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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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Erm....last time I saw him netti,he was out on the town with his bird...
hehe (:o)
morning all - what a grey day again, bring back the warm sunshine at once!

Jude just stuff a few out of date prawns in a tissue in her handbag/desk - that'll keep her busy for a while.....what comes around goes around, there are power happy people everywhere but they get it all back one day.

hahaha lol Vinny equal opportunities for vacs - or is he just henrietta at the weekend? funny how workmen always have them, the first time a gas man told me he'd have to get his Henry out I called the police....
* hahaha, silly old biddy I am.... don't know my coming from my going there!
I haven't woken up yet, blame it on the weather....
Can't see anything wrong Robinia Good morning!

Vinny am hoping to shampoo carpets this afternoon. Can you tell me how much shampoo I mix with how much water
does the dirty water just go into to bottom of George I cannot see another container for dirty water, and what's with this thing with a floaty ball in it?? I wish the instructions were written, pictures are all very well........
hi neti it's no good asking Vinny about soap, he's always
in a lather

*should be 'what goes around, comes around'....shouldn't it? oooh poop now, I'm confused......
Oh drat! Just wrote a long post, previewed it and then forgot to submit and lost it.

Just had George out for a hoover, can't be bothered to shampo until I really really understand it, and I know that hubby won't be home any time!

Went to an Internet cafe in the village and looked the vids and things that I can't see, and saw jno's Xmas one with the dog Chudleigh? - it was beautiful, two of Vinny's didn't open up there either but you lot could see it.

Bit rainy and overcast here today but by 'eck it's sweaty I am drenched after just playing with George for half an hour.

Any news of that Dolly hope she's having a good time.
looks like Dolly is touring in style

why am I still bobbing in & out of here? I wasn't going to put the pooter on this morning.....I blame Vinny....I'll give him Ribena when he gets in......
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Afternoon....tis lovely and sunny here again,but because some biddys are getting cloudy weather,Im going to stay indoors out of sympathy.....sugar where did I put me shades...hehe..! hi netti, fill the tank up with water where the line is?try a capfull of shampoo. the floaty ball is a safety precaution,if there's to much water...the ball will float to the top,and will stop the machine working.But if you dont use a low-foam shampoo,the ball will not work and you will get bubbles coming out of your exhaust..!! <behave robinia)the dirty water will be in the bottom of the machine....just take apart and empty.prespray the carpet (holding the wand about 8 inches above the carpet)and leave for 10 minutes before you suck it into the machine.This will give the solution a chance to break down any stains etc...does a quick runner incase netti floods the place.....haha..(:o).
Thanks -vinny bit nervous now so am leaving until another day. I have some Bissell carpet shampoo, this'll be OK won't it?
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Should be okay netti,I dont think it foams at all,but it wont hurt to try it once.goodluck..(:o)
Ha ha Robinia actually I am sitting on settee eating sweeties and watching a Carry on film. George ca wait.
Will a couple of you go into Suggs and report W-M for me, I don't think his response to me is very nice Question295509.html

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By george...! its hot out there...phew.
methinks you have an answer on suggs least I think its an answer...?.been Trimming me bushes,under my honeysuckle I found(about 8 ft high)a blackberry bush,full of um..blackberrys.very!then the people next door came out,,and we had a chat over the garden fence....old harry passed away last wk and that misses so-in-so at no 14 ran orf with mister so-in -so from no 32...would you believe it..!..its amazing what you learn standing on top of a ladder..right,got to go and sweep up the garden now....break up some wood fer the chiminea tonight,and chill some beer...if you see me posting nonsense tonight..its not me its the beer that did it..hehe..!!(:o)getting good at the old trimming yourself ribena..nice piccy)
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Abusive methinks might do the trick....(:o)
I'm really shocked that Wardy's abuse of Whiffey has been allowed to continue- not only are the attacks themselves childish and petty, the contents of his accusations are vile to say the least.

I'm really hopin' Ed can nip this one in the bud.


how are you all? Beautiful day here in Lancs :-)
Hello Boo - overcast here in Spain but very sticky and sweaty. How ya doing? I see W-M's post to me has gone. Phew - he's a bit of a nuisance isn't he. I have no problem with people speaking their minds, but I believe it should be done with politeness and/or clean humour, he really stoops to the cesspit of humanity.
I'm shocked ot be honest Neti at him lately. I've always known Wardy can be a bit ummm risque shall we say? And I know he does enjoy winding some members up, but what is being said to whiffey just isn't tennis!

What makes the whole thing worse is that i've also seen other ABers who've jumped on the band wagon and carried these allegations on.

My heart goes out to whiffey, no one should have to hear those. I dont care if this is cyberspace etc etc etc- we all know that it's possible to hurt someone via here and this clearly is hurting whiffey.

Anyhows, i'm off to have a wander in B&S because i've just put up a reply in there which will more than likely rattle a few cages- heh!!!
Hi everyone including Boo I've been a busy biddy today and done my grass as you suggested Robinia. Also I've cleaned all my kitchen cupboards and the kitchen floor. The cupboards are all white and have to have a going over quite often. I'm going to watch The Shining tonight with Jack Nicholson as I wont be out again very unusual 2 Sats. on the run. Whatever next. I really don't like stopping in but my friend is otherwise engaged. I have a few contacts on msn so I will probably go on there for a bit as well.!
I'm pleased George is working well Neti Let us know how the shampooing bit works cos my carpets could do with a clean.
Hope you all have a good night !
Ha ha someone is reporting my perfectly innocent postings - how pathetic. Someone is creeping thro the Biddybank causing trouble - be careful my friends.

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