenig....this is dot fuddy....
How much will it cost to hire a hit man, anyone know?
The lurgy has now turned into man flu - I blame Vinny, well it's gotta be someone's fault, & I'm still struggling with a wriggly spaniel to keep his paw bandaged & dry...he's not impressed at having a plastic bag on his leg to go outside. There's an improvement but he's not better yet.

I've had a mail to say Kit's got puta probs & will be back asap.
Where is everyone? Haven't all got flu I hope?
I love the idea of this projectile vomiting flu but unfortunately have yet to see anyone in the street with it. I'll keep my camera with me, though. And a brolly.
Morning all - jno you are sick!!

Won't be on here much now until after Xmas as daughter is home today and will hog the computer, unless her's manages to get on wifi here.

Poor Robi Hope there is someone to look after you. Get well soon. How is Charlie? Is his paw better??

Hope the rest of the biddies are hale and hearty!!

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