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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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get 'er sid
Why is there a ridiculous little ant running across my screen?????
Morning All. Well whatever happened to yesterday. I made it to go looking at wedding dresses, and me and my daughter in law to be's mother were holding back the tears as she tried on dress after dress. In the end she decided to go and have a look in some other shops before finally deciding! The rest of the day was spent in a haze. Didn't even go out last night, in fact I was in bed by 10.30. Moi on Saturday night, never been heard of!! I see on my last post on Friday night I gave away too much information. Never mind eh, I suppose now I really am officially a Biddy!!Back to my routine today Dinner, Dad's and Sister's for some home made rice pud!

With the skin on
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Morning all...its turning out nice again...
just had a phone call from somebody trying to flog me a kitchen....I put them on hold...the phone's by my speakers in me bar...hope they like jimi Hendrix...hehe..!
blimey were well out of it friday night...that answer you put in B&S about what you would do with your gardener if you had a chance...blimey..the EDs gonna have Kittens....!right must go and get me observer...anybody want chocolate....>zooms of>>>>>>(:o)
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Getting in the mood jno....

just love that vid.
Lovely Video Vinny. Wouldn't catch me up in one of those! Enjoy Jno
I don't think so about the Post in B & S.I wasn't that far gone, nearly but not quite.....!!:o)
the neti look

Goodness, has Jude been carrying on? Somebody print a link at once!
No I haven't Jno It's just that Vinny Stirring it!!! :o)
Question Author
tut, sounds like libel writs at dawn then
More like Becks at dawn :o)
jno regardless of what that Robinia says , I DO NOT WEAR LEOPARD-SKIN LEGGINGS, or leopard-skin anything. Am contacting Max Clifford... be warned!!!!
Question Author
Morning all...tis sunny and cloudy.....Hope its not raining wednesday jno...! poor netti if only..
Hope ribena's okay...?catch you in a bit dudes.....(:o)
Have just been to dentists to have piece of wooden toothpick removed from gums (it's been there for 9 days) ouch. Am fed up waiting for George, think of the money I could spend if I cancel!!!! Daughter is waiting on the King of Spain this evening and again on Saturday and she's not even Spanish - she's not even a very good waitress I don't think, maybe she's the "ethnic" offering to be PC about it all. Am of for coffee with my very sore mouth, Mr N is home in the early hours of Tuesday and I'll be glad. Don't like being on my own for too long.

whee, finally got that balloon video to play, thank you Vinny, most poetic. Looks like a nice day again - went to Enfield to look at some slightly tatty stately homes yesterday, very nice. Tried seeing open houses right inside London itself on Saturday, but some of those queues, my my.
Question Author
Erm...netti....we have the proof....
I went to a wedding a few years ago in Enfield jno..The reception was at the Enfield chase hotel..and the marriage was at a lovely church,Saint Mary Magdalene . (:o)
morning tout le monde..... gasp....any tea in the pot?......came in all grumpy but I'm laughing already, you're all barmy.
(what is all this rubbish about god helping those who help themselves? my experience he leaves them as can help themselves to 'gerron wee it'.....tut.... grump over....

neti I contacted Max myself.....he said you left these


love the balloons Vinny knowing my luck I'd be in that one that looks like an eagle that crash lands & 'dies' do you cut so carefully round shapes when you're editing pics? you must have a very steady hand.....surprising really ....ahem!

mmmm, so Jude you share your birthday with my ex mother-in-law?.....I'll have to have a think about that one, wouldn't have had you down for a virgo.... hehe

looks like jno's keeping an eye on the breeze
I really wish I hadn't put that post on. It's just that alcohol loosens the tongue, never again! I swear! Getting drunk I mean!
Just finished stripping the wallpaper off my kitchen wall so that my plasterer can come and skim the ceiling. It's that artex stuff and it's horrible. He's the brother of one of my helping hands!!
Hope all my biddy friends are alright and have a lovely time Jno. I wish I was as brave as you. I'll go up in a plane but not a balloon. My brother once went up in a glider and said it was fantastic.
What was mother-in-law like Robinia. I think I'm quite a typical virgo but not extreme. I can be untidy and I'm not a meticulous cleaner but I do like it when it's done.:o)
2nd attempt at answering (grrrr)
Still can't find jude's drunken rant, can someone please point it out to me. I have a confession to make. When I was 18 I did own a very tight fitting leopardskin dress, and It was a right show-stopper, I was very slim in those days. These days I couldn't even get an arm in it. -You could say it was 'armless -

Feel really left out as I still can't see any of Vinny's vids - bottom lips trembles
aha!! I knew it neti..... bop!

whispers..... it wasn't so much a rant as a confession a few days's her b'day tomorrow AND SHE'S 66!!!! .....oops soooo sorry Jude ;o)

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