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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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66!!!! Heaven help us all - I am but a mere infant - Ok don't feel too bad jude some of us are right behind you girl!!
Gee thanks Robinia I wish I wasn't going to be ** but the alternative's a bit grim so I'll stick with it. I must say I don't feel it though, most of the time anyway! :o)
Ohj jno I wish!!
another sunny day... looks like I will have to spend much of it inside as a man from the insurance company is coming to bring me a new camera prior to my balloon ascent tomorrow, but I haven't been given a time... I thought they'd just give me the money but I get a whole new camera. Another courier is going to come with a memory card, which seems a bit wasteful (given that a memory card is about an inch square). Good morning all
me on the right

apparently that's a real one, designed to look that way but it flies. Not with me in, it doesn't
morning all - just a quick visit for now.....

here he comes jno
it's in there somewhere

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Morning all...
Have a lovelly day Jude
incase you get in trouble jno..dont worry,are be there....
yo (:o)
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oh no...jno's going with Brenda...!
hope she doesent dump anything....(:o)
To all my Biddy Friends

Been to Tai Chi and had lunch with my sister. Have to be ready for 7 and my son is picking me up and taking me somewhere to eat. See you all later. By the way I don't feel any older :o)
Have a lovely day Jno Thinking about you soaring up in the blue!
have a lovely time Jude - have you saved me some cake.....??

hope you've seen postman Vinny's thread for you here
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Evening...just seen the news and was a bit worried about my nephew,He goes to thailand and buys jewellery fer his stall in green lanes Barnstaple.He's due to fly home friday.Spoke to his wife tonight,he says the airports are closed,but Hopefully there be opened by then.oh well..hoping it doesent get out of hand out there....otherwise...are be calling on the biddy army to rescue him....netti can lure them with her leopard skin leggings...<jude can dance them to defeat....robinia will tire them out by telling them all the latin names fer plants hahaha....and jno can bombarded them from the ole ballooon with bottles of pimm's.All this, and weve got a tale-end of a hurrican hitting us in the next coulpe of days...and them lucky blighters in london are getting 28.c by friday im off down me bunker..>>>>>>>>whoosh>>>> (:-)
oh poo - all balloon flights everywhere cancelled tomorrow. The hurricane, I suppose. Just got myself kitted out too

How disappointing, I'd been looking forward to it
morning oh windy ones..... jno I'm disappointed for you too, silly weather - I was looking forward to your aerial views & you could have looked out for Dolly.

Vincentum Jamesii I'll have a few latin names for you if you don't forgot about shaney making killer frisbies from chs on tst. Where is she these days I wonder? was it something we said?
I hope your nephew gets home safely as soon as poss, do tell him there's no need to travel so far for his jewellery....most biddies I know grew up threading beads so I'm sure we could keep him supplied.

oh dear Jude's morning after
I am floating around looking for my profile ....the corridors are empty ..loads of nameless people wandering around looking bemused !
I am still looking for someone to do my repairs and pray each day for dry weather .The builder let me down and I am not happy . I am going out shortly to windy Lowestoft for some retail therapy ..whilst there I shall treat myself to a pint of winkles ......cue... Vinny with a cheeky remark!!
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Haha...Morning all....
Hows yer hangover jude...That link made me laugh robinia...very strange about the profile's..methinks there's something in the air...!whats the ED got planned for us?right, im off to have a rip van winkle...hold your pint glass out shaney....! nevermind jno....better to be safe than sorry...its blowing a gale hear at the mo...but no rain...yet..!catch you soon dudes..netti,have you got george yet??(:o)
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Its magic...!.soon as I mention profiles,its fixed.erm...okay it was the techies....(:o) cheers ED.
afternoon all - I celebrated jude's birthday not wisely but too well and feel ruf ouch my head.

Good news George should be arriving this afternoon, I am so excited. Yes I know I need to get a life.

Poor jno not being able to balloon - my body can balloon without any help from floaty things.

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