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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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oooooooh..! i come robinia and jude...rushes around nailing up the doors hehe....(:o)
hi shaney glad you're still with us - the Mothball Mob need to stick together you know. Didn't realise you were still roofless....I'll creatively visualise a builder for you hang on.....
here he comes now

oh poop , me 'fluence is a bit tired, I'll try harder when I've had a cuppa.....

my profile was never kaput - does that mean I'm special?, just invisible probably, it happens when you get old.....
I can still stop the traffic tho

Let us all give thanks for the safe ARRIVAL of George
Vinny please help - i'm having to put george tog myself and it's hard. Do I leave the middle bucket looking thing out for hoovering? I've put a dust bag in and that funny beret looking white baggy thing but can't clip the hat on, they just won't clip - do I have tobe really forceful or should it be easy? B*gger this.
It's all right our Vinny I've thumped and clumped and it's now hoovering nicely - I am literally out of breath - think I'm much to old to be mothering these George thingies. Won't attempt to wash carpets until Sat.
crikey Vinny hope it doesn't get too wild in Cornwall, my brother will be on his way down there now for a week at a holiday place for disabled a few miles south of Bodmin....Lanlivery.

neti do shurrup whinging he's arrived hasn't he? give him chance to get his bearings before you start dragging him through the pegrugs....

calm down dear, it's just a cleaner
I have never in my life had such a strong suction on a hoover!! The bed valance went up it, one of my husband's loafers and if I not very much mistaken the neighbour's cat, but am not emptying it cos it such a palaver. I always wanted a strong man now I've got strong George and I am really dripping with sweat and completely out of puff. Thanks for all your help Vinny in advising me and linking me to the Spanish suppliers.
There is no way Robinia that an old biddy could carry George. I am delighted but no have to find somewhere to hide him as I haven't told my hubby yet!!!!
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hahaha I cant stop laughing....bu**er it..I need a pee now...hehe..!(:o)
so what are you gonna do when he's full neti? buy another one?....
here I've crocheted a cover to disguise him....
One more thing Vinny can I use any carpet shampoo in George, and up to where can I fill the water container, the instructions are all in Pictures and I just can't see it?
I detect a slight hint of jealousy in a certain biddy who shall remain nameless (Robinia) Not everyone can have a George la de dah. It's taken me over half an hour to stash him away, there's bits of him in daughter's wardrobe, and under beds and in the laundry room - who'd have a lover ooops I mean carpet cleaner, guess I am getting carried away now.
Vinny! Vinny where for art thou????
pah! I've been with my dyson for 3 + half yrs & we're very happy thanks.....he comes out every 6 months whether he wants to or not.....
Oh Robinia do you really have a Dyson?? I really wanted one of those, but they are a bit expensive and can't get them repaired over here. I only wanted George as a carpet shampooer so this strong hoovering bit is an extra bonus , by heck but it fair wears me out.
yep I have & he's my best mate (with all the dog hairs).....
Vinny's been busy in suggs.....hahahahahahaha
but Robinia you are not supposed to hoover dogs!!!
....and you're not supposed to stuff your new baby under the bed......I think the cubby hole is best.
Most of George is in the wardrobe.
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Hahaha...netti,what ever you do,do not use a powder or a high foaming liquid(like 1000and1)you need a low-foam liquid,a bit like what they use for the rug doctor machine,or the vax liquid.You should find something in a supermarket or cleaning suppliers shop..good luck mum...(:o)

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