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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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Hi there - all's quiet here today. George is still tucked up in wardrobe as hubby is home today and I don't think the time is right to introduce him!! Had a nightmare last night where George rolled out of the cupboard with that smiling face and goggley eyes and was lurching around the house - phew I was glad to wake up. Windy overcast day here, but there's no way we are getting any of that hurricane, so must just be bad weather.

Glad Ed thought it was hilarious.
Hi All Hope you are all ok and Neti hope George is behaving himself.
I've had not a too bad day at work. Asked for a meeting with the new manageress of the dept. and she said we would sort everything out today but she has just proved what a poor manager she is because she didn't see me and didn't even have the courtesy to say sorry that she couldn't see me today. Ah well that gives me more ammunition.
Apart from that I've had a good laugh and am glad I'm still working because I have many friends there and can't really be a***d with managers etc. I think I'm a bit of a rebel but a hard working one!! :o)
Going to watch that cooking programme now just for giggle, I'm not a fancy cook by any stretch of the imagination. See you later maybe!
evening people - just popped in to see whether anyone needed any calamine for their sunburn.....was very warm here despite being so breezy.

lol neti - hope mr n. doesn't find george in the dark or he might be minus his goggley eyes tomorrow! I'll send you some soup if things are a bit tight.....

hi Jude who needs to cook when you've got sains? :o)
I've just watched emmerdale....crazy storyline but an hour of Cain Dingle in a policeman's uniform & a suit, Evanescence playing in background......phew, hose me down somebody.
neti, watch out George doesn't get frustrated in there and start making little cleaning noises; you'll have to pretend the place is haunted
Exactly Robinia Ive had a prepared pasta salad today from our place. To hot for anything cooked, well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it :o)
I'm off to my bed now folks can't get used to getting up early again yet. See you all tomorrow, Nitey Nite x
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Morning Folks,
Went down woolacombe yesterday,it was quite amazing..the sun was in and out and it was really warm and the wind was so strong,the waves were really high and there was another 8 to 12 feet of sea spray on top of the waves.I laid down on the beach and it was like being sand blasted.There was a sand storm...and it felt better than a massage....erm...not that I know what a massage is like of course....and most of the beach was deserted..most of the grockles had gone home..there were a few furriners playing with there boules.and this amazing kite show,methinks this person was an expert.And I waved at the Webcam at yer didnt see me..! right..anybody up fer a boiled egg..and some rye toast...blimey,just read 2 russians cooked an egg with 2 mobile phones....anybody want scrambled brains..hehe..
its no yoke(:o)
morning - no sunshine yet today.....

sounds idyllic that Vinny didn't see the webcam but at about that time I was saying to a friend that it would be lovely to be by the sea! erm why are you walking like that btw? oh, that sand gets everywhere eh? I'm sure Jude won't mind giving you a jet wash.
....make it scrambled eggs tomorrow please....I keep fancying sausage (leave it) I eat very little meat and I've not eaten any sausage or bacon for about 18 months now....

better go & drag dyson out of the cubby hole - I do actually vacuum my dog by the way neti but he draws the line at the crevice nozzle.....
ha, love the DIY pic Vinny, must keep it in mind for the next time the microwave waves goodbye.
pssst have you all seen this?

< ^ > v >shuffles about & looks innocent
Poor George is gonna be stuck in the wardrobe for at least 3 more days, as hubby is watching Ryder Cup and won't leave his chair, let alone the house. Am bored, bored, bored.
have they met yet neti? ....who was the most traumatised?
Afternoon all Well talking about cleaners I'm on my second Dyson in 10 years. Really like it.
The weather has changed over here. It's now raining. I've been to work and had my meeting with the manageress of our dept. we both said our pieces (as yer do) and maybe now we will get on better. I wrote everything down so I wouldn't forget what I wanted to say. I did get an apology for her not seeing me yesterday when she said we would get sorted. Anyway everything is back to normal. I don't like ill-feeling at work.
Anyway that's me said and done.Looking forward to the weekend now. I'm off out tonight to the usual haunt for a bit of a jig. Hope you all have a good weekend too. Definitely not getting drunk as I'm driving. (Never again Vinny no matter what you say) :o)
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ey.up !.Im getting blamed for Boo having wind now..(erm its that ribena methinks cheeky) .well its sunny here and no wind.haha..! netti lets george come out for the ibizi carnival.
hehe (:o)
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Hello fer a bit of jiggy jig tonight then hehe..!!(:o)
Vinny lovethat cartoon of George.

jude good for you girl, Biddybankers Rule OK, I am glad you showed that manageress a thing or two. I suppose she's too young to join us on here?? She obviously hasn't been around like some of us (who me!!!)I hate important people. When I was back working in England in '78 I was always respectful to all the office staff but never kow- towed to the boss, and he actually thought it rather strange, but put it down to me having lived abroad. I am not a forelock tugger!!!
Hi Neti Thanks for your support. I sha'n't see her til next Thursday but I am willing to meet her half way lets hope she does the same. When I started there she was 8!!:o)

Wanders in "evenin' ladies and him over there".....have a great weekend :-)

ooh-er, B00 was in here and I didn't even have my best china out... at least George had hoovered the place up a treat. (Anyone seen the canary?)
Has anyone seen George - who let him out? Most people have a skeleton in the cupboard - I have George.

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