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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
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Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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Right, am going out to the excerise yard for a couple of hours, I do hope neti is back by then.
I think any dungeon would be preferable to Norfolk this morning where it is coming down in stair rods and most of it is the buckets in my kitchen .It is like a nightmare in the daytime and I feel like running through the streets screaming .I don't even have the energy to turn my mattress and my pacamac has a hole in it. !
morning biddies, jail-birds & all who know me.....gloom is slowly lifting, I'm hating the dark mornings & nights already....

ne'er mind neti I've whipped up some support
you might recognise one of 'em

hope you've flipped the mattress this morning or you'll have the wrath of 'anthea' to add to your troubles....
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Its wall to wall sunshine now..yippee! you've got 3 days of sunshine coming shaney(from tuesday)(:o)
yay! you're free neti!!!

neti!....NETI!!! put that monk down & come on out!
Fresh air at last, I am not straying from the Bidybank anymore, I just seem to attract trouble and I'm not half as outspoken as some others posters.

Oh it seems I have a monk stuck in my handbag, shooo out, have had enough of them for a while.
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now behave netti.<.B>...hahaha..!
hehe tescos fruit and veg is getting very exotic lately...(:o)
oooh (:-)
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just testing....if it turns everypost it thanks...vinny you silly bu**er..(:o)
Vinny how can you get away with tesco veg like that? Loved the mobile phone cartoon.
VINCENT!!! ....TUT!'re next for the dungeon!
better have some soup with us first to celebrate neti's freedom.....

here's your spoon
I am so glad neti is released !
Three days of sunshine I hope so Vinny ..have emptied five buckets of water here today already.Still at least it's only coming through the ceiling and not over the doorstep. My son has just come in from work drenched after driving through a foot of water through south Yarmouth where people are baling out their houses. Tescos are shut and the fire brigade are pumping water away just down the road from us.
Gosh shaney are those photos for real?? and now? How upsetting for people. I live on the side of a hill (we call it a mountain but it's tiny) so we never get flooded although the road at the bottom does. It's sunny and humid here again today, and I have done my penance by cleaning my very dirty and long overdue cooker, but of course Anthea wouldn't know about these things. Spanish cookers are the pits, use the oven once and it won't ever clean up, so I rarely bother.
Some poor devils are under five feet of water in Yarmouth leries/weather_gallery_flooding_20060925_galle ry.shtml?3

I think we have made the national news ..shall be watching .At lleast it has stopped now ..I have been baling out all morning .
I shall be glad when the builder turns up to do the work ..but am not alone least it's coming from overhead and I am not up to my knees in it.
HelloShaney Yes you did make the National news. Looks awful - I feel for you all. The canal at Shardlow near here does sometimes flood, my friends daughter lives there and they once had to sandbag all along the side of there house which is right on the banks of the canal.
Nice to have you back Neti. Didn't understand why you went because I very rarely go on to other topics. Can't be bothered to read some of them, but I'm sure you did nothing wrong whatever they may say.
I've been to the dentist and my mouth is recovering after the minor op and I dont have to go again until January, I'm pleased to say.
Hope you all have a peaceful night expecially Shaney with the water problem.
it's just as bad here, Shaney... the ha-ha has overflowed a little; I shall send the butler down with Vinny's soup spoon to empty it out when he's done blacking the grates er-pond.jpg
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oi..! ive got soup all over me john collier suit cost me �1 17s and robinia..!Are burn her toast in the morning..that a teach her.Blimey shaney,didnt realize it was that bad round your way.The forecast is looking better.Cant you chuck a tarpaulin over the kitchen bit?hehe jno,the corbys getting up a sweat....all that moneys he's losing...hahaha(:o)
Well it's stopped raining at last but it's an been awful day here.
We are going to try and rig a tarpaulin up tomorrow ..awkward to do though as the water is coming in on the angle of the extension on the back .We will have to hang out it out of the bathroom window and the butler will have to dodder on to roof and weigh it down with bottles of gin.There was a poor chap on the local news who has a pub on the riverside and this is the fourth time he has been flooded out since August .Anyway I hope you all have a peaceful night .
Splashes off to make Ovaltine ....night all.
lovely day... perhaps I shall try to swim across Norfolk
Haha Jno ..hope you've got your arm bands securely fastened and your swim hat on ! If I hear cries for help never fear

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