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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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Someone is reporting all of netibiza's posting and they were perfectly innocent . aren't some people pathetic! I'll be around until she can get back on again. I am George's mother. Nite all sleep tight
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what, that nice netibiza woman banned? Outrageous! I know she just spends her days sitting in the alley, dressed all in black, shouting for business as a cleaning woman, but she's really mostly harmless. Actually, AB could do with a thorough cleaning, especially at weekends; perhaps neti could take on some work with George right here?
I think I may be back - just testing
Poor neti is in the dungeon and she's not very happy . Can someone bring round some food and a Baz tape. Raining here today - Ryder Cup on TV all day - boring
morning.........I don't beeeelieeeeeve it! It's sooo dark & piddling down with rain here & they said today was going to be nice....grrrr

I say neti what a nuisance old girl ....

better keep your head down til you're reinstated

I'll tell Vinny to get you a paper & a Bunty when he comes alive & goes to the shop....he'd better bring mine too, I'm not going out in this, and me plastic mac's gone mouldy.

Mornin all. Looks like the rain may stop in a bit it's a bit brighter.
Keep your chin up Neti dont really know what's gone off but I'm thinking about you x (Know it's something to do with AB)
This drop of rain will do my grass seed good wont it Robinia
hi Jude - yes, it's stopped raining halellujah! the robin's enjoying the aftermath, busy pecking away under the cherry tree. (S)he really is the most perfect smooth bird, you can't see where one feather finishes & another starts.... must be a youngster but a couple of yrs child rearing & (s)he'll be bedraggled like the rest of us!
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Morning's yer bunty and paper netti,here's yer sunday sport robinia...ooops sorry..hands over womans weekly hehe..! Ive posted on the EDs post on suggs netti,Im getting a bit suspicious about certain users,methinks they like there names up in lights a bit to much..! nevermind,worse things happen at sea.Its lovely here,the bbc said it would rain here yesterday and it was blooming lovely and warm...right me breakys is cooking and I can smell me toast. ..catch you later dudes...(:o)
Thanks Vinny but actually it's quite nice here in the dungeon, it's a lot cleaner than when you were here, and the monks have done it up quite nicely. I have a seaweed mattress and a hair shirt. There's an absolute dishy monk here with me, all in leather, well he was until he started stripping!!! ooooh....** sorry I've gotta go - I'm needed.
squeals in delight - I never knew you could do that with a Bunty -rushes off again
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Blimey..When I was in there,they left me hanging about....erm...mainly from the walls...hehe..! If you want sunshine in derby,then buy some F l a s h
yo (:o)
oooh, thanks Vinny but now I'm off to wreak havoc so I can have some of what cheeky's having........

♫♫ ....beat me on the bottom with the woman's weekly....
Bend me over backwards on the hostess trolley I love Victoria Woods and am addicted to "dinnerladies" have it on dvd and watch it over and over.
what's for dinner down there neti...."two soups....."?
How do you do those music symbols - I've found them in webdings but can't for the life of me work out how to transfer them to here.

swats handsome monk away - I've had enough now
not sure if your pooter's the same but I get mine from the character all programs > accessories > system tools > character map....there's a copy button & then you paste on here. ☺
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Bend me over backwards...beat me on the bottom
ladies..! this is sunday...quickly looks fer hostess trolly on e.bay...hehe..!
netti,click the mouse twice on the symbol...then copy...and then paste...(:o)

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