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LEONARDO AND MONA....Listen to them speak..!!

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VINNY100_2 | 13:25 Sun 21st May 2006 | Site Suggestions
499 Answers

Is this what they sounded like...spooky or what...(:-)


lisa gherardini(mona lisa)um.. nice voice.



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�����!!……!…!�l�…!�l�ಯ seems interesting but can't bring up the music symbol this is what I get - hmmmmm
neti serenades the monks....

♫ Let's do it!
Let's do it,
Have a crazy night of love!
I'll strip bare.
I'll just wear
Stilettos and an oven glove.

Don't starve a
Girl of a palaver.
Dangle from the wardrobe in your Balaclava.
Let's do it!
Let's do it tonight! .......
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wipes brow..!

Luvely Jubbly! i need a pint of Creme de la Menthe! (:o)
Good grief you lot !! I nearly choked on me chs on tst.
I'll have the other slice thank you shaney - if you think this is bad you should hear what they're talking about on gardener's question time.....wizened things & bits dropping off...tut
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You are very welcome to the other slice Robinia...we have now totally confused someone on Wendys thread about mattressess !
Bits dropping off ? Hmmm ! Sounds like my butler .He sheds rust as he dodders along.
Whatever's going on on here this afto' sounds like you've all been on the 'booze'!

are you cashting nasturtiums on our empiccable caricatures Judeee?
Not really Robinia I've no room to talk have I after the other Friday night's excursion :o)
Just had a thought, as I sit here in the dank darkness, maybe I have been "potentially banned" re Ed's posting in suggs - but me of all peeps!
Oh I hear keys rattling, so my dry bread and water has arrived. ( do hope it not the leather-clad monk again, I'm fair worn out - just want to sit here and suck me teeth) night falls and everyone is cosy and warm in their homes with their families, poor neti is left alone and shivering, face pressed against the bars of an airless and damp dungeon with only a hair shirt to keep her warm. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. Goodnight all.
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Your be okay netti..once you get use to it...nighty night...sleep tight.........barry will sing you to sleep
oooh forgot to them blooming big Spiders down there...!hehe..!(:o)
Lol Neti ..I wish I had Anthea Turners money !!!
I hope they have given you a comfy mattress in that dungeon Don't despair old bean I'll pass you some chs on tst through the bars.I'll be round in the morning with my microfibres to give you a quick dust round before inspection.I want to see hospital corners !
a very weak voice can be heard - Is it morning yet, it's so very dark in here, but the rats have disappeared so must , at least, be dawn.

Actually at home I had a dreadful night, got bitten by mossies, first in the lounge, then I went to daughter's bedroom to have the air con on, left there at 5am as I was bitten all over, went to our bedroom and proceeded to get bitten by mossies there also.

Good day to all the Biddies.
tut, lecheekyworm, you should try Britain; all UK mossies have flown south for the winter, wearing their fur coats. The crummy local diet makes their teeth fall out, so their bite is unnoticeable anyway.
by the way, is this one of your relatives?
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Morning all...methinks you need one of these netti, a net to cover netti....hahaha..!
tis a little bit cloudier at the mo,but I spy- blue sky..!
YO (:O)
jno yes that's Uncle Lampton, but he stays up North so don't see him too often.

Vinny I do actually have a mossie net like that, but it makes one unbelievably hot as it sticks to the sweaty body, and impedes the flow of air.
Can I come in yet????

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