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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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I have to say that my carpets looked cleaner already after a jolly hard hoovering - and yes I normally hoover every day but obviously my LG isn't so good!!!
Congratulations Neti ..he sounds like a bonny babe !!
I hope you hide him successfully..I have just hidden a new winter coat ,two pairs of jeans and a skirt in the back of the wardrobe !!
ooh I've got an LG washer - not a patch on my old zanussi...

I once hid some cash under the bedroom rug & the one & only time my ex ever did any decorating he found it....never found the rest under my jumpers tho' , ha!

never put all your eggs in one basket ladies!!!
My washing machine is a Zanussi - It cost a bit more, but it's good.
Why do we have to hide things? It's not even his money!
no idea neti but I wouldn't be daft again, I'd just tell him to give it back /leave it / get over it

..... when are you buying another appliance? - this has been the best afternoon's entertainment I've had for ages.....I must get out more.
Well I bought a Fax machine last week, but that doesn't have quite the same appeal does it????
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Be funny if your old man finds the hose in a cupboard and chucks it....hahahaha...sorry netti...what a funny day...and joko thought I was a right swine..(and then netti told him/her I was the bloody father).hehehe..!
why do I get this feeling we havent heard the last of george..! hope you remember where you've hid the parts netti..hahahaha...!(:o)
oh that's a point Vinny I am rather forgetful!
well it would if you'd named it Farquhar & hidden it under yer draws....
that ^ was an answer to the fax question btw
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Fax machine under yer draws....Id love to see your hubbys face...a strange noise and then pieces of A4 dropping on the carpet..! (hubby to netti...whats that you got under yer draws....oh its only Farquhar...hehe..!(:o)
robinia you've got me going again haha..!
You lot are completely crazy - and I love ya!!
I wish I had hidden my winkles now ....I didn't get a look in.
Mr S. even pinched my winkle pin ..Tut !!
oooh I haven't had a winkle for years.
Here you are Robinia..loads of winkles ..just for you.
Don't eat them all at once ..if you need a pin give me a shout ! ges/Winkles.jpg
I meant to tell you that when we went to the Maritime festival the other week they had a stand with all stuff from the 40's 50's and 60's .... all sorts of memorabillia amongst which were some ...dadadadah...Blue bags !! I was very tempted !
But they did have this lovely dog of the Newfoundland rescue team
Isn't he sweet !
What a lovely picture Shaney. Must invest in a digital camera one day!
Just changing the subject for a mo, thank you all for the messages yesterday. I had a lovely day even the sun shone for me. I've been back to work for the first time for a fortnight and I am really tired now so I'm going to bed. Goodnight all my Biddy Friends see you tomorrow.x :o)
morning all - tis lovely here....

I'm enjoying the winkles thanks shaney....I'm using the hat pin that jno poked into poor Mona after the ballooning was cancelled....lovely doggy but
Charlie says he's the cutest

glad you enjoyed your day Jude!

must dash - busy day today......

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Morning all....(((((opens door slowly..netti's still in bed...phew..!hehe)))) ..hurricane .what ?hurricane ?its blooming boiling out there...!Take a look...!!!
phew you can have my winkle robinia....hahaha(well i an veggie)
oooh arh..! we got a pink box (:o)

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